The Strongest Clan’s Master Is the Weakest and Most Evil Support Class

Chapter 52: Let's Party

Chapter 52: Let's Party

And then, it was the day of the party.

Many of the invited guests had already assembled at the venue, which was a hotel's grand banquet hall.

Including us, there were a total of nine major clans that had agreed to participate in this joint interview. They were all clans that were receiving a lot of attention, but two of them were special.

One was the clan which Sieg was affiliated with, Supreme Dragon Squad, which was hosting this party in name only.

The other was Lorelei, also from Regalia.

My plan was to gather major clans by borrowing Sieg's name, but I hadnt thought for a second that Lorelei would agree. Whatever their purpose, it was a convenient development for me. Ill take full advantage of them.

In the spacious hall that was lit by a luxurious crystal chandelier, invited Seekers, renowned merchants, famous celebrities, and curious nobles were chatting with one another while enjoying alcohol and the various sumptuous dishes that were lined up on the tables.

It was a first-class hotel exclusively for royals and nobles, so those who were used to luxury looked satisfied. Modern Opinion had splurged when arranging the venue. Well, I suppose that was natural, given that choosing a cheap hotel for this lineup of guests would mean the immediate end of the company.

It was a buffet-style party. The seats were not fixed, and set up so that the guests could freely interact with one another. It was a high-class venue, so Seekers who would normally be dressed in rugged armor and combat attire were minding their manners in refined tuxedos and elegant dresses in order to get closer to the high-class people present. It was because people with money and power would become good patrons.

Of course, procuring funds for my clan's operating expenses was an important issue for me. Wearing a black tuxedo tailored just for today, I was getting better acquainted with the guests who were potential patrons.

Alma stood next to me as my partner in a long white dress that revealed her chest. Because she was wearing high heels, unlike her usual self, she exuded the charm of a mature woman. She was a beautiful woman if she kept her mouth shut, so just by standing next to me, she drew the eyes of everyone around us.

Kouga and Leon werent participating. There was a limit to the number of people that could fit in this large venue, so only the representatives and their partners were allowed to participate. But then, the two of them seemed bad at dealing with this kind of situation, so they appeared to be relieved that they didnt have to participate.

Ohh, so you're the clan master ofSnake. I've heard the story of how you defeated Garm with only four people. For someone so young, that's an impressive feat

A merchant whom I was exchanged greetings with exclaimed loudly after I had introduced myself.

Im humbled by your kind words. Its all thanks to my outstanding allies

There's no need to be humble. No matter how many outstanding allies youre surrounded with, you can't win if your organization's leader is incompetent. I know very well that you are a Seeker with extraordinary talent

If thats the case, its all thanks to my grandfather. Im who I am today because I was taught by the hero, Over Death

When I brought up the name Over Death, the mans cheeks flushed with excitement.

Yes, your grandfather was the renowned Over Death, a hero among heroes. As expected, your excellent lineage is the very thing that leads to such amazing results

I almost burst out in laughter at what the man had said.

If I had really inherited my grandfather's talent, I wouldnt be throwing a party like this. Its precisely because I dont have any talent, that I had no choice but to do whatever it took to get results.

I didnt mind using my grandfather's name to boost my credibility. It wasnt just the nobles who valued lineage and social standing. They were values that were shared by everyone. It was something people trusted, even if it wasnt accompanied by a corresponding level of ability, so no one would have any doubts as long as there were results.

For instance, the man in front of me seemed to already have full confidence in me.

Wonderful, truly wonderful. Youll surely have a promising future

I intend to become a Seeker that lives up to my grandfathers name. To that end, Im looking for people that I can become good business partners with. If youre interested, I would like to talk with you again at a later date. What do you think?

That's a very attractive proposal. Alright, I'll see you again at a later date

I shook hands with the man, who had readily agreed to meet me again, and exchanged business cards with him. Now, I wonder how much I could squeeze from this guy?

I was the one who had chosen the guests who were invited to the party. As long as they had achievements and reputation, I sent out invitations without exception to all the clans, but everyone else was selected after careful research. There wasnt any point in inviting anyone who would make my financial situation worse after all.

That man was a famous and wealthy merchant in the Empire. If he became my patron, I would probably be able to procure a lot of operating funds.

However, the money needed to become one of the Regalia wouldnt be met with that mans investment alone. I would need at least 80 billion Fil for the construction costs of the airship. I would still need many more connections in order to attain that amount.

The joint interview wouldnt begin until a little while later so I continued talking to other wealthy and powerful people, and obtained more promises to meet up again in future.

Its practically the same conversation for quite a while now. Ive put on a fake smile for so long that my face hurts

When Alma pulled a long face and complained, I smiled bitterly.

Don't complain. It never hurts to have more money. Ill devour all I can from those who seem like they can be squeezed

Good grief, its troubling to have a greedy little brother

Ive said it many times, but I don't remember becoming your little brother. More importantly, will the matter in question be alright? Youll only have one chance. If you miss it, thatll be the end

When I asked, Alma stuck out her thumb.

No problem. Believe in your big sister

Just who on earth is my big sister, huh?

When I sighed deeply at the ridiculousness, a voice called out to me from behind.

Hi, Noel. Are you enjoying the party?

Sieg was behind us. Seeing his appearance, I frowned.

The dress code for men for this party was a tuxedo. Because it wasnt a party for only royalty and nobles, even the nobles were wearing tuxedos. According to recent fashion, the tuxedo was the attire that was deemed appropriate for parties in general.

But Sieg was dressed differently. For some reason, he didnt wear a tuxedo, but an Oriental native costume. If I remembered correctly, it was called a Mandarin robe. Its design was similar to a normal robe, but it had no hood, and featured a standing collar and cuffs that were folded back.

The Mandarin robe worn by Sieg was a beautiful navy blue and had gold embroidery. In spite of the fact that he was dressed frivolously, it was infuriating because it suited him very well.

His partner beside him was also wearing an Oriental native costume. Her dress had neither collar nor sleeves, and hugged her body. There was a long slit up one side of the dress, revealing the womans white bare leg.

Are you hooked on the Oriental culture?

At my question, Sieg nodded with a smile.

A little bit recently. I wonder if I look good in it?

This damn show-off

Hahaha, I love standing out. Besides, I'm the host of this party, right? Wouldn't it be better if I can be distinguished from everyone else even at a distance?

The one who had organized the party was actually me, but in order to take advantage of his reputation, Sieg was ostensibly the host.

I suppose I must thank you for being so considerate

Oh, no need to thank me. By the way, is that beautiful lady over there Alma, the ace attacker ofSnake? Nice to meet you, I'm Sieg Feinstein, the sub-master of Supreme Dragon Squad

When Sieg greeted her respectfully, Alma returned a slight bow.


From what Ive heard, youre the grandchild of that Alcor, the legendary assassin, right?

That's right

Hmm, the grandchild of the legendary assassin and the grandchild of the legendary hero, the sight of both of you lined up together is truly exciting. If its possible, I would like to headhunt both of you as a set

Stop the silly talk. Its unpleasant

At my warning, Sieg shrugged his shoulders.

I'm serious though. Well, let's talk about that on another occasion. By the way, do you know about my partner? Shes Eva, the prima ballerina of the Etorai Ballet Company

I do. Its an honor to meet you

When I smiled, Eva also showed her white teeth. I didnt have any interest in ballet, but when it came to the most famous ballerina in the capital, even I had the common knowledge to know who she was.

Hmm, you didn't choose from your clan members

Including me, the other clan masters had all brought allies from their own clan as their partners. There wasnt anything wrong with choosing a civilian like Sieg did, but it was more convenient to have an ally beside you when trying to promote the clan.

Unlike all of you, Im just a sub-master, you see? I also participated in this party as a private individual. Itll be bad if I brought a clan member in spite of that as itll look like Im treating the clan as my personal possession. Besides--


If I favored a specific woman in the clan, all the other women would get jealous, you see? As a sub-master, I have to refrain from taking actions that will cause discord within the clan

I have no words

I knew that Sieg was popular. After all, he was a true heart-throb who had been first in theMen you'd like to hook up with in the imperial capitalrankings for three consecutive years. Even within the clan, I suppose he must be popular with the women.

However, while that might be true, I was unable to say anything because I was shocked at his remarks that sounded like every woman in his clan had affection for him. It was simply pathetic if it was Siegs misunderstanding, but if it was true, those were remarks that only an enemy of women could say.

Either way, he was a terrible man. As a man just like him, I scorned him from the bottom of my heart.

Oh dear, according to the way you said it, doesnt that make me seem like a convenient woman?

When Eva gave him a sulky look, Sieg smiled.

Those are words that don't suit a smart woman like you. You should know just how special I think you are. Or do you want me to show it to you here? What should I do with you, my princess

Oh, Sieg

When Sieg lifted her chin with his finger, Eva blushed and averted her gaze.

Noel, is this guy scum?

When Alma asked from beside me, I nodded.

As you can see, hes KingOfScum

Both of you know that I can hear you, right?

Sieg looked troubled as he laughed.

Noel, you owe me, so shouldn't you show me a little bit more respect?

Were a clan of justice, so we wont forgive bad people, no matter who they are

Spoken from the mouth of the worst villain here

Well then, weve already greeted the host of the party, so its time for us to go

Youre ignoring me!?

As Alma and I turned away, Sieg hurriedly grabbed my shoulder.

Wait wait, there's something important that I need to tell you

Something important?

Sieg nodded at me, who had stopped my feet. Then he spoke in a soft voice.

You should be careful with Lorelei. There are many bad rumors about that clan. They probably won't try anything in public, but it'll be troublesome if you catch their eye

I knew that from the very beginning

When I brushed his hand off and answered immediately, Sieg widened his eyes.

Did you invite them to this party because you knew?

Yeah, any clan was fine, so long as they had the reputation and could be taken advantaged of. There are certainly many bad rumors about Lorelei, but it doesnt change the fact that theyre Regalia. Troublesome? I couldnt be happier at the fact that they participated

I see

Sieg nodded, but sharpened his gaze.

Noel, youre underestimating the Regalia

Sieg continued in a cutting tone.

A Regalia is not as easy to deal with as you think. Even if your mind is a little bit sharper than others, you're going to dig your own grave if you get full of yourself. You guys are still weak

It was a harsh criticism. I stared straight at Sieg.

Thank you for your advice. --But you're mistaken


It doesn't matter if my opponent is a Regalia. Ill crush anyone who stands before me with all my might. Dont look down on a Regalia? Haa Dont lump me in with those small fry who can only fight those who are weaker than them

In the first place, how could those who were aiming to be Regalia wither before the Regalia? Its exactly because reaching the peak cannot be done using ordinary methods, that overcoming it and making it mine was worthwhile.

We stared daggers at each other, and eventually, Sieg relaxed his expression.

That competitiveness that consumes you is absolutely wonderful. As expected, youre different from the other guys

Sieg laughed approvingly and looked around the venue.

His gaze fell on the other clan masters. Other than Loreleis clan master, they were all in an inebriated state. They werent dead drunk, but it was doubtful whether their judgment would be as sharp as usual.

Look, even though the Seeker Guild has declared a state of emergency because of the Variant, they don't even feel a sense of crisis, let alone have any ambitions. Even if theyre the clan masters of major clans, theyre ultimately mediocre people who built up results in a safe manner

Everyone who lived in the imperial capital already knew that the Variant was crossing over. With regards to the impending crisis, it was an indisputable fact that the Seekers that Sieg had criticized didnt have a strong awareness that it concerned them.

They werent hiding it inside them, they had merely underestimated the crisis and probably thought that the problem would be solved if it was left to the Regalia. From the start, the thought of becoming a new Regalia themselves, or standing on the front lines had never even crossed their minds.

Even if you rate me as better than these small fry, it doesn't make me happy at all

I suppose so. This is the kind of man you are. And thats why I have high hopes for you

Sieg took one step back, and looked at me excitedly.

I'm really looking forward to seeing what youre going to do during the joint interview

After saying those words, Sieg, along with Eva, walked away from us.

Theres something about that man that reminds me of Noel

When Alma muttered those words, I chuckled.

You may be right

It would be a lie to say that I didnt sympathize with someone who, just like me, aspires to be the absolute strongest. Noel Stollen is certainly similar to Sieg Feinstein, I suppose. And thats why he is a wall that I definitely had to overcome.

Thats one of the strongest Seekers in the imperial capital. Alma, can you win?

When I asked, Alma shook her head.

Its impossible at the moment. Ill be helpless against him. ......But, someday--

Someday is not good enough

I cut her short with a strong tone of voice.

In Wild Tempest, Alma had the best chance of reaching EX Rank. Kouga and Leons talent stood out, but in terms who had more innate talent in fighting, Alma was head and shoulders above both of them.

The Seeker Guild has officially announced that the date the Variant is expected to cross over is five months from now. By that time, become stronger than that man

At my order, Alma stared at me in astonishment.

Y, youre joking, right?

I'm always serious. Of course, I and the other two will also work hard to become stronger until the day of the decisive battle, but youll have to aim higher. You hate losing more than anyone, so its just what you want, right?

Mm, mmm

As Alma struggled with how to respond, I continued.

Youre my big sister, right? In that case, show your little brother your good side

S, saying it that way is unfair!

Its not unfair at all. We Seekers prove ourselves with results, not words. Those who cant get results have no right to call themselves my big sister

Heartless! Ogre! Demon!

Alma, who was stomping her feet in indignation, had tears in her eyes. But given Alma's character, she would probably do her best even while she was complaining. I could trust her on that point.

Oh, Mister Noel, here you are! Ive been looking for you!

Breathless, Thomas from Modern Opinion came up to me.

It's almost time. Please go up onto the stage

Alright, Ill go right away

Just like how Alma had a role that she needed to fulfill, I had a battle that I needed to fight.

First, Ill dominate this place.

As a Talker--

Official character design from the manga artist, Yamori-sensei is up in Discord(both Foxteller and mine have them), and some rough storyboards as well from the manga! You can see what Noel, Alma, Lloyd, Walter, Tania and Grandpa Stollen look like! As for the manga's publication, the exact date is not announced yet, but its scheduled for Summer 2020, so probably July onwards.

LN is confirmed for 6/25 though!

Just FYI the kanji for Lorelei is Mermaids Requiem. And Noel said King of in english. There, useless info, end.

The many sides of Sieg lol. Hes slowly becoming a likeable character to me. But Noel wants Alma to surpass him. Are we going to see Alma reach A Rank then hit EX Rank just in time to win the tournament arc?? Man, I seriously cant wait!!! Still, well done for flipping Almas words on her haha.

But first, the interview. Whats going to happen? Three more chapters till the party ends. Yes, three! Its that long of a party lol.

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