The Slacker Stepmother and the Non-Domineering CEO

Chapter 51: The Selective Sister-Controlled Flute Emperor

Chapter 51

"Xiao Zheng, you come along too." Xiao Mo didn't even ask for Xiao Zheng's opinion before making the decision.

Nian Suian and Qiao Peipei exchanged a glance without speaking, everything understood without words.

Xiao Zheng also remained silent, her expression neutral, making it impossible to discern her emotions.

<Is it just me or is Xiao Mo being a bit excessive? He's clearly showing favoritism, right?>

Viewers in the livestream chat brought up the issue of Xiao Mo's favoritism again.

<Can we not make baseless assumptions? Maybe his sister just doesn't like talking much>

<Exactly, I'm the same way with my brother at home. Not everything has to be about favoritism. Are you trying to smear Xiao Mo on purpose?>

<Wasn't Xiao Mo indirectly saying that Ren Man's child is noisy? Is it appropriate to say that in front of Ren Man? So rude!>

<You're the rude one. Kids are naturally noisy, what did Xiao Mo say wrong?>

<Honestly, why did Ren Man bring her kid to the show? What can a child that age do besides cause trouble...>

<Have some decency, people. We were all children once. Are you really going to criticize a child now?>

In the livestream chat, fans of different celebrities argued heatedly.

Pei Zhi was left with no choice but to share a room with Ren Man.

Ren Man smiled and said to Pei Zhi, "Don't worry, Zhuang Zhuang is very well-behaved at night. He has a regular sleep schedule and won't make noise."

Pei Zhi quickly waved her hand, "It's no problem, I actually love kids."

"Yan, you can stay in the room next to mine. I'd feel better that way," Xiao Mo said, pointing to the two rooms on the left.

Qiao Yan was the first to object. Since he wasn't part of the entertainment industry, he spoke more directly: "Why does your sister have to be next to you? My sister should be next to me too!" In reality, Qiao Yan didn't actually need to be next to Qiao Peipei, after all, she wasn't three years old. He just couldn't stand Xiao Mo's attitude, acting like he could decide where everyone stayed.

When Qiao Yan confronted Xiao Mo, the livestream chat exploded. Most were Xiao Mo's fans, defending their idol and accusing Qiao Yan of being disrespectful. Occasionally, some neutral viewers would say something fair, agreeing that Qiao Yan had a point, but these comments were quickly drowned out by the flood of fan messages.

<What's wrong with Xiao Mo wanting to be next to his sister? Isn't it normal for a brother to want to stay close to his sister?>

<Qiao Peipei is just a D-list celebrity, she'll probably never reach Xiao Mo's level in her lifetime. Didn't her brother teach her to respect her seniors?>

<Who would even watch this lame show without Xiao Mo? Don't these guests understand who the audience is here for?>

The guests couldn't see these arguments, as they were too preoccupied to check their phones at the moment.

"Mr. Qiao, my Yan isn't in the best health and she's younger, that's why I suggested she stay next to me," Xiao Mo explained.

This statement was essentially implying to Qiao Yan: Your sister is already grown up, why does she need to be next to her brother?

Qiao Peipei, with her fiery temper, couldn't tolerate this. She didn't care if he was an award-winning actor or a senior in the industry, she was ready to lash out.

"Is she younger than me? You want to be next to your sister, well I want to be next to my mom! I'm underage!"

Well, well, well. Before Qiao Peipei could say anything, Gu Zhijing delivered the knockout punch.

Nian Suian was stunned. If she hadn't misheard, it seemed like Gu Zhijing had just called her "mom."

Qiao Yan burst out laughing when he heard this. "That's right, our Zhijing is still a child. What's wrong with wanting to be close to his mom?"

It wasn't just Qiao Yan; the viewers in the livestream chat were also laughing hysterically, except for Xiao Mo's fans of course.

<Hahahaha, little bro: I'm still a child>

<Sister Suian's expression is hilarious too, like she's thinking 'this brat actually called me mom'>

<As a neutral observer, I have to say Xiao Mo is being quite domineering. Where people stay should be decided together, not just by him>

Xiao Mo gritted his teeth but remained silent. He wanted to say to Gu Zhijing, "She's just your stepmother, stop pretending to have such a close mother-son relationship." But he still had enough self-awareness to know that saying such a thing would attract criticism.

"Why don't we just have the men sleep on the left side and the women on the right? There's no need for men and women to be next to each other," Nian Suian said, not understanding why they were arguing about this. A bunch of immature kids plus one selectively sister-obsessed crazy brother.

"Let's do that then. Everyone's tired, so hurry and go to your rooms to unpack. We still need to make dinner later," Yue Qingchi said. He then carried his mother's luggage to the room on the right closest to the main hall. When he came out, he saw Ren Man holding her child's hand while trying to carry her suitcase. He quickly went over to help her with the luggage.

"Thank you," Ren Man said gratefully, not trying to act tough.

"Daddy!" This was the second time Zhuang Zhuang had called Yue Qingchi "daddy."

"Zhuang Zhuang, mommy told you before, he's not daddy. You can't call strangers daddy."

"It's alright," Yue Qingchi smiled and patted Zhuang Zhuang's head. "He's just a kid, let him call me what he wants."

Seeing this scene, the viewers in the livestream chat started to get excited again.

<I can't believe I'm shipping this>

<Me too...>

<Have you two considered getting back together? A classic reunion story>

<Reunion my foot! My brother is perfect on his own!!!>

<CP fans get lost>

<Here's a thought: why does Zhuang Zhuang only call Yue Qingchi daddy when Xiao Mo and Qiao Yan are the same age? He didn't call them that. Unless he's seen photos of Yue Qingchi at home!>

<Ahhhhh the comment above, you're a genius at shipping!>

Qiao Yan and Gu Zhijing helped Qiao Peipei and Nian Suian move their suitcases to another room on the right.

Xiao Mo only carried Xiao Yan's things, one hand holding the luggage and the other holding Xiao Yan's hand. Xiao Zheng followed behind, carrying her own suitcase. It wasn't until Qiao Yan came out of the room that he noticed and gave her a hand.

"Yan, do you want brother to help you unpack?"

"No need, I can do it myself. You can go out, brother."

Out of the camera's view, Nian Suian secretly rolled her eyes. This Xiao Mo was truly the most devoted brother, if only he had just one sister.

"Mom, does your son need to help you unpack~" Gu Zhijing imitated Xiao Mo's tone to tease Nian Suian, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Not necessary! Go back to your own room." Nian Suian waved her hand, telling him to leave quickly. She guessed that, barring any surprises, Gu Zhijing was probably going to be attacked by Xiao Mo's fans.

<So young and already sarcastic, no manners>

<I can't believe I thought he was handsome before, ugh!>

<As a nobody, he should be grateful to even be on the show. How dare he mock our award-winning Xiao Mo>

<It's hilarious seeing Xiao Mo's fans getting so upset, he didn't even say anything bad>

<Exactly, if anyone's to blame it's Xiao Mo for being selectively sister-obsessed. His favoritism is so obvious, anyone would be annoyed...>

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