The Simple Job of Only Perishing to the Hero

Book 2: Chapter 22

Book 2: Chapter 22

Nn, ahhwhat is it?

Theres one thing I wanna confirm.

Rokuna put up her index finger, and thrust it at Borkio.

If you guys dont returnwhat kind of effects will happen?

That, is

Being asked that, Borkio caressed his beard as if pondering about it.

After doing that for a short while, he returned his gaze to Rokuna.

Well, various possibilitiesll be suspect.

Thats true.

What do you mean by that?

Hearing Borkio and Rokunas conversation, Vermudol, making a puzzled face, joined in.

Its simple. A countrys ship that hasnt come back despite having gone down a sea route that should have been safe. The place that ship departed from is a country that advocated the Demi-Human rejection argument. So what is the possibility that will be suspect?

An attack by the St. Altlis Kingdomhuh.

Thats how it is.

Rokuna nodded at the comment that Sancreed, who had kept quiet until now, had muttered.

No one is able to prove what the truth of what happened is after all. Besides, even if the ship is repaired, and safely passes through the Sea of Farthest Ends. Itll be a story of how they would explain the details.

Is there some sort of problem?

Jeez, Ver-cchi. Have you forgotten who we are?

Rokuna recited a sentence that appeared in a book that Vermudol had brought back from mankinds territory.

Evil Mazoku smeared with hatred cover the lands. They attack, steal, kill, invade, and rape villages. Those actions have no meaning to them, and are simply done because they all have an unlimited hatred towards mankind that can only be cure through death. Their eyes dyed in joy simply represent their wickedness, and display their evil meaning to the world.

The Hero Legend huh

Rokuna nodded at the mutter that Vermudol made sounding disgusted.

Exactly. We are wicked Mazoku, you know? To have reached the stronghold of guys like us and be saved by us, just who would believe that.

But, if they were shown the truth, they would believe it, right?

Naive, Ver-cchi, thats naive.

Rokuna shook her index finger, and turned her chest away.

Im sure that mankind will think of things like this. There is no mistake that the Mazoku have some sort of ulterior motive. No, more than that. The fact that the Mazoku have made that much of a comeback is a problem. They need to be dealt with.


Maybe because something had come to his mind, Borkio made a small nod.

After Sancreed looked at that Borkio with a sidelong glance, he returned his gaze back to Rokuna.

In that case, Im sure that the world will move on a grand scale.

They wont have the leisure to be fighting amongst their fellow mankindis it?

Rokuna nodded at Vermudols words.

Right, that is surely how it would turn out.

With the threat of Mazoku and the new Demon King before them, mankind will temporarily unite.

And then, there was no mistake that the tension and dissatisfaction that had swelled in between the races of mankind would be vented towards the absolute evil known as Mazoku.

In that case, there was the possibility that the stupid pretentious statement said to have been for the sake of peace known as the Demi-Human rejection argument would be blown away.

At the very least, it should turn into enough of a fact to postpone the problem.

And then, if the leaders of the St. Altlis Kingdom werent incompetent, it could be predicted that they would take advantage of the chaos from the Demon Kings revival, and make all of the current problems that were occuring the Mazokus fault.

By imposing the strife between the races of mankind onto the Mazoku and defeating the Demon King, mankind would once again obtain peace

I see.

No, wait a sec. Thats a story of if we were able to returnright?

Seeing Vermudols look of comprehension, Borkio hurriedly interjected.

Sure, I cant say that that sort of possibility doesnt exist. But, the likelihood of gettin through the Sea of Farthest Ends are pretty much close ta zero, ya know? Honestly, just the fact that were here like this is somethin like a miracle. And we aint got any means of reportin you guys existence.

Ahh, thats true.

Vermudol said that and gave a nod.

Borkios words just now were essentially him begging for their lives.

If they were to be judged as a risk factor to the Mazoku, all of them might have their lives taken right here.

Borkio felt that the flow of the talk had become dangerous, and tried to somehow insist that they themselves were harmless.

Going by mankinds common knowledge, Borkios insistence that they were unable return was correct.

However, that wasnt the case with the Mazokus common knowledge.

The Mazoku were able to use Transfer Magic. It wouldnt be any trouble to send Borkios group back to the Cylus Empire.

At first, Vermudol came with the view of searching for the possibility of reaching peace with mankind with Borkios group as the materials for that.

However, as things turned out now, that way of thinking was mistaken, and he felt that Rokunas concerns were correct.

Mazoku rescued members of mankind that were found adrift.

Something like Whether it be Gramfia or Shuklous, the Alva are not comrades to the Mazoku of the Dark Continentjust who in the world would believe something like that.

Honestly, this is an incredibly delicate matter. If we take one wrong step, itll be rushing with a swift attack into a war with mankind.

Hearing Rokunas words, Vermudol sank into silence.

Right, it was just as she said.

Things that were way too bothersome came rolling in.

What he needed to think about wasnt what should be done for the most correct thing to do, but what should be done to bring about the best result.

Demon King-sama.

Behind Vermudol who was pondering, Ichika appeared.

So its you, Ichika.

The preparations for the rescue are complete. The first wave of personnel and supplies will arrive shortly.


Vermudol nodded, and temporarily switched thoughts.

For the time being, I shall guarantee your safety on my name of Demon King. It would be best to heal your sick and injured. As for your reception after that, we shall tell you later onWe will not kill you, so you can have peace of mind with that part.


Hearing Borkio answer like that, Vermudol replied with a nod, and after a bit of silence, he opened his mouth.

Do we, really look that wicked?

Maybe because he sensed resignation show through those words, Borkio showed a face that he was worried as to how he should answer that.

Seein as how we were able to talk like this, you guys dont look like that to me. But, as for the confidence that the guys in my home country would believe my storyI, dont have any.

Im sure thats the case. The fact that you have yet to dissolve your caution is proof of that.

Vermudol replied like that, then gave instructions to Ichika.

Commence the rescue. All hands, go through them so that theyre in perfect physical condition.

As you command.

After nodding with a beautiful bow, Ichika immediately moved to carry it out.

Vermudol looked up at the gray sky with an expression loaded with complicated thoughts.

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