The Simple Job of Only Perishing to the Hero

Book 2: Chapter 6

Book 2: Chapter 6

And then, another several days later

I see. So youre closing the store.

Yeah. Its due to times endin up like this.

The proprietor of the Steel Fish Store, Galadd, shamefully answered to Shions words.

Thats true.

Shion also nodded to Galadds words.

Galadd also had his daughter Carol to think about. Not wanting to stay in a turbulent country is surely justified parental love.

What will you do from now on?

Nino looked straight at Galadd and asked that.

I was thinkin of goin to the Cylus Empire that has a lot of Metalio butCarol is a half after all. I think itd be a 10000 to 1 worst case scenario there but, I was thinkin of headin to the Canal Kingdom which seems like the safest choice.

The Canal Kingdom is a gentle country where all races get along and live together.

There werent any particular points of special mention as a country, but seeing as how they have faith in the God of Light Raidolg, there werent any walls between races like the St. Altlis Kingdom.

For that reason, it was also the country with the most number of halves and quarters of every race.

That might be good.

Yeah, Ive already had various things delivered over there.

Will you run an inn again?

In response to Ninos words, Galadd said thats the plan and smiled.

So you guysre departin today too.

Pretty much.

Thats right, Shion and Nino were also planning on leaving the St. Altlis Kingdom.

Now where the situation had accelerated to the point where the word war had appeared in rumors even among the general public, orders under the name of an appeal for cooperation from the royal family started to reach every guild which should have originally been neutral.

Stationing changes within every guild had already happened, and personnel that were mankind races other than Humans did not remain in the guilds within the St. Altlis country.

Within this state of emergency where the guilds were in chaos, stories of fleeing abroad even among Human adventurers began to appear.

That was also something that probably couldnt be helped. If one thought about it as their own social position changing from an adventurer to a mercenary employed by the country, it was only natural.

There were even rumors on the streets that the royal palace seemed to be discussing an adventurer conscription law.

Theres no point in staying in this country any longer.

Galadd also nodded at Shions words, but he didnt know his true intention.

Shion was planning on leaving the Shutaia Continent.

If a war were to start, there would be nowhere that Shion would need to control the finer circumstances.

It might also be possible for him to join some country and do something about the war, but Shion had no intention of doing that.

I see. Well, take care.

Yeah. Is Carol in the middle of packing?

Pretty much. Should I call her over?

No, its fine. Just give her my regards for me.

Saying that, Shion took Nino and went outside the Steel Fish Store.

The back alley was deserted, and there were many closed stores.

The public atmosphere had started to accelerate towards war to the point that there was nothing that could be done about it anymore.

What will you do?

Shion answered to Ninos words.

Well go home.

Not that. After this, what will you do?

Nino asked him that question once again.

The after this contained the meaning of what would Demon King Vermudol do in regards to mankinds territory.

I will watch the situation. It doesnt seem to be at a level where we need to do something.

A war between fellow mankind had no connection to the Mazoku whatsoever. While they are crushing each other, just like how they will not have the leeway to think about the Dark Continent, it could be said that the Dark Continent will be safe during that time.


Nino seemed to still want to say something, but she sank into silence without saying anything.

Shion placed a hand on that Ninos head, and hit the Holy Silver staff that he held in his other hand on the ground.

Seeing as how they were leaving this continent, he would have to say goodbye to the name of Shion as well.

War, huh.

Shion curved his mouth, and smiled.

If there was no enemy on the outside, they would seek the enemy on the inside.

For mankind, it was a situation that couldnt be thought of as anything but having an instinct for that sort of strife.

Just what in the world could be obtained from fighting against fellow mankind who was at a relatively close culture level.

Shion couldnt think of it as anything but being more foolish than Gramfia who sought a culture that wasnt in the Dark Continent from another place.

Lets go, Nino.


When Shion pulled Nino close to him, Nino wrapped her arms around Shions waist and hugged him.

The bodies of those two were engulfed in a faint lightShion called their destination to mind.


Together with the light residue, the figures of the two of them disappeared.

Adventurer Shion.

Adventurer Nino.

The two Adventurers that were famous within the St. Altlis Kingdom, on this daywent missing.

The two who had been expected to be war potential in times of emergency had no traces of crossing the national borders, and were rumored to have gone into hiding somewhere, or maybe even assassinated buteven those who excelled with behind-the-scenes rumors were unable to catch hold of traces of them.

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