The Strongest Clan’s Master Is the Weakest and Most Evil Support Class

Chapter 56: The Puppeteer Had A Dream

Chapter 56: The Puppeteer Had A Dream

Hugo Coppelius' talent as a Seeker was undoubtedly first-class.

Ever since he was discovered to have the Job of Puppeteer when he was ten years old, his innate talent had been honed by his experience of surviving all by himself and being self-taught.

When he became an adult at the age of fifteen and registered as a Seeker, he had already ranked up to B Rank. There were many people whose fighting abilities grew stronger after they debuted, but when it came to the number of people who had already ranked up when they registered, it was remarkably low.

However, even though he possessed that much strength, Hugo did not affiliate himself with any particular group.

Seekers like Hugo, who worked solo without gathering allies, were calledmigratory birds. However, even though it was called working solo, it didnt mean that they didnt partner with anyone.

To begin with, exploring Abysses alone was extremely dangerous and reckless. Not only because of the presence of Beasts, but also because staying alone in an Abyss for too long could cause the nature of a persons soul to change and result in mental abnormalities. Such Seekers were called Dark Seekers, and were an existence that often brought harm to humans, so they would become targets for subjugation.

Migratory birds explored Abysses only when they were hired by other parties. In short, they were temporary helpers or mercenaries. That was what it meant to be a migratory bird.

Normally, those that became migratory birds were people with guilty consciences. Although their abilities themselves were outstanding, because they had a history of committing crimes in the past, even if they were hired as mercenaries, they would never be accepted as official allies. Consequently, they would wander from employer to employer like migratory birds.

But Hugo had never committed any crime. The reason Hugo continued working as a migratory bird, was solely because of his inability to trust others.

He grew up abused in a squalid family environment, and after obtaining the power of a Puppeteer, he became a drifter without a place where he could call home at the tender age of ten. All he saw, was the ugliness of people. Ugly, stupid beasts that were beyond redemption. He believed that they would only stab him in the back if he trusted them.

But that didnt necessarily mean that he was in despair over people. People were beasts after all. If he rationalized that it was as simple as that, then there would be nothing painful about it. Hugo had become accustomed to rationalizing because of his upbringing. The reason a person felt despair, was because he had hope. If he had no hope from the start, there would also be no despair.

Hugo, who disliked violence, only chose to become a Seeker because it was the easiest way for him to make money. Once he had saved up the amount of money he needed, he would quit right away.

To those who were working seriously as Seekers, that was an extremely irresponsible motive that lacked resolve. But in the world of Seekers, results were everything. Even if his motives were impure, no one would utter a word of complaint if he produced overwhelming results.

In fact, no matter what kind of party hired him, Hugo would fulfill the role required of him perfectly and invariably lead them to victory, which led to his reputation increasing further as he became known as the ever-victorious migratory bird.

After he had ranked up and becoming a Grandmaster, the A Rank Job of the Puppeteer series, headhunters came almost on a daily basis.

Of course, Hugo declined all their offers. No matter how good the offers were, he couldn't imagine himself affiliating with any particular organization, and most of all, it was because he had no intention of continuing to work as a Seeker for a long time.

However, there were some people that were hard to refuse among the headhunters.

At that time, Hugo was nineteen years old. Even though he was in his heyday as a Seeker, and was famous throughout the Empire, by no means could he ever be discourteous to the woman who had dinner with him on that day.

Hugo was invited to one of the finest restaurants in the imperial capital. It was such a popular restaurant that reservations needed to be made three weeks in advance, and it was regarded as a status symbol to have eaten there.

Over the course of nine years, Hugo, who had been a homeless child, had grown into a respectable young man that didnt pale in comparison to the clientele of that restaurant.

He wore a tailcoat over his well-balanced physique, had handsome features that gave an air of intelligence and grace, and wore his chartreuse-green hair in a neat wolf-cut hairstyle.

He wore glasses, but their purpose was not to correct his vision. These glasses were an item made from Beast materials, and had the ability to expand his field of vision. For Puppeteers, who controlled multiple doll soldiers at the same time, they were an indispensable item.

After entering the restaurant and giving his name, he was guided to the table by a waiter. Hugo sat down and smiled at the woman in front of him, who had been waiting for him.

Its an honor to meet you, Miss Valentine

No, Im the one who's glad to meet you. Thank you for coming today

The name of the woman who smiled gently back at Hugo was Sharon Valentine. She was an elf with delicate looks, and had her long blonde hair in a French braid. She wore a white one-piece jacket with double buttons like a military uniform.

This woman was also a headhunter. But she was in a different class from the rest. After all, she was the sub-master of Supreme Dragon Squad, the 1st Star of Regalia, and the strongest clan in the Empire.

Although Hugo had no interest in Seekers, he respected Sharon from the bottom of his heart. It was because she, who supported the Supreme Dragon Squad as the sub-master, was also famous as an outstanding military strategist, and many of her tactics had a huge influence on Hugo.

Today was the first time that he had met her face to face, but he had always worshiped her as a teacher in his heart. There was no way that he wasnt happy to meet her. For that reason, it pained him when he thought about what would happen later.

Shall we leave the serious talk for later and enjoy the meal first?

Sharon smiled cheerfully and called a waiter over. When the alcohol and food that both of them ordered had arrived, they ate with relish as they chatted pleasantly.

Then, when the plates were empty, Sharon's expression changed.

Now that we've finished the meal, lets get down to business, okay?

Sharon talked about the recent achievements of Supreme Dragon Squad, as well as the treatment and post that Hugo could expect to receive when he joined. As might be expected from the strongest clan in the Empire, the conditions were very attractive.

How about it, Hugo? Joining Supreme Dragon Squad shouldn't be a bad deal for you. If you don't like the conditions presented, I'll consider adding even more. Youre worth it

I'm greatly honored by your words. But--

Hugo drew in his chin and continued speaking.

I'm sorry. I'm afraid that I wont be able to accept your offer

If there's anything that you're unsatisfied about--

With his hand, Hugo forestalled Sharon, who was about to negotiate.

Miss Valentine, it's not that I'm dissatisfied with your offer

...Then, what's the reason?

The conditions that you've presented are certainly attractive. For a Seeker, there is no greater honor than being part of Supreme Dragon Squad. It would be ridiculous to refuse the offer. But in the first place, I'm not going to continue working as a Seeker for a long time

At Hugo's explanation, Sharon's eyes grew as wide as saucers.

You said that you're not going to continue, so are you retiring?

Yes. That's my intention. I'm planning to retire next year

......What will you do after you retire?

I'll become a doll maker. If I work for another year, I'll have enough money to immerse myself in creating dolls until the day I die. At the risk of being misunderstood, I'll state that I only became a Seeker to achieve my goal of saving enough money to become a doll maker. If that goal is achieved, there is no reason for me to continue working as a Seeker

Sharon nodded in understanding.

If that's the case, then it can't be helped. I understand. I'll give up

I'm sorry

There's no need to apologize. I'm the one who asked for something impossible. But it's such a shame. If only you had joined, Supreme Dragon Squad would have become an even more amazing clan

Looking at Sharon, who looked sincerely disappointed, Hugo felt guilty. But he wasnt going to change his mind just because of that. Becoming a doll maker was Hugo's long-cherished dream. Besides, after all was said and done, he couldnt bring himself to like his work as a Seeker.

Very soon--

Sharon ran her finger around the rim of her wine glass as she spoke.

I'm going to relinquish my position of sub-master to one of my disciples. Thats why I wanted to contribute as much as possible to the clan while Im still the sub-master, but it seems like Ill have to think of another way

By disciple, do you mean Sieg Feinstein?

Sieg was often talked about among Seekers. He was close to Hugos age, and a Swordsman with extraordinary talent. It seemed like Sharon was the one in charge of teaching him. Hugo had also heard that Siegs strength as a combatant had already surpassed Sharon, the sub-master.

Yes, that idiot

Sharon laughed happily.

Hes just an irredeemable idiot-disciple whose personality is the worst, and is always getting into trouble with women, but his talent is the real deal. Hes even trying to attain EX Rank, the pinnacle that I wasnt able to reach

EX Rank

Hugo couldn't help but to be astounded.

Job Ranks ranged from C to EX, but people who had reached EX Rank were extremely rare. For this reason, A Rank was treated as effectively the highest rank.

If Sieg was able to rank up to EX Rank, Supreme Dragon Squad would have two EX Ranks, and its status as the No. 1 clan would probably become increasingly immovable.

Supreme Dragon Squad will become even stronger

Sharon stated emphatically, as if she had seen through Hugo's thoughts.

I'll do anything to achieve that

You cherish your clan very much, dont you?

Yes, very much so. For me, Supreme Dragon Squad is just like my child

Hugo knew that her words were by no means an exaggeration.

It was because Sharon was a founding member of Supreme Dragon Squad. Hugo had heard that she and Victor Klauser, the clan master, were a party with just the two of them at the start. Since then, over several decades, she increased their members, expanded the organization, and had truly nurtured it just like a mother would. It was undoubtedly true that Supreme Dragon Squad was the most important thing to her.

Hugo, you've been a migratory bird the whole time, right? Have you ever felt lonely?

Hugo smiled bitterly at her abrupt question.

No. Not even once

Before he became a Seeker, or more accurately, from the time he was born, Hugo had been as good as alone. However, he was able to make it this far all on his own. That was perhaps the best proof that he didnt need other people.

I can survive, even without allies

Oh, isn't that extreme?

No, I don't think so. I recognize the importance of allies, but it's not absolute. In that case, it's easier to be alone


Sharon narrowed her eyes, staring intently at Hugo, as if she was evaluating him.

Is something the matter?

I rate you very highly. But--

Those gentle and beautiful features suddenly twisted into a cold smile.

You dont seem all that strong

He knew that blood had rushed to his face. He respected Sharon, but why did he have to be spoken to in this way by someone he had just met?

But Hugo quickly regained his composure.

Certainly, there was some truth in what Sharon said. While Hugo's values werent so bad if only he kept them to himself, they werent what he should be telling others. They werent something that others would approved of easily, and Hugo himself wasnt interested in gaining their approval either.

Even though he knew that, the reason he had told Sharon his views was probably because his self-control had slipped a little bit due to the alcohol. Thats so unlike me, Hugo said to himself, as he cooled down further.

Please don't pick on me too much. It's just the bravado of an ignorant youngster

As Hugo shrugged his shoulders and laughed self-deprecatingly, Sharon also laughed, as if she was amused.

Ahaha, sorry, sorry. Due to my position, Ive inadvertently become very preachy

No, Im the one who made an imprudent remark. Alcohol leads people astray

Thats true. But I don't particularly think that your opinion is wrong. I said it in an insulting manner, but you're not a weak person. I think that youre a very strong and respectable person. Its just that the ideals that you hold up are slightly detached from reality

Sharon said that, then thrust her finger into her own left eye.

Wh, what are you doing!?

Hugo was surprised, but Sharon gouged out her left eye without a pause.

Don't be surprised, its an artificial eye

When Hugo looked at the eyeball sitting on the palm of her hand, it was indeed man-made.

And, same as your glasses, its an item made from Beast materials

The artificial eye unfolded the wings which had been folded inside it, and flew slightly.

Long ago, I lost both eyes in a battle. I've been using these artificial eyes since then, but it's pretty convenient. One flies around in the sky at my command, and transmits the image to the other eye. With this, I can snoop anywhere

Did you investigate me using that eye as well?

Of course, within the bounds of common sense, I suppose

Hugo heaved a sigh.

......I'll believe in Miss Sharon's common sense

Fufufu, thank you. The way you fought was as marvelous as rumored. It's true that Puppeteer is the strongest among all the Jobs. However, I thought that you probably dont feel fulfilled because of that

Dont feel fulfilled?

Youre too outstanding. Because you can do anything, you dont have any passion. No matter how much fame you earn, your heart has never wavered nor have you ever felt moved

I see, so thats what she was talking about, Hugo thought.

I dont have any personal feelings for my work. Above all, as I said earlier, Ive already rationalized that my work as a Seeker is for raising funds. Theres no need for me to feel fulfilled

It sounds rational, but it also sounds like youre restricting yourself because of that

That is

Hugo hesitated. Sharon returned the artificial eye back to its original state and put it back in her eye socket.

I also looked into your past. Hugo, you're too used to rationalizing no, giving up

At Hugo's silence, Sharon continued matter-of-factly.

What we call allies, aren't just people that help each other. They are also rivals that enhance each other at the same time, which drives growth

Therefore, I should reconsider my reply?

I'm not that persistent of a woman. Its just advice from your senior, but its better if you continue working as a Seeker

Why is that?

The world of Seekers is a treasure trove of talented people. If you stay in this world, you'll eventually meet someone that will make you think from the bottom of your heart that you want to be allies with him. He will surely heal that thirst in your heart that has become used to giving up. No, I wonder if its better to say that hell light a fire inside you

Hugo smiled wryly. Its none of your business, he thought.

So, keeping the smile on his face, he lied.

I'll keep that in mind

A year later, just as he had declared, Hugo retired as a Seeker and became a doll maker.

Then, two years after that, he was sentenced to death after being falsely accused of committing a bizarre murder.

When Hugo woke up from a slumber, moonlight was shining through the bars of the window.

A dream, huh

When he realized it, he wasnt in a fine restaurant, but in a prison. The gap was far too big, and it made him feel depressed.

But things had improved considerably compared to before.

First, the room was different. Currently, the room that they kept Hugo in was meant for nobles. It had a bed, as well as a toilet. It wasnt the room from before that had only straw and a bucket.

He was able to clean up his appearance as well. His hair was cut, his beard was also shaved, and his clothes, while simple, werent rags with holes. He looked quite civilized.

His food also became decent and nutritious, and his physical strength had recovered considerably. His body was still thin and drawn, but the sense of fatigue that made it a struggle to even stand up was gone.

Moreover, he could also order novels and newspapers if he made a request to a guard.

It was thanks to Noels actions that his treatment had improved so dramatically. There was a newspaper on Hugo's bed stating just that.

The truth of the case had been revealed by Noel. The true culprit hadnt been caught yet, but at the very least, the number of people who considered Hugo as the culprit had dwindled for the most part. Public opinion now considered Hugo as a pitiful victim, and was demanding his release.

The Justice Department held a press conference and provided an explanation for the situation, but they focused on justifying their actions only, and their justifications were not at all satisfactory to the public. Considering the worsening situation, the current Minister would undoubtedly get impeached.

Hugo's position was still that of a death-row convict, but that was virtually as good as repealed. He was still not released, but that was probably an order from the royal family. That was because public opinion would continue to heat up if he was released immediately, and there was the fear that those sparks could reach even the royal family. On top of improving his treatment, Hugo would likely be released at long last once they had worked out countermeasures for the future and completed their preparations sufficiently.

With that said, he didnt think that it would take long. He should be free soon.

Hugo let himself go limp and heaved a deep sigh.

If I had listened to Sharon, things would probably not have turned out like this

Even after becoming a doll maker, Hugo didnt grow closer to any particular person. In other words, he remained isolated. He had no allies that he could turn to for help. For that reason, he was probably the perfect target to take the fall for someone elses sin.

At that time, he would never have thought, even in his wildest dreams, that he could become a death-row convict. Looking at everything with the benefit of hindsight, he had no choice but to reflect that everything had happened because his way of life had faults.

Allies, huh

But could he change his way of life after all this time?

Even with all that had happened, Hugo still couldnt imagine sharing a way of life with others. It was just as Sharon had said, Hugo was too used to giving up.

But there was just one thing that he knew.

......Noel Stollen. I'll admit it, you're the strongest Seeker

During the time he worked as a migrating bird, he came to know many Seekers, but not once had he seen or heard of anyone who could fight this way.

Noel's fighting strength was far inferior compared to the other Seekers, but Hugo had already come to think of him as the strongest Seeker.

He also felt indebted to him. He might have become biased in favor of him. But even if he took that out of the equation, Noel's talent was far too disparate. Where on earth could you find another Seeker who could lead the country around by the nose?

Snake, huh

Noel had already created a clan, and had named it Wild Tempest. Its emblem was a winged snake. In the newspapers, the emblem was often referred to as Snake.

Youre a person whos like a snake. Cunning and merciless, you cajole people then swallow them whole. Seriously, what a terrifying young man

Remembering the words that he had said himself, Hugo burst out into laughter

Hahaha, he has become a snake, both in name and in reality, hasnt he?

He laughed heartily and wiped the tears that had spilled out from the corners of his eyes.

But it's not bad. Yes, not bad at all......

Inside the muttering Hugos chest, was a small--but blazing fire.

Second full POV chapter for Hugo. Bright green hair though Probably the biggest departure from typical European hair colors. More importantly, hes already A Rank, no wonder Leon said that he alone was enough to cover their shortfall in fighting strength!

Author is really developing Sieg on the sly, isnt he? Weve been learning about Siegs character a lot recently, havent we? Or is it just my imagination?

So, it looks like Hugo is going to be released soon, so actually whats the last four chapters for? Oh, theres still the culprit, right? But four chapters?

Stay tuned, for the return of

Btw, there are more storyboards of the manga in Discord for those who are interested in a sneak peek at how the manga will look like!

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