The Strongest Clan’s Master Is the Weakest and Most Evil Support Class

Chapter 70: I’ll Castrate You

Chapter 70: I’ll Castrate You

All of the members, whom I had summoned for a clan meeting, were gathered in the office.

And thats our plan going forward

When I finished my explanation, Leon had a long face.

To sum it up, youre saying that well get in Loreleis way and steal their seat, right? Well, considering the current situation, I understand that there is no other way, but

As expected, Leon's reaction wasnt good. I laughed lightly and supplemented my explanation.

I said that well get in Loreleis way, but the ones who tried to steal a march on other Seekers first are those guys. In all likelihood, considering the scale of the venture, they should have a secret agreement with not only influential nobles, but also the royal family. If that guys ambitions are fulfilled in this way, the position he holds will become absolute. As an effect of that, the principles of market competition between Seekers will likely not work properly, am I right? When looking at the overall benefits, only Lorelei will reap the benefits, and an overwhelmingly large number of people will lose out

Thats certainly

Ive no intention of denying their methods, if anything, I feel that its a good idea, but if you ask me not to get in the way of that, youre asking for the impossible

Thats true. I think that it's exactly as you've said, Noel

Leon nodded, looking convinced.

With that said, Loreleis strength is considerable. According to the published data, the fighting strength that they have is 7 A Ranks, 65 B Ranks, and 18 C Ranks. From what Ive heard, theyre said to have fighting strength that theyve kept secret, so well probably be crushed underfoot easily if we dont play our cards right, wont we?

I wish you'd trust me on things involving this thing over here

When I tapped my head with a finger, Leon let out a troubled laugh.

I do trust you. Its precisely because I do trust you, that its troubling when I feel uneasy. Dont go too far overboard, alright?

Its impossible to control the storm. But I'll try my best

Please, I beg you. If this goes on, my stomach won't last

Leon heaved a deep sigh and shook his head in worry.

But there are Seekers who think up interesting things, arent there? Indeed, something like getting involved in setting up a business is an idea that I would have never thought of

When Kouga spoke as if very impressed, I smiled wryly.

The flexibility of his way of thinking is certainly eye-opening, isnt it? I was also surprised by that blind spot when I heard about it

In the Seeker profession, there are as many strong people as there are fish in the sea. For that very reason, its my belief that having something other than strength is important. And I had carried it out.

Bearing that point in mind, LoreleiJohann Eisfeld is completely better than me. Not just in fighting strength, but even in the scale of his secret maneuvers, the current me cant win against him no matter how hard I try.

But for that very reason, it's worthwhile to hunt him

The mightier the prey, the bigger the gain. Johann is a mighty enemy. When we defeat him and swallow everything he has whole, well probably be able to reach even higher heights.

I lit a cigarette and then surveyed my allies while puffing the cigarette smoke.

The battle with Lorelei will become a more desperate battle than ever before. Everyone, until I have instructions for you, make sure to build up your energy

All of my allies nodded emphatically.

Well, that's all that I wanted to say. Is there anyone who wants to share anything?

It was Alma who raised her hand and said that she had a question.

We won't be exploring Abysses for the time being, right?

Yes, not unless there are exceptional circumstances, I suppose

But if we don't explore Abysses, I'll get rusty. So can I work in another clan until we resume our activities?

I don't mind

I didn't see any problems with it. But when I answered her immediately, Leon spoke out in a fluster.

Eeeh, you're allowing it!? Alma is going to another clan, you know!?

She's not talking about transferring, but working with them temporarily, right? In that case, I don't mind. Besides, the clan that Alma is going to work temporarily with is Leisha's clan, isnt it?

Yeah, Mirage Triad(Illusionary Three-Headed Wolf)

The party that Leisha had belonged in, Lightning Bite, had merged with two other parties, Fist King and Scarlet Lotus Flower, and had become a clan called Mirage Triad.

It didnt have any significant achievements yet, but it had a lot of members and their quality was also high. It would probably succeed in joining the ranks of the major clans sooner rather than later. Although it was temporary, by working together with Mirage Triad, there should be many things that Alma could obtain as a Seeker.

Have you already talked to Wolf, their clan master, about this?

Yeah, Leisha acted as the go-between

Is that so? In that case, take this

I took out a check, wrote down some numbers, and then handed it to Alma.

Huh, you're giving me pocket money?

Wrong! It's a congratulatory gift for Wolf!

Things had been hectic on our end, so I hadnt been able to congratulate him, but I felt happy about someone from my cohort creating a clan. That was why, also including the fact that Alma would be imposing on him, I decided to give him a check for one million Fil.

Do you hear me? Be sure to give it to Wolf or Leisha, got it? Dont use it without permission, alright?

Its impossible to control materialistic desires. But I'll do my best

I'll really beat you to death, you know!?

Though its the same thing every time, Ive had enough of the nonsense from this idiot woman.

What about the other three? Is there anyone else who wants to go with Alma to Mirage Triad?

When I asked, the three of them shook their heads at the same time.

No for meI'll pass tooI don't feel like going as well

Somehow or another, the guys didn't seem interested.

Our side will keep on training with the three of us. Weve also been given permission to use the training center. I intend to use Hugos puppet soldiers to simulate enemy forces and improve the coordination between individuals. As the sub-master, I would like Alma to also participate, but

When Leon cast a sideways glance at Alma, she shrugged her shoulders.

Of course, Im going to participate in this sides training as much as possible too. Ill adjust the schedule later

Got it. Itll be a great help if you tell me the days when youre able to participate

Leon seemed relieved when Alma agreed to participate. He didn't say anything more about her working with Mirage Triad.

If there are no other reports, thats it for today

Aah, m, me too, can I say something?

Interrupting me before I could finish, Kouga raised his hand up timidly.

I don't mind, but what's the matter?

His attitude was awfully suspicious. I tilted my head.

Ac, actually, there is someone that I was hoping you would hire here

Huhh? The person you want me to hire, who is it?

Th, that is

Kouga started explaining. After I had finished listening to his story, I could only be flabbergasted.

To sum it up, what are you saying? For the sake of securing the livelihood of the woman at your side job that youre in love with, Im to hire her as a clerk, is what youre telling me, right?

No no no! Im not in love with Nina, and I also didn't say it in a commanding tone like that, alright!?

Kouga denied it desperately, but it wasnt much different from my interpretation. While smoking, I looked Kouga squarely in the eye.


Y, yes

Youre free to fall in love with whoever you want. You can do as you like

No, bu

Shut up and listen. I'll kill you


Youre also free to help your acquaintance find a job. You can do as you like. As for turning to me for help, well, Ill forgive you for that. Im the one who will make the final decision after all. But

I put the cigarette, which had become shorter, out in the ashtray forcefully.

But when you put it all together, its a different story. To use me for the sake of the woman that youre in love with, its extremely displeasing. Can you imagine how displeased I am?

With a face that was as white as a sheet, Kouga shook his head from side to side.

Is that so? You cant, huh? In that case, Ill tell you

I took a pair of scissors out of the drawer and placed it on the desk.

This is my answer. Kouga, Ill castrate you right now


Listen, you better not move from that spot. Thats because youll be a dead man if you move even one step from there, got it?

When I stood up with the scissors in one hand, Leon jumped in between us and shielded Kouga.

N, Noel! Please calm down!

I'm calm

Do people who are calm try to attack their allies while holding a pair of scissors!? In, in any event, put that dangerous thing down. I understand why youre angry. Thats why, lets talk it out together


No!? Why!?

Im going to cut off the manhood of that useless dog shivering over there with these scissors and feed it to the dogs. Otherwise, I wont feel satisfied

When I pointed the scissors at Kouga, he hid behind Leon with chattering teeth.

Leon, get out of the way. Im a busy man

If I get out of the way, itll turn into a sea of blood, wont it!? Hu, Hugo, say something too! Noel is serious! His eyes are more dangerous than ever before!

Huh, me? ......It's a pain

Hugo, who had been leaning his back against the wall with his arms crossed, walked over and stood next to Leon.

Wow, it's true. His eyes are dangerous N, Noel, its as Leon said. As can be expected, castration is not a good idea. Anyway, put the scissors down

I refuse

Isn't Kouga an important ally? Something as horrible as castration isnt what you should beH, hey, dont point the scissors at me! It, its no use, theres no room for negotiation!

As if escaping from my scissors, Hugo quickly returned to his original position,.

Leon, theres no other way. Let's give up on Kouga

Arent you giving up too quickly!?

Kouga, who had been abandoned by Hugo, curled up his body and trembled even harder. That was when Alma, who had been looking on silently, spoke up.

I think that its alright for you to hire that girl

I couldnt believe the words that I just heard. Never would I expect that Alma, of all people, would give Kouga a helping hand. I looked at Alma in surprise.

What are you trying to pull?

Uwa, your eyes are scary T, to be clear, Ive no intention of taking Kougas side, alright? Because big sister will always take Noel's side. However, it would be convenient if there was a clerk, besides


Its getting tough being the only woman


What Alma had said was something that I definitely couldnt disregard. Certainly, Alma was the only female member. I had noticed that she felt that it was inconvenient to be surrounded by men. If our positions were reversed, I would also find it tough. She couldnt share the worries that could only be understood by those of the same sex, so stress probably kept on building up.

I see

I turned on my heel and sat back down in my chair.

Kouga, what type of woman is this Nina?

Huh? L, lets see Shes smart, but lacks sociability, and is the type that isnt flexible. Speaking frankly, shes the type to do things in her own way

Kouga said from his hiding place behind Leon.

The type to do things in her own way, huh By any chance, does she not tell lies?

Hmm? Now that youve mentioned it, I've never seen that girl lie Why do you know that even though youve never met her?

Its a hunch. There is no special reason

Actually, there was a reason. In all likelihood, rather than saying Nina did things in her own way, she was the type with brain functions that specialized in specific actions only. There were surprisingly many people who displayed such characteristics.

Because they were more bound by their own rules than normal people, society often regarded them as awkward people, but they were more straightforward than anyone. So long as it didnt deviate from their rules, they would also do their work with unmatched accuracy. For that reason, they were the most suitable talents for things like accounting.

It cant be helped. Ill interview Nina at a later date

Re, really!?

Kouga broke into a happy smile as he emerged from behind Leon.

Noel, thats really a great help! Thank you!

Well, its because I had also been looking for a clerk. If there are suitable talents, I want to actively hire them. But I don't like your insensitivity after all

Ugh, I'm really sorry for that! Forgive me! As you can see, Im lowering my head in apology!

As I watched Kouga bow meekly, I lit a second cigarette.

These cigarettes, that guy Loki had said that they arent addictive, but I had ended up smoking a number of them before I had even realized. Are there problems with the cigarettes, or does the problem lie with me

Instead of forgiving you, I have a condition

Condition, you said? What is it?

I smiled at Kouga, who had tilted his head after looking up from his bow.

You haven't modeled for Marys pictures yet, right?

Oh, n, now that youve mentioned it, thats right

In that case, go right now and fulfill your promise. It just so happens to be the stores break time, so she should have no problems with it as well. With this, Ill forgive you for what happened this time

Well, if thats the case, I'll go right away

Oh, then I'll go too

Not just Kouga, Leon had also made the same promise to be a model. The two of them had slightly wondering expressions on their faces, but they left the room without saying anything in particular.

I cant wait to see what kind of expression those guys will have once they find out Marys true nature

When I leaned back in my chair and muttered, Alma and Hugo had what looked like wry smiles on their faces.

Noel is really a DemonDont come to me for help when those two get angry

Shut up. You guys also kept quiet about it, so you guys are just as guilty

As I stifled my laughter, I blew out the cigarettes smoke into the air.

Poor Kouga and Leon, but thats what you get for daring to oppose Noel haha. Surprising, the author is really following through on the Mary and Nina plot-lines in this Part, so well get to see the interview and what not in future. I wonder where this thread is leading

Plot-wise, were getting nothing concrete up front as usual, but at least Leons stomach isnt hurting this time, so it cant be that bad, right? But since Alma is going over to Mirage Triad, are we going to see even less of the sole girl? Or is this a method of roping Wolf and gang into the story?

Btw, Loki most definitely didnt say that the cigarettes werent addictive, but that their addictiveness was what you would expect. Considering how heavy-handed the author is with mentioning his smoking, is there something behind it?

Well, I cant wait to find out, but first, next chapter, stay tuned for the aftermath of Marys drawing session lmao. Of course it happened off screen, this would be a R18 novel and have the yaoi tag otherwise lol.

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