The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Chapter 417 - Frozen... Rooted...

Chapter 417 - Frozen... Rooted...

"Well, I deserve it," said Darius smugly, as he sat on the sofa with his feet on top of the center table.

Bianca poked her tongue at him. Then she looked at Dawn and said, "Mom, is it necessary to go to the clan gathering for my birthday? My friends are waiting for me to give a party. You aren't allowing me to call them for the clan gathering, you aren't going to let me stay out of the house after 10PM. Not only that, there's like thousands of guards that are roaming around me at all times!" There was irritation in her voice. The clan shindig is going to get over by 10PM!" She raised her hands up in pure frustration. "What do I do?"

Maintaining a stoic look, Dawn said, "You won't and will never skip clan gathering, okay?" The seriousness in her tone was so strong that Bianca rolled her eyes and went to sit in front of Darius with puffy cheeks. "Even Darius isn't going to miss it. It's his birthday too!"

She knew that her mother wouldn't allow her to miss this social event, especially because she had to take the blessings of the elders in the clan. She was supposed to shift anytime soon and most likely this would take place in the next full moon. Her father had explained both of them a number of times what shifting was. It was going to be painful initially but it was involuntary.

Dawn left to ask the butler to prepare breakfast for them leaving the twins to talk to each other. While she was going, she gave a look to Bianca, one that was full of pain. She knew that it was time for her daughter to— She brushed the tears that rolled out. Bianca was too young… too na?ve…

"Darius, are you sure you are going to spend your birthday with the clan members?" she asked him in a low voice.

Darius leaned forward and whispered, "In case you don't know, but mom can hear us even if we whisper."

Bianca tightened her lips. This conversation had to be carried after they were out of the Silver Mansion and out of the earshot of the guards who seemed to hover around them like bees, buzzing and irritating. She scowled at him and picked up a magazine whose pages she flipped without interest.

When Daryn came down and joined them for breakfast, he gave both his children a tight hug. "Don't forget to join the clan gathering," he said to them, looking at Darius, his heir and the next clan chief.

"I won't," Darius replied in an equally serious tone, as if the boy already understood what it meant.

An hour later when the two were in the class, Lydia and Eddie nudged her. "It is your sixteenth birthday! You better give us a party!" said Lydia as she elbowed her.

Eddie snarled. "Yes, else we are going to kidnap you and take you with us."

She sighed. What could she say? "Guys, my parents have called family members for this party… It is important that we go there."

Lydia punched her upper arm. "How dare you ditch us?"

"Ouch!" Bianca rubbed her arm. In her heart she was pretty sad, but she said, "I have to be there… but I can make up for you guys in the afternoon."

Lydia crossed her arms across her chest with a scowl on her face.

The English teacher, Silvia, came to stand right in front of them and glared. "I want both of you to stand up and recite Act 2, Scene 1 from Macbeth… without looking in the book." She looked at Lydia and said, "Once you have recited, tell me what was the purpose of Macbeth's soliloquy in scene one."

The girls jerked their head up. "S— sorry Ma'am," said Bianca ending their argument.

Silvia crossed her arms across her chest, sat on the edge of the desk of the student in front of them. "Oh no! Please recite it. I am waiting," she said with a half-smile. She was actually waiting to get this rich brat to the principal's room. She disliked kids like her because they were too spoiled. She had seen them talking and how could she let go of this opportunity.

"I am sorry, Ma'am," said Lydia.

"Speak," the teacher said with cold eyes. She was so going to enjoy it. She had taught them this part only yesterday.

Bianca bit her lip.

Silvia chuckled. Then she looked at the class and said, "Look at her. She is a fine example of a woman who is hardly interested in her lessons. Kids like her are only interested in how to spend father's money! I think you need a lesson. Come with me to the principal's office!"

Bianca stared at the teacher.

"Is this a dagger which I see before me—"

"What?" Silvia jerked her head back as she looked at Bianca. What was she saying?

"That's the first sentence of act 1 scene 2 of Macbeth," said Bianca very softly.

Silvia's body froze. "Continue."

"Is this a dagger which I see before me,

The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee:

I have thee not and yet I see thee still.

Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible

To feeling as to sight? Or art thou but

A dagger of the mind, a false creation…"

Bianca finished reciting the whole scene impeccably. Before Silvia could turn to Lydia to ask, Bianca even answered her next question—the purpose of the soliloquy. "It shows how Macbeth is filled with guilt because of the prospect of killing Duncan." She went on to explain the rest of it all so beautifully that other students were impressed.

"I didn't ask you!" Silvia scolded when she finished speaking, but what could she do. She glowered at Lydia and then walked away from there.

"Thanks," Lydia exhaled heavily when Silvia had left.

Bianca smiled. She rubbed Lydia's arm and said, "How about I take you both for ice cream in the school's cafeteria after the class?"

"Yay!" Eddie squealed in a muffled way.

"You mean this is our pre-treat?" asked Lydia.

An hour later the trio was standing in the school's cafeteria. Since it wasn't exactly lunchtime, there weren't too many people in it. She heard people chattering from the tables, joking and teasing. The cafeteria food was simple and so was the décor. The walls felt warm and the heavenly aroma, which wafted in it, was enough to make their stomach grumble with hunger.

"Geez! Miss Silvia is such an ass!" said Lydia as she tossed her satchel on the ground beside her chair.

Bianca chuckled. "I saved you girl. Be careful next time."

Lydia rolled her eyes.

"Okay, I am going to the counter to buy ice creams for us. Do you guys want anything else?"

"Yes, I am famished," Eddie breathed. He gave his list of food and Bianca hurried to the counter.

There was a small line in front of her. A girl was taking orders. Bianca plugged her ears with the earphone and played her songs on the phone. When she came to the top of the line, the girl wasn't there anymore. She was replaced… and Bianca's breath hitched when she saw the man behind the counter.

Air lodged in her throat as his hazel eyes met hers. She was frozen, rooted to her spot by invisible vines.

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