The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Chapter 291 - The Contestants

Chapter 291 - The Contestants

Daryn buried his face in the crook of her neck again. "What do I do to stop this wretched contest? It is killing me from the inside."

She stroked his hair affectionately. "We have to be patient and see if Sedora has any weakness that can be used against her."

"I will keep an eye…" he replied and nibbled at her neck.

After another round of passionate sex, they slept. Daryn ensured that she slept for they didn't know what Sedora would do the next day. Just before the first rays of sun illuminated the land, Ileus was back. Dawn was waiting for him in the corridor, too afraid to go to the door for the fear that the winged demons would see her. As soon as Ileus held her hand, he burst into mist and took her back to the tent. Dawn shook off that dizzy feeling of being parthoned.

"What time does the contest begin?" she asked.

"I don't know. The guards will come to take you with them. Just be ready as soon as possible," said Ileus. "I will be sitting in the front rows along with Brantley. You should be able to see me. With whatever magic I am left with, I will try to break the spells and help you."

"Thanks," she said, wondering how he would be able to tear the spells created by Sedora. She nodded and Ileus left.

An hour later, Dawn was ready. She was wearing black breaches and a long grey tunic that was till her thighs with a black belt hanging on her low waist. Five guards with javelins that had fire on their tips came to pick her up. As soon as she stepped out, they surrounded her and guided her to walk towards the stadium. As she walked through the thick iron gates that opened with a loud twang into the stadium, she felt like a sacrifice, who was about to be shoved into the fire at Ulfric. However, more than her, it was Daryn's wellbeing that occupied her mind. Only if he could tap his magic and shatter her mother's illusions…

She noticed that the Ixoviyans had flooded the stadium in large numbers. The tournament was a huge thing for them. All of them were exotically dressed, mostly in gold. Many females didn't wear anything other than dresses that consisted of gold chains weaved intricately as gowns around their bodies. Dawn looked at the display with wonder. She had never seen so much gold in her life, all at one place. No wonder there was a gold mine around.

She reached the ring where the contest had to take place. It was almost the size of a football stadium. The ring was in the shape of a large birdcage, its bars molded from gold. But that was good, because gold's melting point was low and one magic trick would melt these. She smiled at her observation. All around the arena were white marble stairs over which the Ixoviyans sat. Sunlight illuminated the whole place and the arena became glittery. For a moment Dawn hated it for the way it shined in her eyes. At the far end of the ring was a podium draped with purple and white silk. There were three gold thrones. Sedora sat in the middle, Gayle to her right and Daryn to her left. As usual Daryn was looking dazed, but his fists were clenched tight as if he was trying the fight the drug his mother had injected in him.

Wearing black leather pants, white shirt with gold collar and gold cufflinks. He looked like a handsome prince and the girls in the stadium swooned over him. Dawn felt… proud.

When Dawn walked and stood right in the center of the cage surrounded by five guards, the crowd fell silent. All eyes were on her. She took in a deep breath and scanned the area to look for Ileus and Brantley. Ileus wasn't there, but Brantley was. He gave her a smile of reassurance and Dawn felt good.

Over the loudspeaker, Sedora announced. "Behold Ixoviyans, here's the first contestant for the tournament—Dawn Wyatt. She is a… neotide."

The crowd burst into laughter. They mocked her but Dawn couldn't let Sedora see her misery, so kept her gaze steady at Sedora who was obviously enjoying it.

"Welcome to the contest," said Sedora in a honeyed voice, as if telling the guests that Dawn came on her own volition.

Dawn didn't flinch nor did she show any emotion on her face much to Sedora's annoyance.

Moments later, the entrance opened again and yet another contestant walked in. Dawn turned back to look at the new entrant and found a tall, athletic, lithe woman wearing blue breeches and yellow long tunic of similar fashion as Dawn, walking down the ring. She looked at Dawn and scoffed. Then she looked at Sedora. Her gaze traveled to Daryn and her eyes had a glint in them.

Jealousy flared in Dawn's chest but she clenched her jaw.

Once again Sedora announced on the loudspeaker, "Our second contestant for the event is Dolgra, the daughter of the king of Zor'gans—the winged demons." This time her voice contained respect. Dolgra bowed to her.

Dawn jerked her head to see her again. So it was her people who Ileus said were circling the Norhall castle and the towers. Was it a bribe from her side? Dolgra had a smug smile on her face when the crowd cheered her. Perhaps Sedora was in some kind treaty with them…

The guards brought the third contestant.

"Our third contestant for the day is Erdaaz, daughter of the king of serpents."

Erdaaz bowed to Sedora.

Dawn looked at a beautiful girl wearing green breeches and green long tunic that had shiny scales on them. Dawn was aghast when Erdaaz looked at her. Her lips were blue and she darted a forked tongue out in her direction, which was almost a foot long. Fear skittered down her spine as she realized that this girl might be having venom in that long tongue of hers.

The gates opened yet again and this time a grey skinned woman entered the ring whose pointy ears twitched. Her skin was shriveled at places and she was wearing grey breeches and white long tunic.

"Our forth contestant is Volara, the daughter of the dark elves who live in the caves, under the mountains," announced Sedora. "She has braved the sunlight and come as a contestant."

Volara bowed and the crowd once again erupted into cheers.

Dawn wondered if her skin was shriveled because of all the sunlight falling on her.

As Dawn kept looking at Volara, the gates opened again and even before the contestant was in the center, Sedora announced, "Welcome our fifth entrant, the Lykae princess of the red moon clan, Pia Silver."

Dawn's mouth dropped to the floor. She jerked her head to look back and there, walking in all glory, smiling ear to ear was Pia.

As the crowd cheered her, Pia waved at them and gave Sedora one of the most charming smiles. She came forward to stand and bowed to Sedora who gave her a flying kiss.

If Dawn was aghast to see the other contestants, her mind simply froze after seeing Pia. How come she was there? Now that Caleb had unmarked her, she was vying for Daryn? Was she mad? Before Dawn could come out of the shock, the gates opened again.

"And the sixth contestant for the tournament is none other than the Lykae doctor, Brenda!" came Sedora's chilling announcement.

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