The Spider Queen

Chapter 476: The Clever Professor

Chapter 476: The Clever Professor

(Zrudread University Spacecraft)

(Twentieth Floor- Command Deck)

Something was wrong…

Instructor Barrett stared at the holographic screens in front of him and soon a solemn look appeared on his face.

“Reroute all additional power to the security bots and raise the barriers in the western section of the ship,” Instructor Barrett commanded in a firm tone.

[Rerouting… rerouting… rerouting…]

The starship’s AI unit immediately obeyed his commands and metalloid barriers rose up from the ground all around the intruder.

Instructor Barrett frowned as he realised something strange.

The intruder for the last few hours had been running around in different directions with no clear goal or objective.

He only attacked the robot androids sent to kill him and did not target any of the critical infrastructure on the starship like the warp core room or the internal barrier device.

He was looking for something and Instructor Barrett could only assume that either him or his students were the target.

Instructor Barrett continued to watch as the floating blood surrounding the mysterious intruder surged forward in a crimson tidal wave that instantly destroyed the barriers in his path.

The intruder was now heading directly for the command deck.

Instructor Barrett just couldn’t figure out how did he suddenly find out that this is where they were located.

Did he know all this time?

But then what purpose did he have by running around randomly?

The mysteries surrounding the intruder only deepened as Instructor Barrett saw his appearance begin to change.

From an average looking man in his twenties, the invader now resembled a middle-aged warrior with heavy wrinkles on his face.

Despite his seemingly weakened body, the intruder’s speed and fearsome abilities were not diminished and if anything, they grew even stronger.

Instructor Barrett furrowed his brows and decided to try a mental attack. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths.

Psychic attacks were dangerous both for the victim and the one unleashing the technique.

The slightest mistake could leave you trapped in the mind of your victim or driven insane.

These risks were reduced when targeting cultivators below the qi spirit stage but got exponentially more difficult when unleashing mental techniques on high level cultivators.

It was for this reason why Instructor Barrett was so hesitant to play this card.

Mental spike- Full Body Possession!

Instructor Barrett saw an astral image of himself detach from his body and slowly float towards the location of the intruder.

It was almost like being in two places at once. His physical body was sitting down on a mat in the command deck while his mind was free to explore.

Unshackled by the limitations of his flesh…

Instructor Barrett soon found the intruder fighting off a wave of attackers on the fifteenth floor and madly laughing.

The boils on his body were truly disgusting and the mech controller professor had to resist the urge to recoil.

He dove straight into the mysterious intruder’s forehead which caused the invader to briefly freeze in place.

Instructor Barrett entered Kohli’s mind and saw a fractured landscape.

The pirate leader of the Calypso Brotherhood had a psyche that had been shattered into hundreds of pieces.

This was the worst kind of mind to attack.

People with a slim grip on reality had ironically the strongest mental defenses since their devotion to their delusions bordered on the point of madness.

Instructor Barrett spread out his mental force from the center of Kohli’s mind and a wave of memories poured into his head.

The vile and repulsive acts that Kohli had committed on planet Calypso and since becoming the head of a pirate organisation sickened the professor.

Kohli had defiled the corpses of his victims after sucking the blood and transferring the qi from their bodies to his own.

He was a mad dog and needed to be put down.

Certain memories were covered in a fuzzy grey fog which made it difficult for Instructor Barrett to access them.

Those memories included the source of Kohli’s peculiar powers as well as his true purpose for boarding their vessel.

In the real world, Kohli started to violently convulse as he felt a presence other than his dark patron inside his mind.

His powers violently erupted as he screamed in agony.

The blood floating around his body shot forward in the shape of thin needles.

These seemingly fragile needles ripped through the metalloid exterior of the androids and continued unhindered until they slammed into the walls of the corridor.

Kohli gripped his forehead in pain and began to slam his head on the ground over and over again as if he were possessed.

This was not good.

Instructor Barrett barely had any time to react before he found himself kicked out of Kohli’s mind and returned to his own body.

The professor got up from the ground with a barely disguised look of panic on his face.

How had he been repelled so easily?

The intruder’s cultivation level was only in the qi tide stage, but Instructor Barrett had no doubt that if they actually fought then he would probably die.

Unless he used his mech… but it was not a good idea to have a mech battle in the middle of a spaceship.

No… there was a solution.

If the mysterious intruder could somehow track their location, then there was only one possible path left to take.

A game of cat and mouse.

“Keep a constant eye on the intruder’s location and power on the teleportation device in the nearest transport room immediately!” Instructor Barrett roared.

A cold metallic voice answered his commands as the starship’s AI unit executed the tasks which it had been assigned.

[Understood Sir! The transport room is now fully functional!]

This solution only worked because Instructor Barrett noticed one important detail during the last few hours.

Kohli did not use any teleportation techniques. Sure, he was fast and powerful, but he had to run through each floor on his own two feet.

Combined with the constant waves of robot androids and the mechanical barriers placed in his path, the pirate was inevitably slowed down.

“Cleo come with me now! We need to leave the command deck,” Instructor Barrett loudly called out.

The metalloid door in the corner of the room opened and the princess walked out with her communicator still on.

She had just finished talking to Sophie and barely managed to convince her panicked girlfriend that everything was okay.

“What’s wrong professor?” Cleo asked seriously when she saw the determined glint in her teacher’s eye.

“The intruder now possesses a way to track us down so what I am going to do is link the transport rooms and teleport us to the opposite side of the spacecraft,” Instructor Barrett explained.

“Every time that he comes close, we will teleport to another section of the starship in order to evade his pursuit.”

Cleo nodded in understanding and followed her professor through a few winding corridors until they arrived in a wide-open space.

There was a disc-shaped mechanical device in the middle of the room that was around the size of a small bedroom.

A plasma energy source hummed with power and was attached to the device via small tubes made from certain alloys.

Instructor Barret checked his communicator to see the current situation and to his shock, the intruder was now on the nineteenth floor.

There was now no time to waste.

He pressed a few buttons on the console and stepped on the device. Cleo followed suit and a blinding white light filled their vision.

Cleo felt her body dissolve into light particles and her vision slowly faded away to darkness.

When she reopened her eyes, she found herself standing on a similar device next to a large storage warehouse.

A mischievous grin flashed across Instructor Barrett’s elderly face when he saw the image displayed on his communicator.

The mysterious intruder was now shaking his head and looking around in confusion.

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