The Slacker Stepmother and the Non-Domineering CEO

Chapter 74: Allure

Chapter 74

Before Gu Junxing could even speak, Gu Zhijing let out an earth-shattering cough.

Gu Junxing was about to ask her where she had heard this, but now he didn't need to. After all, someone's face was clearly written with the words "guilty as charged."

"Gu Zhijing..."

"It wasn't me! Cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough!"

Now Gu Junxing was even more certain. If it wasn't him, who else could it be? "I haven't even said what it's about yet. Why are you in such a hurry to deny it?"

"Alright, I'm sorry. It was me." Unable to hide it anymore, Gu Zhijing admitted his mistake straightforwardly.

"What have you been saying about me behind my back again?"

Of course, Gu Junxing couldn't have guessed that his dear son had been gossiping about him outside. He only thought he had been talking nonsense with Nian Suian.

"I was just talking nonsense." Gu Zhijing quickly put down his chopsticks and ran upstairs, closing his bedroom door.

[Qu Zizhou!! You're going to get me killed!!!]

[What's wrong? What happened?]

[Your mom must have told my stepmom about that thing, and now my dad knows too!] Gu Zhijing opened his WeChat wallet, looked at his pitiful balance, and sank into endless sorrow.

Previously, when his dad agreed to let him set up this e-sports room, he only agreed to provide the space. The computers, chairs, and other things were supposed to be purchased by Gu Zhijing himself. Of course, his brothers who would come to play in the future also contributed some, but it had almost emptied his previous savings.

Thinking of this, Gu Zhijing sent a message to Qu Zizhou: [If my dad cuts my allowance, you'll have to treat me to meals!]

Qu Zizhou felt quite embarrassed and immediately agreed to treat him to meals.

[Also, clarify with your mom that my dad didn't get a vasectomy. I made that up. If my dad finds out I've been saying that outside, he'll definitely kill me!!!] Gu Zhijing still felt a chill when he recalled his dad's look earlier.

Gu Zhijing might be afraid, but Nian Suian wasn't. She continued to ask, "Is it true or not? You still haven't answered me!"

Gu Junxing didn't answer. Instead, he asked, "In what capacity are you asking me this question?"

Nian Suian was confused, "Do I need a specific capacity to ask a question? Is being a successor of communism enough?"

"Only my wife has the right to inquire about this matter."

"Am I not your wife?" Nian Suian boldly claimed, "Aren't we legally married?"

"Do you think you are?"

Nian Suian felt that Gu Junxing was beating around the bush to avoid answering the question. "I think I am! If you don't want to say it, then forget it."

Hearing this, Gu Junxing smiled and then said, "No, I haven't."

"Well, if you haven't, then you haven't. I'm not particularly interested in knowing anymore."

It was only later that Nian Suian realized something: What did it matter to her whether Gu Junxing had a vasectomy or not? Why did she even ask? Nian Suian lamented that she had developed a gossip syndrome, wanting to get to the bottom of every trivial matter.

After dinner, Nian Suian went to the third floor to play with Tang Yuan for a while. When she came out, she saw the light on in the room across the hall and knew it must be Gu Zhijing inside.

Nian Suian knocked and entered. Gu Zhijing was fiddling with the computers. The room was very large, and now, apart from a row of four computers and four chairs, there was nothing else, making it seem very spacious.

As a decoration enthusiast, Nian Suian couldn't help but suggest when she saw the room like this. She reminded Gu Zhijing, "Tomorrow, let's go to the basement and get someone to help bring up that set of sofas and tables to put in this room." That set was from her old room. She had recently changed to a style she liked better, and the old one was stored in the basement storage room.

"Alright," Gu Zhijing nodded in agreement, thinking that if more classmates came over in the future, there would be places to sit.

"We should also customize a shelf here. You guys won't just play games without snacks, right?" Having a wall-sized shelf for snacks in the room was Nian Suian's dream. Unfortunately, there was no space in her current room, but it would be perfect here. She could also store her favorite snacks here in the future.

Gu Zhijing was tempted when he heard this, but then hesitated, "Will my dad agree?"

"I mentioned to him before that Tang Yuan's room needed a shelf for toys and snacks, and he agreed. One or two, it doesn't make much difference. Don't worry, I'll pay for it."

"Great! Thanks, Stepmom!" Gu Zhijing happily went to share the good news with his friends.

"What exactly did you say about your dad outside? It's a good thing I didn't mention it was Qu Zizhou's mom who asked me. Otherwise, forget about the e-sports room, your dad would have you out of this house tonight."

Hearing this, Gu Zhijing scratched his head embarrassedly.

"I was just talking nonsense. Qu Zizhou is such a blabbermouth, he tells his mom everything." Gu Zhijing explained the situation to Nian Suian, "They always think you two will have a second child. I can't tell them you don't live together, so what else could I say? I couldn't say my dad is impotent, could I? After all, he's my biological father. I can't say such things carelessly."

"We have our reasons for not living together. Besides, do married people have to have children?"

"Not necessarily," Gu Zhijing shook his head. "My mom has been married three times, and I'm her only child."

Nian Suian nodded, "There you go. Why couldn't you just say that instead of claiming your dad had a vasectomy?"

"I understand. I definitely won't say such things carelessly in the future." Gu Zhijing lowered his head and then opened his phone to show Nian Suian his WeChat balance. "So, could you lend me some money?"

Nian Suian had truly never seen such a pitiful rich kid. She transferred five thousand yuan to him, "In a few days, when the money from the previous show comes in, I'll transfer more to you."

As Nian Suian was going downstairs to return to her room, she happened to meet Gu Junxing coming out of his room. He had probably just finished showering and was heading to the study.

The kind of sexy scene often seen in TV dramas and novels: a man fresh out of the shower, wearing a bathrobe that reveals perfect chest muscles, with wet, dripping hair: did not appear.

Gu Junxing was wearing long-sleeved loungewear, the one Nian Suian had bought for him last time. He was covered from head to toe, and his hair was half-dry, certainly not dripping.

But for some reason, even though it was a very normal appearance, Nian Suian still felt a bit flushed.

"Are you blushing? Your face is so red," Gu Junxing teased, looking at Nian Suian's expression.

"How do you know it's not because I'm hot?" Nian Suian stubbornly retorted. She didn't want to admit that she was aroused by his appearance.

"Because the room temperature is less than 20 degrees Celsius. Normal people wouldn't be hot enough to..." Gu Junxing leaned down, getting closer to Nian Suian, and softly said the last two words, "...blush."

"Ha! That's because I'm not a normal person at all!" Nian Suian quickly ran into her room and closed the door.

"That was close. I almost got seduced."

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