The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Chapter 311 - The Price

Chapter 311 - The Price

The great and powerful Queen of Ixoviya, Sedora who wanted to bring the Lore to her feet, who wanted to be the supreme power of the Lore was now reduced to a wrinkly self. Sedora had planned on forming an alliance with various Lords and Kings of the Lore. The Fae Prince áed Ruad had already pledged his allegiance and so had the King of Zor'gans apart from several other factions who had built their colonies amongst the Lore people.

However, this prophecy was always at the back of her mind and was always hindering her plans.

Realization of the fact that whatever she had strived for over five hundred years was brought down within a few minutes… by a neotide.

Sedora looked at Gayle who was glowering. "Do you believe I am your mate?" she asked, as skin bunched around her eyes.

Dawn understood what she was playing at. If Gayle agreed, then it meant that killing Sedora would lead to Gayle's death. He would wither away eventually and follow her to her death.

Gayle's lips quivered. The glare turned into a miserable look.

"Answer me Gayle. Do you believe that I am your mate?" asked Sedora again.

Dawn interrupted with rage. "Had you been his mate, you would have protected him instead of pushing him in danger. Mates look out for the backs of each other, and don't throw them into perils. And what have you done?"

Sedora's gaze traveled to Dawn. "What have I done?" she asked softly.

All of a sudden Dawn realized that Sedora never ever harmed Gayle. Her eyes became wide and she shuddered. This evil woman who stayed away from one person who was her partner, had actually never harmed. Even when he was held captive in Ixoviya, Sedora never shackled him like she did Daryn. In fact she had set him free. She might have known that he was helping the Lykae in the dungeons to escape, yet she didn't do anything to him. Back in Bainsburgh, she wasn't the mingling kind, nor did she show love to Gayle, but she never once harmed him. Yes, she made him her prisoner but… she never hurt him physically.

The only problem with their relationship was that she was greedy for power, and he was fully satisfied. She was greedy for money, for gold and he had continued to grow his business as much as possible. Was it to satiate her needs for money?

Dawn pressed her hands to her mouth as her gaze darted between Gayle and Sedora. Was she his mate? Gayle had never known of Sedora's true identity until now. Mates never did that. So why did she hide? Had he known, would he have strived so hard to get in the power and become a Senator? Would he have built even a stronger business? Realization dawned upon her, Gayle did all that so that Sedora stayed with him, yet she never stayed permanently with him. The man suffered so much, he did so much for her and she…?

Tears ran down Dawn's eyes. The deluge of rain slowed to a drizzle. Sound of water that was sizzling around the cage when it came in contact with the lightning barrier reduced. The clouds rumbled in distance and lightning lit the sky less frequently.

On the outside of the cage, Daryn, Ileus and Brantley along with the rest of the Lykae were standing and trying to make out what was happening on the inside.

"Dawn!" Daryn shouted.

Sedora's black eyes stared into Gayle's grey ones. Her face became soft. "What do you think, Gayle? Did you ever consider me as your mate?"

This time Dawn didn't interrupt. She had to know the answer.

Gayle looked away from Sedora and closed his eyes. When he turned his face, his lips quivered and he said, "I think…"

"No!" Dawn cried out loudly.

Sedora smiled.


Suddenly white lights crackled in the cage and Sedora disappeared along with… Gayle.

Dawn was left staring with wide eyes and mouth. Her body froze at the spectacle. She whipped around to see if Gayle was still there, but she was alone in the cage. Her knees sank in the ground and she slouched. A loud wail escaped her mouth. The cage dissipated.

Daryn ran to her and picked her up in his arms. She clung to his neck and sobbed and sobbed. "What happened darling?" He asked as he carried her out of the ground. "Where's father?"

Dawn didn't know how to narrate what she witnessed inside. The saddest story of mates. Or was it?

The aftermath of the war.

Price that she had to pay for their freedom.

Sedora left for her safety but she took Gayle with her, as her future card to play or as her mate—it was a question that had no definitive answer.

They had won. Daryn was free. She should have been happy. They would all leave this damned place.

The dark clouds receded.

'Dawn,' Quetz called. 'This was necessary. Don't lament!'

She heard him flying away.

'I will be staying on the outskirts of Ixoviya. I think you will be witnessing something very important.'

Dawn was pulled back to the present. "Where's Father?" Daryn asked again. "Where is Sedora?"

Emotions swirled like cold ice water and they fell out of her eyes burning her cheeks. Every tear that fell brought out a wave of agony and her shoulders shook with each surge of emotion. There was bitterness, shame, love, and anger, which burned under her skin.

"Sedora has dis— disappeared," she managed to speak.

"And Father?" he asked as he placed her on her feet on the dais.

Dawn lowered her eyes. She shook her head. "I couldn't— I couldn't save him."

"What do you mean? Is he… dead?"

"No… Sedora took him with her." Dawn's breath hitched and her knees grew weak.

Daryn stared at her and when he realized what she said, he looked up at the sky and bellowed. All Lykae knew what happened and they joined him as if to call their king back. When Daryn looked back at Dawn, she got scared and staggered back. He caught her and pulled her to his chest. There was emptiness that filled his heart.

His freedom's cost was Gayle.

"We will get him back, Dawn…" he murmured. "We will get him back…" He picked her up again and carried her back to Norhall Castle without looking back at the field that was now heaped with dead bodies, with shattered and cracked walls, with fire and with an empty gold cage.

"We will seize Norhall Castle," Dawn heard Ileus mentioning to Brantley.

"Yes, it is absolutely necessary that you do so now. We will be announcing him as the King of Ixoviya," Brantley said in an urgent tone. His hand went to his neck where he was wearing the talisman. He opened it and crushed it to dust in his hands. So did Ileus. Both Brantley and Ileus could feel their original powers coming back.

They all followed Daryn inside.

With all the illusions fractured, Norhall Castle looked different. It looked darker as compared to its previous glittery self.

As Daryn walked inside with Dawn in his arms, the servants bowed to him. Candelabras and chandeliers lit up on their own as if welcoming the new ruler.

He walked to the nearest couch and gently lowered Dawn on it.

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