The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Chapter 308 - And That’s When All Hell Broke Loose

Chapter 308 - And That’s When All Hell Broke Loose

"You have to!" Brenda said in an angry tone. "With my death you will get free!"

Panic slammed through Dawn as an invisible force made her hold the javelin above her in order to strike Brenda. One hit and she would be dead. She forced herself to stop this from happening. She looked up helplessly towards the audience to see if Ileus could help, if he could work past Sedora's magic, but the boy was never there when she needed him the most. And where the hell was Brantley? Where had the two disappeared suddenly? Did they think that the contest was over and had left already? She whimpered. Tears flowed out of her eyes in streams. "No, no, no!" she forced herself to stop. She became dizzy.

Brenda stood tall with her chin up and squared shoulders. She braved a smile even though she knew it was her last.

Their attention was diverted by another loud explosion.

Daryn sprinted with his Lykae speed towards Dawn, as his instincts to protect her surfaced like crazy.

"What is happening?" Sedora shouted at the guards. "Go contain it!" She snarled. The guards who had moved to her side ran towards the back of the stage.

All at once a strained, familiar voice ripped through Dawn's mind. "Daryn!" She looked at Daryn who was running to her but stopped as if even he heard the voice.

"That is Neal!" Brenda said with trembling lips. "He has escaped with others!"

Dawn sucked in air. The javelin in her hand was forcing itself to pierce Brenda and she was forcing it to stop. It took all her energy and her face was red holding against Sedora's magic.

"Daryn!" came the voice again.

A roar erupted from Daryn's chest. He rolled his clawed hand into tight fists until the palms bled and then he bellowed to the sky as his hands splayed to the sides. The air around them rippled in waves and the perfect illusions that had surrounded them, shattered. As the illusions blasted, small wisps of air whooshed past them taking and breaking everything they came in contact with.

The color of Daryn's eyes changed to golden yellow as he sent the guards who ran towards him to kill him, flying away, slamming in the marble of the seats.

"Noooooo!" Sedora shouted. She got up from the place and went to the arena, her feet not touching the ground.

There was pandemonium amongst the audience. They scrambled away.

The javelin in Dawn hand also crumbled to pieces and converted into dust. She looked at Daryn with wonder and her breath was caught in her throat in a strangled scream. Her husband's true powers made him dangerous, lethal—she had been asking him to unleash his powers, but she had no idea that this would be the consequence.

Brenda was shocked. The imminent threat on her life simply vanished. She didn't know that Daryn was doing it all. She saw Sedora coming towards them. "Dawn, run!" she caught her hand.

"No Brenda," she said as she looked at her mate with admiration. The guards were now hanging twenty feet upside down in the air. She had to stay by his side.

"Daryn!" the voice boomed again through their mental shields. "Where the hell are you?"

Neal and all the other Lykae whom Sedora had thrown in her dungeons had escaped together. They broke the roof of the cells they were in. Ten Lykae with brute strength—they simply ripped the roof and brought down five floors above them within three days. As the last floor fell, there was an explosion because it breached the magic of the castle. It was then that Neal lowered his mental shields and called Daryn.

Daryn had used all his powers to shatter every damn magic that was built in the Norhall castle, which was left… because he had been slowly destroying it bit by bit.

"We are right here!" Brenda called Neal mentally to connect them with the location.

"We are right on our way!" he said and they heard him bellowing.

The Lykae were free and they were dangerous as hell.

And that's when all hell broke loose.

Sedora floated in the air throwing her magic towards Daryn to contain his wrath, but every magic rebounded. There were so many lights emanating from her hands that it looked like fireworks. Daryn's shield was so strong that nothing penetrated him. He was glaring at her with eyes that had started to glow orange with anger. There was a raging inferno in his gaze.

He brought his bloodied palm up and opened it. When he closed it again, Sedora fell to the ground. She rose up immediately and flew on top of him.

Guards of the castle and her generals joined their queen to capture Daryn. They hadn't anticipated this. They all had plotted with her. It was simple. Kill the woman who was to give birth to twins and take Daryn hostage. Everything else was just a distraction to deceive the Lore.

It was a matter of a few minutes when Neal along with his group was seen running in the arena along with… Ileus, Brantley and Gayle.

They joined Daryn in fighting the sorcerers who were fighting alongside Sedora.

It was fast and brutal and terrifying—the way the shifters fought the warlocks as human while others as wolves. Their bared fangs and claws were so impressive. The way they took down the enemy—it was sheer gore. Daryn must be the only one with telekinesis. He raised his hands towards other guards who were running towards Dawn and lifted them high up in the air. The power that he blasted out hit them so badly that they banged their skulls against the bars of the gold cage and it ruptured.

The guards fell one by one. Sedora kept sending waves of magic one after the other at him but she wasn't successful. Her eyes turned to Dawn who was standing at a distance watching the fight as Brenda protected her. She left Daryn and flew towards her.

Dawn didn't know what to do when two Lykae were fighting for you. There was so much excitement, energy and admiration that she was overwhelmed. As she watched her people fight she hoped that her dragon was there with her. "Quetz…" words left her mouth. However, instead of her dragon, a pair of black eyes stared at her merely five feet away.


"You are one woman who has made hell of my life!" Sedora glowered. "Why don't you just die?" She held her palm in front and blew air over her. An illusion of the wolf cub getting stabbed by Sedora, formed in front of her.

Dawn chuckled. Before the illusion could even take the shape, it was crushed by Dawn who pulled out Sedora's nightmare of the wolf cub jumping around with joy. A blast took place as the two illusions met.

Sedora was baffled as hell. How could she do that? She created another illusion but was countered again. Angered, she summoned her darkest magic. Red light along with smoke crackled in her hands. "You are going to die. I will capture you and abort your babies and see you die in misery."

The air above them swirled. Powerful strokes of wings sounded. Sedora looked above and her neck corded with tension.

"Quetz!" Dawn shouted in glee. 'How did you come in?'

'It's nice to see you Dawn,' he said and swooped down to pick a guard up and gouge him with his claws.

"You are welcome Dawn," a female behind her hissed.

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