The Simple Job of Only Perishing to the Hero

Book 2: Chapter 24

Book 2: Chapter 24

A pitch dark room?

Yeah, thats right. I myself, do not know the details.

Vermudol, remembered the faint figure that remained within himself.

The figure of the one he had met before he had become Vermudol.

The figure of the one who had created Vermudol.

He couldnt remember it clearly.

It was because the one who met with that was someone who had become the material for Vermudol, and not Vermudol himself.

Even so, that figure faintly remained within Vermudol.

Someonewith black eyes.

Black hair that seemed to melt into the darkness.

What concealed their small stature, was a black dress.

A black room that seemed to have no end.

Sitting on the throne that floated in that space, a black little girl.

If I remember correctlyIchika, she called herThat Person.

Why that littleSo she really did hide it.

Rokuna clicked her tongue, but she immediately turned back to Vermudol and threw a question at him.

So, just how would you meet with that black girl? Or rather.

What is it?

To have created Ver-cchi. Just, what kind of monster is that. Wouldnt that be the one called the God of Life?

In response to Rokunas reasonable question, Vermudol shook his head sideways and denied it.

No, that girls different. Shes probably a God or something that isnt spoken of even in Remfilias legends.

That confidence came from within Vermudol.

A God huhShould we try building a temple or something?

It would be easy if she would make her descent with that but

Hearing Vermudols troubled sounding words, Rokuna breathed an easily understandable sigh.

Ver-cchi. I hate unwillingness. You hold some kind of clue, dont you? Just hurry up and pull it out.

Nn, yeah. I do have a clue butI wont be able to show it to you.

I dont get what you mean.

Vermudol took a breath and answered.

Its Summoning Magic.

That was the new magic that Vermudol saw in mankinds territory.

Summoning Magichuh. Is that something that can call out a God?

I dont know. But, it seems to be magic that calls out an existence that possesses some kind of power with keywords fill with magical power as the intermediary.

An existence that possesses powerhuh. I wonder if it has a common point with Transfer Magic.

Honesty, I have no idea. I feel like it could work if used skillfully but

Hearing Vermudols unreliable words, Rokuna shrugged her shoulders.

Ver-cchi, this talk would go by quickly if you just used that Summoning Magic or whatever though.

I tried out the chant, but I couldnt use it.

Is that so. Then does that mean that you memorized the contents of the chant?


It was the Sword Spirit Summoning chant that the student of the Edius Adventurer School Sharon recited in the battle against the Ogresagainst Gudions group in mankinds territory.

My fragile self implores.

I implore a sword.

I implore an agent.

Although my body is fragile, my heart is stern.

My heart has become a sword, and desires a time to be wielded.

Therefore, o agent, come forth.

I implore that you be here to execute my will.

Come forth, Sword Spirit.

At the same time that Sharon finished this chant, a swordsman that uniformly shone blue appeared.

FuuNn. Well, itwont happen immediately but. I guess theres value in investigating it.

Yeah, please do.

Rokuna nodded to Vermudol, then sent her gaze to Ichika who was giving instructions to the rescue party.

Although I have some things I want to ask hershe probably wont confess.

Saying that, Rokuna clicked her tongue.

Ichika unmistakably knew something about that God-like existence.

However, Ichika probably wont talk about itis the belief that was within Rokuna.

For the summoning of that God-like existence, it will most likely have to rely on the fragmentary memory that was within Vermudol.

She then thought nevertheless.

There is an existence or something that created Vermudol, and if that wasnt the God of Life Philia, most likely, that existence is the God of Mazokuis what she started to think.

She didnt know how things actually were but Rokuna decidedto provisionally name her the Demon God.

A Demon God Summoninghuh. Well, thats an interesting topic.

Muttering that, Rokuna forcefully cheered herself up.

If they left the rest of this place to Ichika and Sancreed, then there surely wouldnt be any problems.

Rokuna felt that it would be fine to return to the castle and investigate about the new topic that she was given.

Ver-cchi. Im going to immediately try verifying things in the library.

Yeah, Ill send you there.

Whatre you saying?

Rokuna turned a puzzled face to Vermudol who was about to activate Transmission Magic.

Ver-cchi, I need to get a more detailed account from you. Like what happened before and after that Summoning Magic or whatever, and the actual movements of the thing that was summoned. Also about the one that used that magic. I need to hear everything. You shouldnt think that youll be sleeping tonight, you know?

WellThats true. Got it.

Id get you to help me out even if you didnt get it.

Vermudol nodded while making a wry smile.

Having been the one asking her to do all this, that was something that couldnt be helped.

Rather, if the research were to advance by him assisting her, Vermudol intended on gladly cooperating.

Now then, lets hurry up and go back.

Yeah, roger that. Gate

With Vermudols Transfer Magic, both Vermudol and Rokuna were enveloped in light and vanished.

A Demon God Summoning through Summoning Magic.

The research aimed towards the preparation of a trump card started like this.

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