The Simple Job of Only Perishing to the Hero

Book 6: Chapter 7

Book 6: Chapter 7

The Demon King Castles restoration construction work progressed at a quick pace.

At the restoration location, the figures of Golems of various sizes carrying materials and doing construction could be seen, and at the same time, the figure of a purple young girlof Ykslaas busily moving about was there.

The rumor of a young girl using a truly rare technique called Golem Creation had spread throughout the Zadark Kingdom right away, and the number of Mazoku wanting to participate in the tourism and repair work for various places increased.

The resultwell, it hasnt really reached that far, but the restoration of the Demon King Castle progressed much faster than predicted, the restoration of the exterior had finished, and it was already at the part where they were starting the interior work.

In the Demon King Castles conference room that was lined with brand new furniture, with Demon King Vermudol at the head of the table, Central General Gordy, Northern General Altejio, Southern General Raktor, Western General Sancreed, Eastern General Fainell, and Ichika were all assembled.


And so, that is the situation as to why there are so many people coming in and out of the Demon King Castle recently.

HaaI see. I can understand the matters regarding that.

Altejio nodded at Vermudols explanation.

But ya know, I was surprised. Just when I thought that the Demon King Castle had become new somehow, I saw an amazing number of Norms wandering about doing things. I thought that the whole Central Army had been replaced or something.

Vermudol also broadly grinned at Raktor who said that sounding like he found it funny.

Yeah, I do feel bad about that. We are using plenty of capable artisans from the South after all.

Right now in the Demon King Castle, a large number of Norm artisans were walking about.

They had gathered there through the Guild, and were artisans that were famous in the Zadark Kingdom.

Since most of the furnishings were broken in the partial destruction of the Demon King Castle, new ones were needed. When construction work on the Demon King Castles interior and the production of all sorts of furnishings were requested through the Guild for that sake, the number of people applying for the work surpassed their expectations.

From the point of view of the Mazoku, the Demon King Castle was similar to a sacred place, so this was a natural response in a certain way.

If their own work were to be used in the place that the Demon King Vermudol, who they greatly revered, lived in, that would be a mark of being top-notch as an artisan.

You can just ignore any profits that would go to me, I just want to have something to do with many places. If you want, you can call it a donation to the restoration expenses.

Having met with those sorts of wishes from the people themselves, Ykslaas, who was managing the restoration work, was bewildered.

However, it wasnt like she could dampen that valuable eagerness.

It was fine when she somehow arranged the applicants and had them start the interior construction work, but it then transformed into a huge exhibition where the Norm artisans competed in their skills.

If there was a theme, it would be more thorough and more beautiful, and more novel and much faster

The situation where the Demon King Castles interior being completed in a flash made it seem like it was magic.

Since the talks had already reached the point where they were thinking of recreating the Demon King Castles main gate and adding decorations to the outer walls, one could tell just how fast they were going.

Receiving Vermudols words, Raktor waved his hand.

No, I dont mind you using the artisans. Doing what you want is the right form for the Mazoku after all. Besides, I also welcome the part of the Demon King Castle becoming splendid. If anything, Id want it to make that auxiliary headquarters of mine not stand out in comparison.

Calling to mind the appearance of the Southern Armys auxiliary headquarters that had turned into a gigantic castle at the hands of the Norm artisans, Vermudol also made a wry smile.

Something of that level really wasnt necessarybut at this rate, he also thought that it might reach that stage.

After all, the number of levels had already increased more than the previous Demon King Castle.

He had permitted it since he found no harm in it, but after thinking carefully about it, there were numerous rooms that he didnt know how they should be used.

He was surprised at Ykslaass capability of bringing together the current state that was in such chaos.

Well, putting aside the matters about the Demon King Castle What is the reason why all of the Four Cardinal Generals were gathered?

The silent Sancreed opened his mouth.

To gather up all members of the lineup that normally didnt assemble all that much, it was a sign that an important conference would happen.

Reasonably thinking about it, the Four Cardinal Generals thought that it was about that Mazoku called Ykslaas.

Among the three knights that accompanied her, the Red Knight Olred was the opponent that Raktor had beat down, and the story about how the self-proclaimed Demon King that destroyed the Demon Kings Castle was Ykslaass group was known to everyone that was here.

They had no intention of complaining about what Demon King Vermudol had done, but they more or less did wonder why he had her have something to do with the restoration work.

Vermudol naturally guessed what they were all thinking.

Nn, right. Ah, first, I guess Ill start with an informative matter. I think that you all have already indirectly heard about this butYkslaas and the three others that attacked us not too long ago have now come under my direct supervision. Please treat them well.

The Demon Kings direct supervisionThat meant that they were in a place different from the normal Demon King Armys chain of command.

The current Demon King Army organization was five armies that included the four cardinal armies and the central army.

The Eastern Army, the Western Army, the Northern Army, and the Southern Army. These four cardinal armies were the armies that established the Demon King Armys foundation, and each army was placed under the control of their respective Four Cardinal General.

The Central Army was the security of the capital city Arkverm and the Demon King Castle, performed roles such as the imperial guards and supervisors of all sorts of political measures, and the Central General Gordy unified them.

Basically, anyone affiliated with the Demon King Army would be assigned into one of these armies, but Ichika and Nino, and then Rokuna were the only exceptions.

Ichika and Nino were Maid Knights under the Demon Kings direct supervision, and from taking care of his everyday necessities to being his guard, they did anything.

That being said, since Ichika took over a part of the Central Armys tasks, she had a pretty ambiguous position.

Since the Magic Operated Armors of the Central Army would seek instructions from Ichika in one way or another during times of emergency, it reached the point that it was officially included as one of her professional duties.

And then, the Library Guardian Rokuna also held the additional post of Head of the Intelligence unit, and since she also had a part in coordinating with every army, the extent of her authority was ambiguous.

If Nino, who stubbornly wouldnt help out in other matters, were to be put aside, being under the Demon Kings direct supervision was a position where one would have a complex link with every army.

Placing Ykslaas in that sort of position was a reasonable measure at the present time.

Is that so. However, can we trust her?

Gordy answered Altejio who presented that question.

Demon King-sama has stated that it is not a problem. It seems that she has also taken cadence to cooperate with us.

For Gordy, it wasnt like she was able to completely assent to it.

However, while she watched Ykslaas running about every day for the reconstruction of the Demon King Castle, the wariness she harbored at the beginning had faded a bit.

Thinking about it, becoming allies with someone who was an enemy up until yesterday wasnt a rare story among the Mazoku.

And if the Demon King Vermudols assurance were to be added, there was no room for doubts any more than this.

Is that so.

Altejio also nodded, and sank into silence.

It wasnt like he didnt have his own thoughts on the matter, but he also didnt have any particular reason to oppose it.

If in the unlikely event that a problem were to occur, it would be fine to deal with it at that time.

Even among the other members of the Four Cardinal Generals, that was a common thought.

So, next is the main issue at hand. Its about the sightseeing plan that had been temporarily shelved.

It had been postponed due to the Demon King Castles reconstruction problem, but the plan itself was in the middle of resuming.

The sightseeing plan that was limited to the Central and Eastern regions had expanded, and they were recruiting ideas in the venture to extend it to the South, and the West if possible, or maybe even the North.

Everyone, I believe that you all have thought of various things. Today, I want to hear those reports, and I am thinking of trying to create a more concrete talk about it to a certain extent.

The Southern Armys auxiliary headquarters that towered in the Souths town of Elgrad seemingly had value to tourists at a glance, and the accessories sold throughout the town were also pretty good.

Even in the other regions, there should be many things that could be used for sightseeing.

That was Vermudols current perception.

First, lets seeWhy dont we hear Fainells report.

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