The Spider Queen

Chapter 553: A Relaxing Dinner Date

Chapter 553: A Relaxing Dinner Date

(Alpha Star System- Planet Gaia)

(N’rean City – The Golden Anchor Restaurant)

“Please follow me this way,” the waiter said politely as he gestured towards a table in the far corner of the room.

Sophie held Cleo’s hand loving as they followed behind the waiter.

It was impossible not to notice the stares being directed at her as she moved through the restaurant, but Sophie was not bothered by them.

She was the daughter of a duke and probably a higher ranked noble than everyone else present in the room.

There was no need to be cowered by the stares and whispers. Sophie held up her head high and moved with a great deal of confidence.

Soon the waiter arrived at the table and Sophie was pleasantly surprised to see that it was next to a giant aquarium.

The enormous glass container was filled with crystal clear water and the bottom of the aquarium was covered in brightly coloured rocks.

Tiny snake-like fishes swam merrily from side to side in the aquarium and would occasionally bump into one another.

Sophie leaned in a bit closer and noticed that each fish had a tiny number carved onto the surface of their skin.

Cleo gently squeezed her fingers, so Sophie’s attention turned to the princess standing next to her.

The hybrid girl quickly realised that the waiter was still waiting patiently for them to be seated so she gave an embarrassed cough.

Sophie pulled out one of the chairs and gestured for Cleo to sit down before pulling out a chair for herself.

“Here are the menus and I will return shortly with drinks… please take as much time as you need,” the waiter calmly spoke.

He carefully handed out two sheets of cream-coloured paper with the food menu printed out in an elegant font.

On the back of the paper was the drinks menu which included a variety of cocktails, rare concoctions, and shots of wine.

“What are you having?” Sophie asked curiously as she held up the menu in front of her face.

She knew that ‘The Golden Anchor’ was a seafood restaurant but the problem was that she barely recognised any of the names of the animals on the menu.

Fortunately, her wrist communicator was connected to the Virtual Net, so a quick search gave her images of each item on the menu.

“I think that I might have this soup…” Cleo thoughtfully spoke as she pointed at a certain item at the top of the page.

“Hmm… good choice… I was thinking of getting…” Sophie hummed softly as she pointed out several items in a row.

Despite being a cultivator in the qi tide stage, Sophie was still eating food quite regularly just like a normal person.

It must have something to do with her Arachnais physiology, but Sophie hoped that her large appetite would disappear when she eventually reached the void stage.

There was a band in the corner of the restaurant and soon a soft gentle beat echoed through the large room.

The leader of the band was a beautifully dressed woman wearing an elegant silver gown that sparkled under the dim lighting of the room.

Her dress matched the crystal glass chandelier than hung from the ceiling the center of the room that shone brightly.

The other members of the band were in the background and playing musical instruments that loosely resembled guitars.

Soon the woman opened her mouth and began to sing a sweet love song that was both melodic and heartbreaking.

“Darling please… it used to be just you and me…. from your soft lips to your elegant kiss…”

“My heart races on! The shifting sands of time… I wish that you could have still been mine…”

“Baby! You drive me crazy! You are my one and only soulmate…”

Sophie closed her eyes and allowed herself to enjoy this relaxed atmosphere that was being produced by the song.

The leader of the band was an excellent singer, and her voice was full of passion which clearly showed in her singing.

The hybrid girl reopened her eyes as she heard the sound of footsteps coming over from the distance.

Those footsteps belonged to their waiter, and he was walking over holding a large metallic tray with several items on top of the plate.

“Here you go… these are on the house,” the waiter politely spoke as he placed two wine glasses on the table that were filled with a light green liquid.

“This is a delightful fruit wine cocktail that has been aged for sixty years in an underground cellar beneath our feet…”

Sophie thanked him and reached for her glass. She took a small sip, and the sweet tangy taste of the wine filled her mouth.

The hybrid girl smiled happily and took another sip. Cleo noticed that her girlfriend was enjoying the drink, so she pushed over her glass.

“Have you decided what you wish to order?” the waiter asked curiously as he took out an old-fashioned pen and notepad.

“Yes… I will be having the seafood special soup and a small glass of Rexnelis wine please,” Cleo replied as she handed her menu over.

“And I will be having… this… this… and…” Sophie rapidly pointed at a series of items on the menu and the waiter to his credit managed to keep up with her fast pace.

He finished writing down on his notepad and then took the menu from Sophie’s hands. He politely bowed at both girls and then headed back to the kitchen to inform the chefs.

“Are you sure that you didn’t want to try the fruit wine?” Sophie asked lazily as she reached for Cleo’s drink.

“No, it’s okay… you can have it,” Cleo replied sweetly as she stretched out her hand and gently brushed it against Sophie’s leg.

The hybrid girl shot her girlfriend a warning look, but Cleo only giggled as she saw the effect that she was having on her lover.

Sophie and Cleo fell into a comfortable silence as they stared at each other with love in their gazes.

It had been a long day so far but not an unpleasant one. Sophie hoped that she would be able to enjoy it some more once they returned to their hotel room.

Just the mere thought of some of the things she wanted to do to Cleo made the corner of her golden eyes turn pink.

“Babe… your eyes…” Cleo whispered softly as she saw that the pink colour was beginning to spread rapidly.

The princess knew better than anyone what would happen when her girlfriend’s eyes turned completely pink.

And while the process was quite pleasurable… this was neither the time nor the place to indulge in her carnal desires.

Sophie took in a few deep breaths and then gently exhaled in order to calm down. Soon her eyes returned to normal, and the incident passed.

Just as Sophie was about to open her mouth to start up another conversation with Cleo, the doors to the restaurant swung open and a couple of familiar faces walked inside.

“Nathan my love… let me take you…” a man hoarsely growled.

“Adrian, you need to get away from him! He will never love you the way that he loves me!” another man retorted angrily.

“Are you clowns going to continue to embarrass yourself in public?” a third voice calmly spoke, and it belonged to the man who had his arms wrapped around Nathan.

Sophie was grateful that the waiter had given them a table in the far corner of the room, so she was able to watch the drama unfold with prime seating.

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