The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 47: I, Traugott command you

Chapter 47: I, Traugott command you

Author Note: Traugott of the Rebellion


When we were leaving the castle, Finne stayed behind and sent us off.

Perhaps she knew that she cant do anything more beyond this point.

Instead, Finne muttered in a small voice that could only be heard by me.

Please take care. I am looking forward to your return.

Yeah, Im going.

After such a conversation, I took Trau-niisan along with his imperial knight escorts to the Imperial Capital branch of the Adventurer Guild.

When I entered the guild, a girl voice suddenly flowed into my ears.

Anyone is fine..Please save our countryPlease accept the request and defeat the Sea Dragon for us..!

I immediately noticed that Eva is sending a message through the remote communication room of the guilds branch office.

Moreover, this is an emergency broadcast for a continental crisis. Probably it probably got activated for some reason. Knowing it or not, Eva is asking every adventurer in the continent for help.

The adventurers in the guild are getting bitter, quarreling or pouring alcohol down their throats. Anyway, they are in a bad temper.

A girl that is being attacked by a monster is asking for help but they cant do anything to help her. As an adventurer, it is nothing but humiliation.

It is the adventurers mission to help those who seek to be helped.

They are ashamed of their powerlessness and frustrations are stemming from that feeling.

I was very relieved to see that.

While there is a stupid family that is fighting among themselves for the throne, there are also those who felt bitter at their own powerlessness as a girl they dont even know is begging for help.

This is a good feeling.

Thats why on their behalf, I entered the remote communication room and answered the girls plea.

I will be there right away. Wait for me.

At the same time, I make a transfer rift inside the guild.

It is connected to the branch office in the south.

We are going. Fourth Prince.

Alright. I can not overlook a girl asking for help.

Saying so, I enter the rift and arrive at the southern guild branch.

Everyone looked scared at first but they overcame their fear and immediately stepped through the rift and arrived at the Principality of Albatro.

When I arrived at the collapsed guild building, I met eyes with Eva who was kneeling on the floor.


SS-class adventurer affiliated with the Imperial Capital branch, Silver. I am here to answer your request.

Evas eyes opened wide but tears immediately accumulated in her eyes afterward.

Looking at her, I understand how much distress she felt.

You did great. Evacuate immediately.

Y, Yes.but, my brother is..

Your brother?

He said that he wanted to do what he can and headed to the castle..

I somehow have a bad feeling about this. A little later, Trau-niisan caught up with me.

From the look on his face, the transfer magic must have piqued his interest.

Hou Hou. So we arrived at the south huh. Transfer magic really is wonderful isnt it, Mr.Silver.

Leaving being impressed aside, please give the permission to use the holy sword, Fourth Prince.

Its not that simple you know. Theres no point unless Miss Elna can hear it you know.

Then how about we head to a more conspicuous place.

With that in mind, we head outside the partially collapsed guild. The outside scenery is a huge mess.

The buildings near the harbor were heavily destroyed and there was a huge dragon in the sea.

It sure is big, isnt it. Can you really defeat it?

It would be hard to do it alone.

While saying that, a water bullet shot out from the Sea Dragons mouth.

But its really big. Why is it that big?

Its even bigger than before!?

Hearing Evas words, I begin preparing defense magic.

If that thing hits the city, it wont end with just a disaster.

Many people are still havent evacuated yet.

I should lure its attention away somehow huh.

While considering that, I heard a voice coming from the top floor of the castle.


That voice was Julios. He is probably using a voice amplifier to make his voice louder.

In his hand was a staff that once sealed Leviathan.

Perhaps Leviathan is attacking the Principality of Albatro because it was afraid that it would be resealed or perhaps this is just its revenge for making it fall asleep for such a long time.

Understanding that Julio took it upon himself to make himself the target. Even though he knew that he might die from this he wanted to protect the people in the city.

Leviathans eyes moved and locked on to Julio.

[[There it is huh. That hated staff that made me sleep. It seems that it has already lost its power but it might be used to make me fall asleep again. I will have it disappear here.]]

With that said, Leviathan transforms the originally ginormous water bullet into a larger one.

Thats bad.

I create a transfer rift while preparing a defense magic.

[[Reckless Little child. To acknowledge your courage, I will let you die a painless dead.]]

Saying so, Leviathan fired a giant water bullet at the top of the castle.

At the same time, I dived through the rift and appeared in front of Julio.

Please forgive me..Father, Mother, Nee-san.

Save your apologies for when you actually meet them.

I said that to Julip who shut his eyes and prepared for death while deploying a large-scale defense magic.

It was a shield.

The giant shield of blue and silver emerges in front of the castle and faces Leviathans water bullet.


The moment I called the name of the shield, it started glowing.

The enormous water bullet that Leviathan fired was effortlessly destroyed.

Julio is surprised at the sight before him and loses his balance.

Perhaps she is worried about him, Eva jumped through the rift and came over.



Im glad, Im really glad! I thought that we were already finished..! Its alright now..he camethis person has come to save us..!

Save us?

I assume that you are the twin prince and princess of Albatro correct?

Y, Yes.I am Julio di Albatro

I am an SS-class adventurer from the Adventurer Guild, Silver. And this is.

I am Traugott Lakes Adler, the Fourth Prince of the Empire.

Trau-niisan came over through the transfer rift and introduced himself.

He may look dignified but his eyes are always gluing on Eva.

It seems that a tearful beautiful girl raked in a lot of points from Trau-niisan.

I thought of hitting him once but since my current standing couldnt allow it, I decided to use my words instead.

Fourth Prince. Get to work already.

Surely we do have some time left to appreciate this beautiful girl, No? Arent you confident in the durability of your shield, Mr.Silver?

I can just throw you outside you know?

Thats troubling.couldnt be helped. I will do my job as a royalty for once then.

Saying so, Trau-niisan grabs the magic voice amplifier Julio has and pulls it toward himself.

At that time, Trau-niisan saw Julio for the first time. And,

Speaking of which, Prince julio. What you did just now was praiseworthy. I know only one person who would go so far to protect his people, and that was my late brother. Therefore, right now I will act with the same quality you just demonstrated. A royalty that his people can be proud of.

With that said, Trau-niisan used the voice amplifier.

Meanwhile, Leviathan is preparing for its next attack.

In response, Trau-niisan began his speech in a relaxed manner.

Everyone in the Principality of Albatro. I am the Fourth Prince of the Empire, Traugott Lakes Adler. Anyone who can hear my voice, listen carefully to my words.

I wanted him to just do it already but summoning the holy sword can only be done with Trau-niisans permission and Elna has to be aware of that permission as well.

To be sure, its better that Trau-niisan and Elna know each others whereabouts.

So, Trau-niisan started calling for Elna.

I have to keep protecting him until then.

During this confusing situation, I have come here as my father, His Imperial Majesty the Emperors proxy. The reason I came here was not to save nor to protect this land. That is not my job. I have only come here to deliver one thing.

Perhaps it understands that one bullet wouldnt be able to break through my defense, Leviathan launched a wave of countless water bullets.

I as well received them with countless magic circles.

During that time, Trau-niisan never interrupted his speech.

Are there any of my knights in this land? A brave knight? A strong knight? A knight that carries themself with honor? Are there any knights that want to do something about this situation? Right now, are there any knights that want to save these victims from this unreasonable catastrophe? If you are there then give me your name. I will bestow upon you the honor of saving this land under my name!!

No one answered.

Theres no way that they couldnt hear it.

All the knights in this area are probably wanting to nominate themselves.

However, only one person in this place is allowed to respond to Trau-niisans command.

I am here!! Your Highness! The knight that will respond to your command is here!!

Cutting the incoming water bullet in half, Elna dashingly appeared.

Recognizing her figure, Trau-niisan nodded and wave his hand like he is acting in a play.

Give me your name!

Elna von Amsberg has come to answer your command, Your Highness!

Good! By the name of His Imperial Majesty the Emperor, Johannes Lakes Adler, I, Traugott Lakes Adler command you! Take up the Holy Sword, Hero!

At that moment, Elna raises her hand to the sky.

Then, Aurora fell down from the heaven.

Grabbing the brilliant light, Elna mutters as it gradually turned into the shape of a sword in her hand.

Thank you, Your Highness.

I dont need to be thanked. Miss Elna. This is my duty as a member of the imperial family. Now, let me enjoy your brilliance from this front-row seat. The strongest knight and the strongest adventurer of the Empire. Your tag team fight against the dragon will be a good material for my masterpiece.

Having said that, Trau-niisan shows his usual slightly creepy smile.

Bitterly smiling at such Trau-niisan, I float to the sky while looking at Julio.

Now, Prince Julio, my client is you so let me confirm dont mind me killing that Sea Dragon correct?

!? Y, Yes! Please beat it up as much as you want!

Hearing Julios reply, I turned around and face Leviathan together with Elna.

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