The Simple Job of Only Perishing to the Hero

Book 2: Chapter 38

Book 2: Chapter 38

Jiol Forest Kingdom, Council Room of the Royal Palace.

The place that was in disorder until just a little while ago was now filled with an eerie silence.

Shock, fear, perhaps hostilitythere might even be bewilderment.

Within this atmosphere that was a jumble of various emotions, a single man opened his mouth.

O Demon King. Just what kind of business do you have with my country?

The Jiol Forest Kingdoms King, Sarigan, asked about the objective of Vermudol who had suddenly appeared within his country.

In response to that, Vermudol expressed a thin smile.

Today, I have not come as the king of the Mazoku, but as King Vermudol of the Zadark Kingdom. O Sylphid, I expect an attitude appropriate of a dialogue between fellow kings of single countries.


Hearing that extremely reasonable demand if they were fellow countries, Sarigan unintentionally sank into silence.

Looking at that with a cool-looking face, Vermudol opened his mouth.

Now then, the reason why I came here today is clear.

Nervousness ran across the faces of the lined up generals, and they put themselves on guard.

I have come to form a treaty of friendship with your country.


The cat beastman general was surprised and stood up.

Did you say a treaty of friendshipImpossible!?

It was unbelievable. To think that a word like friendship would be spoken from the Mazoku.

That kind of stir spread out.

Are you not mistaking it, with subordination?

Its friendship. Even our coming here was done for going through the proper procedure. I thought it would be a show of our sincerity though.

Certainly, the Demon King had personally come to negotiate, and was rationally talking with them like this.

Sarigan went silent at Vermudols words.

Even so, why did he choose the Jiol Forest Kingdom as the one to negotiate with?

He didnt know the reason for that.

My country currently on the verge of war. Do you understand this?

Yeah, I do understand. It is with the St. Altlis Kingdom, right?

In that case, why? Could it be that you are going to intervene with the war and deal with the Hero Summoning by

I have no intention of doing meaningless things.

Vermudol interrupted Sarigans words.

Listen, and listen carefullyKing of the Jiol Forest Kingdom, Sarigan-dono.

Vermudol continued on with a calm tone.

My demand is simple. I am saying that my country and your country should try to walk together. The circumstances of the other countries are nothing more than noise to us. Am I wrong?

Hearing those words, Sarigan thought about it.

Even if Vermudols words could be taken at face value, a verbal promise couldnt be made here.

Diplomacy wasnt something that simple.

Unfortunately, that is wrong. If my country were to form a friendship with your country, someone that would find unjust suspicion will definitely appear.

The St. Altlis Kingdom huh.

Yeah, thats right. Who knows what the result of that will beAt worse, my country will collapse.

This tension of being on the verge of war that started from the St. Altlis Kingdom had brought about a distortion to the world.

The flow of people stopped, and even the economies in every place started to stagnate.

Naturally, even the hearts of the people became murky, and it was said that even the types of bandits had increased.

The countries of the Shutaia Continent had taken many years to build up a system where they cooperated with each other, and continued to coexist.

If one part of that system were to collapse, one could visibly see that it would turn out like this.

For arguments sake, lets say that the Jiol Forest Kingdom joined hands with the Zadark Kingdomwith the Mazoku.

That would definitely leak out from somewhere, and be circulated like this.

The Jiol Forest Kingdom joined hands with the Mazoku, and turned the world to chaos.

The current state of the world, was the Jiol Forest Kingdoms schemeis what would be said.

If that were to happen, the St. Altlis Kingdom would surely use this as justification to hoist the flag of justice and attack the Jiol Forest Kingdom.

In the event that were to happen, who knows how the other countries would move.

Far from the Demi-Human rejection argument, it would be a fight against the enemy of mankindif that were to occur, then countries that would ally themselves with the Jiol Forest Kingdom, who had joined hands with the Mazoku, would not appear.

Furthermore, even within the Jiol Forest Kingdom, there was the fear that dissatisfaction would explode.

I see. So, in other words, youre afraid that the stigma of being the traitor that joined hands with the Mazoku will remain in history.

To us of mankind, that fact is heavy.

In response to Sarigan solemnly nodding, Vermudol answered with a gentle smile.

Damned fool. Making me listen to such worthless nonsense.


It wasnt just Sarigan, but all of the generals that happened to be present were at a loss for words at that line that was given.

Sarigans concern was also a concern for all of the people here that were involved with the Jiol Forest Kingdom.

And Vermudol had cut that down as being nonsense.

If they come invading, then you merely have to drive them away. If you turn the tables on them, attack them, and conquer them, then there would be no one that would say something as worthless as that. Am I wrong?

Im, impossible. If we were to do something like that, we would!

Are you unable to? Its merely on the level of becoming the supreme ruler of a single continent though.

Sarigan became speechless.

For merely a single country to go against the other countries, that shouldnt be possible.

Even if the Jiol Forest Kingdom was one of the four major countriesit shouldnt be possible.

Hold onno, please wait, Vermudol-dono.

Vermudol turned his gaze to the voice that called out to him.

If I recall correctly, he was a man called Zekwellis what he remembered.

What is it, Zekwell-dono.

In that case, what kind of assistance would you plan on giving as a friendly nation?


Yes. As long as your proposition is made as king of the Zadark Kingdom, naturally, as a friendly nation, your countryI think that it should exhibit an appropriate amount of cooperation though.

Going I see, Vermudol nodded.

Zekwell was the only one amongst everyone here that did not get swallowed up by the atmosphere.

He did some realistic calculations, and was trying to pull out some advantageous conditions for his own country on top of that.

Of course. In regards to your countrys defenseor perhaps invasion, we will also lend you our strength.

Naturally, may I take that as you saying that you have enough war potential to go against the other countries all together?

Of course.

It was there that Zekwell gulped.

Staring at Vermudolhe spun out his words.

Is there no mistake in my understanding that, the Hero will come?

Vermudol gave a broad smile.

His smiling, wouldnt stop.

Vermudol was filled with delight.

Zekwell most likely understood everything.

Of course! Yes, of course! Fufu, hahaha! Zekwell-dono, I am sorry for looking down on you! You are wonderful!

You have yet to answer what you mean when you say of course.

In response to Zekwell who had remained calm right to the end, Vermudol stopped smiling and answered.

Yeah, let me declare this without a single bit of deception. In that case, whether it be the Hero or whatever, I will provide enough war potential to kick them about. But naturally, if your country is to betray us, then that war potential will be turned onto your country.

I see. I am grateful for your answer.

Staring at Zekwells face that looked satisfied, Sarigan realized the meaning of that and his face turned pale.

Wait, wait! Did you say the Hero! What do you mean by that!

There is nothing to it. It means just as it sounds.

Vermudol had cold water thrown on him, and he immediately became displeased.

If the Demon King were to appear, then naturally, the Hero would also appear.

In that case, it meant that the war would change from strife between fellow countries, to a strife between mankind and the Mazoku.

Vermudol was trying to pull the Sylphid out from the framework of that strife.

But, that was merely all.

You will, become an enemy of the Gods.

In that case, lets drive back the Gods as well.

Thats right, thats all there was to it.

Since the true enemy was most likely the God of Life, there was nothing else to do at this point.

Youre madThis country is a country that has faith in the God of Water Aklia and the God of Wind Wyrm, you know. That kind of proposal is!

Fainell glared at the Sylphid general that shouted that.

Stopping her with his hand, Vermudol nodded.

If you are saying that you cant go along with this, then that means that the meaning of these negotiations will change though.

What do you mean by that!

The cat beastman general that was about to draw his weapon was blown back along with his chair, and hit the wall.

The one that got down to the place where that general had been sitting, was Fainell.

Fainell had stood up from her seat, jumped over the desk and sent the cat beastman general flying along with his chair with a kick.

It is simple. Demon King-sama has a wonderful suggestion within him that is able to eliminate all of your worriesthat is what he means.

Fainell announced that while going around the deskand returned to her seat beside Vermudol.

Well, thats how it is. With this plan, you all will be released from your troubles.

After Vermudol said that, he announced his next proposal with a clear voice.

Capitulate. Submit to the Zadark Kingdom. If you do that, then I will protect you from all threats.

Sarigan understood that to be Vermudol saying that they should become the Zadark Kingdomsthe Mazokus subordinates.

But, Vermudols following words crushed Sarigans expectations.

I am not telling you to become subordinates. In reality, its an annexation. The Zadark Kingdom will promise to treat the citizens of the Jiol Forest Kingdom as equals.

There wasnt a single hidden meaning or lie in that.

In the Zadark Kingdom, although there are differences in official positions, essentially, whether they are a Dragon, a Beastia, or a Goblin, all races were equal.

Naturally, the executive power in this land will belong to us, right?

Zekwell opened his mouth before faster than Sarigan.

Of course. I will have you accept several arrangements butin the general framework of it, it wont be any different from how it is now.

May I take that as there being no bad blood between us for fighting against the Mazoku in the past?

Is this about Luuty? You dont need to worry. The citizens of the Zadark Kingdom have already divided the past as being something of the past.


Sarigan cut into the progressing exchange between Vermudol and Zekwell.

After clicking his tongue sounding displeased, Vermudol turned his gaze to Sarigan.

What is it, Sarigan-dono.

Dont what is it me! Something like thatit isnt something that can be decided in this place!

I see. In that case, you arent needed. Since I will treat you as former royalty, you can just be quiet.


Leaving Sarigan, who had become even more pale, as he was, Vermudol looked at each of the Jiol Forest Kingdom generals that had become noisy.

That goes for all of you as well. Anyone that is unable to declare that they will obey me herein particular, anyone that has plans to take action as a rebellious member after all of this, I would like for you to say it now. It will save me the trouble of finding and crushing you in the distant future after all.

Being told that, there was no one that would make a remark.

They merely gazed at Vermudol with eyes filled with strong determination. All except Zekwell.

For Zekwell, he couldnt just abandon his country, but no matter what, he couldnt help but think of prioritize his beloved Luuty.

What should be done to let Luuty live, what should be done to leave this country that Luuty lives in in its best formit was speech and conduct that desperately thought about those things.

Though, as a statesman, it was a decision that should absolutely not be made.

Although Vermudol thought that, he had no intention of criticizing him for it.

It was because Zekwell was the wisest one here, and had become the one that was most understanding.

Well then, may I judge this as you accepting the advice to capitulate?



Hearing the words of Sarigan, whose face had completely gone into a ruddy complexion, Vermudol turned his gaze towards him.

Call the Royal Palace Imperial Guards!

With those words, a commotion spread amongst the generals as well.

Why youIve understood everything, damned Demon King! By creating this situation, youre aiming to make this country your foothold for your invasion on mankind, arent you! This Sarigan will not fall for your evil schemes!

Hou. What splendid wordsIf you exclude how stupid you are that is.

I will make you understandwhich one of us is the stupid one!

After breathing a sigh, Vermudol turned his gaze to Fainell.

Fainell. Go retrieve Zekwell.


After confirming that Fainell had forcibly carried Zekwell in her arms, Vermudol unleashed the magical power he had been holding down.

At the same time his dense magical power covered the royal castle, the Royal Palace Imperial Guard rushed into the council room.

O brave warriors of the Jiol Forest Kingdom! Defeat the Demon King!

With Sarigans command, the half-absentminded generals also drew their swords and shouted.

Demon King-sama.

There is no need.

Vermudol interrupted Fainells words.

More importantly, bring Zekwell to where Luuty is.


Seeing Fainell, who vanished with Transfer Magic, off, Vermudol lightly received a sword that was swung to cut off his head.


What a worthless good-for-nothing.

After making a yawn, Vermudol muttered only one word.


What was born in his hands in response to that word, were blades of lightning.

It was the signature move of the Eastern General Fainell, as well as her original magic.

Swinging his arm that was clad in blades of lightning, Vermudol mowed down the body of the general that slashed at him.


Raising a death agony shout where no one could no longer understand what language it might be in, the general was enveloped in intense sparksbecame human-shaped charcoal, and before long, turned into ash where not even his bones remained and crumbled down.


FumuI wonder if shed get mad if she knew that I selfishly ripped off her technique. But still, this thing sure is handy.

With a lighthearted tone that wasnt fitting for the gruesomeness of the place, Vermudol muttered that.

Ahh, you all can come at me at once, you know? In the end, all of you will be massacred. The only difference is how fast or slow it happens, you know?

Smiling with a gentle face, he declared that.

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