The Sleeping Devil

Vol. 3 - Chapter 10 - Klayla

Riding on horses since early morning, after surveying the slave market and undergoing swordsmanship training, it was impossible to stay awake during the carriage ride. I was sound asleep, with Noah nestled on my lap, only to be awakened by Didier's voice.

"Sheriel, we've arrived. This is the town of Klayla."

"Go... good morning..."

As my consciousness gradually returned, I glimpsed small red brick houses outside the window. There seemed to be no signs of people, much like a village. Through the opposite window, a mansion stood atop a rocky hill.

"So many rocky hills around here."

"Yes, those mountains ahead are said to be the Dragon's Nest."

From small rocky hills to massive mountains, as far as the eye could see, everything was of an earthy hue. Occasionally, areas with vegetation could be spotted, but they were truly sparse.

"Do the people in this town really live solely on aid funds?"

"It seems that some of the younger folks go for work outside, but a certain number must remain here, so most engage in cottage industries at home, I suppose."

The residents of Klayla, living as Dragon Keepers, don't seem to worship or revere the dragons. Instead, they seem to have a role in attracting the dragons as a way to buy time until the arrival of the extermination squads.

"Hey, do you know how the people of Klayla attract the dragon's attention?"

Didier was gazing at the town of Klayla with enthusiasm. Despite a nagging sense of foreboding, I answered, "No."

Didier's eyes narrowed with blissful delight.

"They cut themselves, starting with the elderly, bleeding while riding a horse. When one is eaten, the next person rides in the same way. That's why everyone in Klayla can ride horses and run fast. I wonder how they feel while doing that..."

"Brother, when we arrive at the mansion, please don't mention that story, okay? Even if it's unintentional, it might upset someone."

"But don't they take pride in it?"

"There's a difference between what's said and what's really meant, right? Haven't you learned enough about human nature?"

Didier grumbled discontentedly, but I didn't want unnecessary remarks made to those risking their lives for us. I need to keep an eye on this.

"Father, have we been continuing this kind of sacrifice ritual?"

"Yes, that's right. However, the instances of dragons coming down to the human town here are recorded in history only a few times. Usually, they fly straight towards the Devil's Forest."

Surprisingly few instances. Considering human history spans only about a thousand years, perhaps it occurs once every few hundred years. While I understand their purpose of preventing further damage before the extermination squads arrive, it's still a troubling tale when thinking about those few instances where sacrifices were made.

"Speaking of sacrifices, the Beriard's territory itself is almost like a sacrifice for the country. You learned about how demons and magical beasts descend from the Devil's Forest, right?"

Now that it's mentioned... indeed. Perhaps these are the power spots of this world. The Devil's Forest is dense with magic and seems to foster magical creatures that pose a threat to humans. It's only natural that the Beriard family, resistant to contamination, governs such a place. Perhaps this way of thinking is deeply rooted in the country as a whole.

As we ascended the slope and arrived at the mansion, an assistant who was riding ahead on horseback emerged. Due to the sudden and unexpected visit, it seems they'll take a little time to prepare a reception. I spoke to Mary and Sara, who had just alighted from the servant's carriage.

Sara's eyes were puffy, as if she had been crying. I may never know her feelings about fleeing her hometown, but Didier's words stuck with me.

"I wonder if it might get dangerous soon."

"That means madness, falling into corruption. If Sara can overcome such despair and guilt, she'll be recognized for the 'strong spirit' of those working in the Beriard Castle. Once involved, whether she works in the castle or returns to the slave market, alleviating Sara's distress should be a natural act for the Beriard family.

"Sara, would you mind being my practice subject for magic?"

"Y-Yes, of course."

"Then, could you bend down a little?"

I cast a healing magic on Sara, who bent her knees to my eye level. Placing my hands over her eyes, I used a simple beginner's spell, and when I removed my hands, the swelling around her eyes had completely subsided. That's all I could do for now.

"This is..."

"Hehe, my brother did this to me before. I wonder if I did it well."

Sara blinked repeatedly, seemingly confirming that the swelling had gone down. Suddenly, I noticed sand accumulated on her shoulders and arms. Life in the slave market didn't seem that bad, but maybe she got dirty while traveling. I brushed it off, and Sara turned pale, starting to apologize profusely.

I intervened without warning, but next time, it might be better to ask first. I reflected that I couldn't act too high and mighty about behavior, especially towards Didier.

The lord of the mansion and a few more nobles started coming out. They all seemed utterly bewildered, and some, like the lady, looked like they might collapse at any moment.

"Father said he would be pleased, but I think it was a nuisance after all..."

"Lord, it is truly an honor that you have taken the trouble to come here."

"You must have been surprised by the sudden visit. My daughter Sheriel wanted to see the dragon."

Blaming me like that is unfair. While it's true I wanted to see the dragon, the visit to Klayla was pushed forward forcefully by Didier and Sergio.

Without mentioning Sara's presence, after exchanging greetings, I was escorted into the mansion. He should be the Count of Klayla, so he must be Sara's father.

"So, have you had any recent troubles? Perhaps unable to purchase goods or not knowing where your daughter is? Oh, as for your daughter, that's resolved now."


The count, his words faltering, suddenly started shifting his gaze nervously. Then, finally, he looked directly at Sara.

"This morning, I found her while shopping in the neighboring territory. But since I've already paid a deposit, she's technically ours now. So please don't worry."

Sergio's words carried a hidden meaning, and the Count seemed to understand the situation. He slumped with no strength, repeating apologies. He must have searched a lot, judging by the fatigue visible on the Count. Sara tightly closed her eyes in response.

When Sergio asked again, "Is there any trouble?", the Count clenched his fists, seemingly struggling to find the right words. With a demeanor befitting the head of a household, the Count lifted his head and responded firmly.

"The town remains unchanged. We live without any inconvenience thanks to the Lord's power. However, I am troubled by a significant member of our family, who is imprisoned in the mansion of Count Gernika. That is my only concern."

"Hmm, not your daughter?"

"Gernika, the Count ruling the neighboring city, right?"

While I was asleep, Didier seemed to have heard everything from Sergio. Imprisoned family member?

I haven't heard anything from Sara. The nobles of Klayla said that three families lived together, so it might be someone from within that group. They specifically pleaded to Sergio. Considering Sara's trembling state, it might be someone she's worried about.

"Someone important to Sara? The charges?"

"Sara's... fiancé. He's charged with assaulting Count Gernika..."

I see. The Count affirmed he's the fiancé, and Sara bit her lips until they bled. He seems to be the lover who aided Sara's escape. There was no engagement mark on Sara's finger, so she's not officially engaged with Gernika or the imprisoned person.

However, the fact that the Count claims to be Sara's fiancé suggests that he considers himself as such. There's a plea for help from Sergio, who claimed Sara as his possession. To be sure, I want to confirm Sara's feelings.

"Sara, what do you want? I came here to help you sort out your feelings, and it's not good to have any lingering regrets."

Sara lowered her head, contemplating something deeply. Then, with determined eyes, she looked straight at me.

"I also wish to atone for the crime, alongside him. However, if I am to be pardoned, I would prefer to be judged by the Lord rather than Count Gernika."

Sara didn't ask for help. She acknowledged the crime but expressed a strong desire not to go back to Count Gernika. Whatever the offense, within the Beriard territory, Sergio has the right to judge. Rather, it's more about leaving the issues of the local areas that the Lord can't handle to the ruling nobles. There's no problem in letting someone else handle the judgment.

"Do you mind, Father?"

"Oh, no, it's fine. I'm very good at beheading; people won't even realize their heads have been severed for a few seconds. Impressive, isn't it?"

Why is he boasting about beheading at a time like this? The Count fainted! Ignoring my father who seems to have no sense of the situation, we decided to head to the neighboring town where Count Gernika resides.

It seems to be just a short ride away on horseback. We apparently passed it on our way to Klayla, but I was sleeping, so I didn't notice at all. Riding on Sergio's horse without any escorts, just the four of us, we set off.

En route, we were given some basic information about Gernika, and I couldn't help but frown. I feel like I've been seeing nothing but the ugly side of humans since yesterday. At this rate, the castle seems much more peaceful.

"Come on, come on, don't forget the nobility's smile. We'll be there soon."

As Sergio predicted, we arrived at a bustling city quickly.

Despite the approaching dusk, the streets were filled with people. Following Sara's directions, we traversed the roads suitable for horses until we reached the estate at the heart of Gernika.

This was yet another sudden visit with no prior notice. When Sara spoke to someone familiar among the gatekeepers, one rushed into the estate while the other let us in. An agitated servant received us, guiding us through the main entrance and into the estate.

"Sara, are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm sorry for this inconvenience."

Her voice trembled faintly and unsteadily, betraying her disgust and fear towards this estate. The reason for her unease would soon become evident within the room we were directed to.

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