The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Chapter 385 - Chills Of Fear

Chapter 385 - Chills Of Fear

Dread crept over her, an overpowering fear, which she wanted to avoid. She removed her blanket and dragged her feet out of the bed. Muffled whispers were coming from the hall below and a knot formed in her stomach. If there were burglars, then how could they come past the tight security? Striking that option mentally, she wore her slippers, opened the door of her room and peeked outside.

Anxiety slithered its way down her spine when she thought that Cole might be in trouble. The idea sent chills through her.

Chills of fear. Only fear.

She tiptoed outside her room and now along with the muffled voices she could hear rustle… of the wings? Her eyes became wide when she suddenly realized that familiar rustle. It was of the winger demons. Her heart was gripped with so much tension that her body froze. She didn't know what to do. How could these nasty beings get inside Silver Mansion? What happened to Daryn and Caleb? Nothing made sense.

Sweat formed on her forehead as she heard the rustle once more. It was definitely coming from below.

'Quetz!' she called her dragon.

'Dawn!' he responded immediately to her. 'Why are you so afraid? Who is there?'

'I think winged demons are there.'

'Come to me now!' he screeched as if gnawing in frustration.

'How can I?' she said with increasing trepidation. 'Cole is here alone. If I leave him, they will attack him.' She walked further and after going down three stairs she craned her neck to see if what she thought was true or not. She pressed her mouth with her hands so as not to shriek when she saw those sickly grey wings of a winged demon rustling against each other. The disgusting smell they emanated made her want to puke. 'Yes, winged demons are here.'

'Shit! Can you jump off the balcony?' he asked.

Dawn looked at her eight months pregnant belly. Anxious as hell, she shook her head. 'No!' She was scared for Cole and for her babies. 'Where are you Daryn?' her heart cried for him. Suddenly she remembered that she could open her mental shields to call other pureblooded werewolves. And she did just that.

'Please Dawn," Quetz said. 'You have to come to me. Divert their attention and get them to me. I am going to shred them to pieces!' He sounded as if he was already breathing fire.

'I am calling the purebloods,' she said and took a step down. Suddenly she heard a swish and found a winged demon looking straight at her from the bottom of the stairs.

"What have we found here," the winged demon hissed as he darted a forked tongue out from between its fangs. He flared open his wings to the fullest. Holding the railing, it climbed a stair. "We have been sent to kill you." He climbed one more step up.

Dawn backed, terror coiling in her chest. "Who sent you?" she croaked. From the corner of her eyes, she watched other demons flapping their wings and coming to stand behind him. It was like a nightmare come true.

'Use your magic!' Quetz shouted sensing her fear.

But her body froze completely. Was this her end?

"The Mozrath leaderrrr," said the demon as he raised himself from the ground flipping its wings and sending foul smell in the air.

"Who is the leader?" she asked, staring at him with wide eyes. She darted her gaze to all the exit routes. With the demons' attention on her at least Cole was safe.

"That's none of your business!" said the demon and flew towards her at such rapid speed that Dawn thrust her hands forward to hurl whatever magic would come out of her. Two beams of white lights crackled and sizzled towards him and they pierced both his wings leaving gaping holes.

"You disgusting humannn!" the demon cried as the injury made him tumble on the ground. He ran towards her with his claws in the front.

She shrieked and all hell broke loose. As if things went in slow motion. She ran to her bedroom as other demons trailed her from behind. She shut her door close tightly and dashed to the terrace. According to her estimate there were about a dozen behind her. Loud bang followed when the demons smashed the wooden door and flew after her.

Dawn took her chances and jumped off the terrace. She landed on the ground easily.?She sound-sealed Cole's room with her magic first.

Yet another boom and shatter took place and a horde of werewolves entered the main hall of the mansion. With their fangs and claws lengthened for the kill, they charged after the winged demons.

Assured with the fact that the purebloods were there, she told them about the poisonous blood of the demons.

'Then what do we do to tackle them?' asked the Security Head mentally. She was their Luna and if need be, they would lay their lives to protect her.

Dawn gritted her teeth. Four demons were standing behind them who had followed her down the terrace and the rest were in front of them. Twenty werewolves were surrounded by a dozen winged demons and Dawn knew that they would all die, if the bane blood of the demons spills on them. She growled and turned around fiercely. 'The only way would be to burn their wings,' she conveyed it to them.

'How?' asked the Security Head.

Suddenly Dawn took her hands up and chanted "Taggan solise adgam!" Every beam of light that was burning in the bulbs of the Silver Mansion left its source and got drawn towards Dawn. As it came towards her, the werewolves surrounded her so that the demons didn't attack her.

Knowing her capabilities, the demons started getting restless. They attacked the werewolves with their claws and wings and screams and shrieks followed as blood of the werewolves spluttered all around.

Magic crackled around her hands in the form of lights she had drawn from the mansion. She thrust her hands forward and shouted mentally at them, 'Use this!'

All at once the werewolves, each had a light-sword in their hands. It was as if they were now an extended arm of their Luna.

'Burn them using it! Use the current to kill them!' said Dawn.

And what ensued was ghastly. The werewolves slashed the demons and their blood curdling shrieks penetrated the still night of the estate. Four werewolves had already died because of touching the blood of the demons. Their faces immediately turned blue. Rest of them were fighting with demons.

'Attack their wings!' Dawn instructed.

The werewolves did that. They targeted the wings of the demons and sliced them with the swords. Every demon who was trying to come near their Luna had its wings torn and slashed. The place where the tear occurred was burnt and cauterized and not a drop of bane blood spilled. The wolves focused on shearing the entire length of the wings. The demons that fell attacked with their claws but soon their head rolled down on the floor. None of them could reach their Luna.

'I have to go to Daryn,' she informed them.

'Leave them to us,' the Security Head growled baring his fangs to the last two that were left.

Dawn rushed out of the mansion and headed towards Ensmoire. 'I need to reach Inxoviya now!'

'The demons?'

'They have been tackled.' She just had to warn Daryn as to what had happened at the mansion and she was scared as hell as to what must be happening at Ixoviya.

'I will come with you!'

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