The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 526

Chapter 526

Chapter 526: To Forgive

The battle had reached a stalemate.

We had a thousand men holed up in the fortress, and another two thousand outside.

The enemy, including their wounded, amounted to about three thousand.

Neither side was moving, so we, along with the Duke's army, had been locked in a standoff.

In the meantime, a separate team, likely led by Marcel, had relocated to the capital.

They were presumably preparing for a siege in the fortress protecting the capital and conducting negotiations using the Duke.

We won't escape criticism, but it does allow us a seat at the negotiation table.

If this drags on, defectors will continue to emerge, and the Duke's army is likely to collapse. As such, they are expected to make peace under reasonable conditions.

Perhaps, the guarantee of nobility status might be the key.

While all this is taking place, Marcel might very well return to the kingdom.

Victory in the Duchy can be achieved.

However, the aim of winning the Duchy over is to achieve victory in the battle against the kingdom.

And Marcel is a key figure in the kingdom. Capturing him without letting him escape or striking him down if possible would certainly be worth the effort.

"Well, he didn't exactly afford us the opportunity to try too hard..."

Marcel's maneuvers were splendid.

Half of them had moved under cover of night.

By the time we noticed, it was too late.

If we pursued, we'd be caught in a pincer attack, no matter what form it took.

And we'd have to venture out from our base.

But, if we let them go, they'd be able to solidify their defenses. And they also held the trump card in the negotiations.

The time of Marcel's withdrawal was the last point where we could have forced the issue.

There probably isn't another chance to take down Marcel.

In the end, we couldn't corner him.

As I was sighing at that thought, Julio hurriedly ran over to me.

"Your Highness! Eva is leading the border troops here!"

"She's earlier than expected. But where did you get that information?"

"Eva and I possess innate magic that allows us to communicate using sound. Even from afar, we can communicate with sounds only we can hear."

"That's convenient. Don't you think so, Captain Lars?"

"I wonder. I know twins who can communicate without using innate magic."

At Lars' words, Finn nodded.

They're a tough crowd.

If they had just said it was amazing, the conversation would have broadened.

Well, it can't be denied that it's a rather plain use of innate magic.

Current magic could probably recreate something similar.

Of course, having it is better than not.

"Let's synchronize our timing and pincer them! They won't stand a chance!"

"Hmm... Julio, can you see them?"

I pointed towards the Duke's army.

Although a bit perplexed, Julio nodded.


"Who are the enemies?"

"En-Enemies? That would be all of them, wouldn't it?"

"No, your enemy is only Duke Pastore. None of the others are your enemies."

"What do you mean...?"

"It's simple. They just chose the wrong person to follow. Some of them might not have had any other option. They should be given a chance."

"Are you suggesting I should forgive them and accept them as my subjects...?"

"That's right. Some form of punishment will be necessary, of course, but if you execute all the nobles on Duke Pastore's side, the country won't function."

"That's true, but... They're the ones who abandoned my father and me. They could have betrayed us."

Julio's words were emotional, and I could understand his sentiment.

"Captain Lars, what do you think?"

"I share the same opinion as the prince. The rank and file soldiers aside, the nobles chose the Duke. They should have pledged loyalty to the King, yet they broke their oath to follow the Duke. They have been disloyal. Even if you tell me to use them as subjects, I couldn't. Besides, even without that reasoning, it's unpleasant to have people who didn't side with you, who didn't acknowledge you. Even if they apologize or acknowledge you later, it doesn't feel good."

Lars said, shrugging his shoulders.

I didn't know if he was speaking his mind.

He might have just said what I wanted him to say.

Lars is not a monarch.

He can say things like that without any issue.

But Julio and I are different.

"When you're in a position of authority, it's hard to forgive. There are times when you don't want to forgive emotionally, but you have to. They certainly made a mistake. They had a chance to correct it. But in the end, they didn't budge. They might seem worthless to you, or you might think they're incompetent for failing to read the situation. But forgiving them is what showing magnanimity is all about. You are the heir to the Duchy. You mustn't let your emotions take control and launch an excessive attack against them. They aren't enemies. They're the subjects you should have kneel before you."

Julio seemed to understand my words and nodded several times.

But he didn't seem to be emotionally satisfied.

Well, that's fine for now.

Julio is a very rational child.

If he can understand it, he will eventually accept it.

What's important is that he mustn't launch an excessive attack here.

As long as he can abide by that, the victory of the Ducal House is guaranteed.

The appearance of the border army wasn't dramatic.

They numbered eight thousand.

Appearing behind the Duke's forces, they completely surrounded them.

In this situation, even the Duke's army had no hope of winning. Unlike us, they had no base to retreat into.

Duke Pastore seemed to insist on fighting to the end, but his subordinates restrained him. Instead, Count Adornato came forward to offer us their surrender.

And then...

"Do you remember what we discussed before the war began, Oscar?"

"Yes... I remember."

Bound by rope, Count Adornato and Oscar stood before me and Julio.

Duke Pastore was already under arrest. He was an important hostage to be used in negotiations with his son in the capital. Whether he has any value or not remains to be seen.

"You betrayed Prince Julio and sided with the Duke. You did so because you saw the Duke as the winning side. How do you feel now, realizing your lack of judgment?"


"Count Adornato. Like son, like father, huh? You would have been safe if you had remained neutral all this while."


"Indeed, Your Highness. However, my son was merely swayed by my opinion. He is guilty, yes, but I hope you would be willing to forgive him."

"Well, Oscar, is there anything you want to say?"

"... I have no discernment. I am ashamed of my incompetence..."

"Ah, you should be ashamed. After declaring you'd beg for mercy if you won and asking for gratitude, here you are, bound in ropes. Why is it that fools can only say unnecessary things? It's really puzzling."

After saying all I wanted to say, I raised my right hand.

The Nebbe Ritter Knights standing by unsheathed their swords.

"Wait, Your Highness! Can't you spare my son at least!?"

"The Duke will be used as a hostage. But, we must make an example. It is only natural to behead Count Adornato, the second most powerful after the Duke, and his son, Oscar. Is there something strange about this?"

"Please, I beg of you..."

"I'm sorry to say this. I made it clear. I won't spare your lives."

With that, I brought my hand down.

At that signal, the Nebbe Ritter Knights swung down their swords.

However, their swords were stopped by Julio's voice.

"Wait! Prince Arnold!"

"What is it, Prince Julio?"

"This is the Duchy of Albatro. Please leave the punishment of the nobles to me."

"So, you're going to carry out the execution?"

"No, I won't kill anyone."


"How do you plan to make an example then?"

"I will think of a way that doesn't involve beheading. Untie their ropes. Transfer these two."

"My lord... thank you! We won't forget your kindness!"

"Enough, Oscar. I know you take favors lightly. Your words hold no persuasive power now."

"I will surely regain your trust...! Thank you! Thank you!"

Oscar repeatedly bowed his head to the ground, expressing his gratitude.

After the two were transferred, Julio breathed a deep sigh.

"I want to ask... what would have happened if I hadn't stopped you?"

"Their heads would have been off."

"I see..."

Only a few people know what I explained to Julio about forgiveness.

Therefore, without my intervention, they would have probably been beheaded by now.

The fear that we inflicted was substantial.

"You say we should forgive, yet you're the first to go for the kill. Your Highness is terrifying."

"In this world, it's important to balance rewards and punishments. You can only offer rewards. So, I'll wield the punishments."

With that, I stood up.

The Duke's defeat was definite.

The Duke's nobles would likely join our side.

Including the border army, our military force has completely turned the tables.

In any case, the outcome is clear.

What matters now is how we win.

And how they lose.

That's what this fight is all about.

TL's Notes:

Double Chap!!! 

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