The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Chapter 289 - You’ll Find Him

Chapter 289 - You’ll Find Him

Ileus was very tired by the time he came out on the balcony. He had been using a lot of magic against the spells cast in the Norhall Castle. Only good food and sleep would help him renew his energy.

Sedora had really created so many webs that even though everything looked very beautiful to naked eyes, through the eyes of a wizard only he knew what kind of webs they were—like those lasers that were strewn across the bank locker rooms for security, in which if you stepped even on one wrong spell, outcomes could be disastrous. It was good that there were no others than the wizards or the sorcerers and that particular Fae in the palace. Ileus gritted his teeth when he remembered that he had to get even with a bastard!

For now, he just had four tasks to do—get Dawn to Daryn in the tower, sleep, take her back to the tent and get ready for the contest tomorrow—as in wear the most charming clothes. He hoped that she was there, but in his heart he knew that there was not even one percent chance of that. Nonetheless, he was hoping against hope.

Ileus traveled back shrouded in his mist to the tents outside the stadium. In the night they looked beautiful with all white and gold fabric. There was a golden flag atop each tent now that were billowing in the warm breeze. There was very tight security around the tents of the contestants. Sound of firecrackers bursting and loud music came from a distance and he knew that the Ixoviyans had indulged themselves in another round of festivities. Most of the contestants had been taken to participate in the festivities on a voluntary basis. He knew that Sedora would never offer Dawn the chance to get in the procession for she might draw her people's sympathy.

Circumventing the security he made his way to her tent. He picked up the flap and stepped in only to find her sleeping curled around a pillow. Ileus went to stand by her side and smiled. He liked this girl a lot because she reminded him a lot of his mother, Adrianna, who had to go through a lot of pains to gain the position that was rightfully hers.

"Dawn," he called her softly.

She stirred a little.

"Dawn," he called her again.

She got up with a start and looked blankly at him. She stared at him for a moment and upon realizing who he was, she scanned the room and then asked, "Hi Ileus, Where's Daryn?"

"Get ready! I have come to take you to him."

Dawn gaped. "Is he someplace other than the castle? Because if he is in the castle, you can't expect me to go there. That place is covered in layers and layers of spells. I am sure Sedora is looking for one wrong move from my side to get rid of me."

"I have found a way past the spells. Now hurry up!" he goaded. "We don't have much time left."

Dawn removed the blanket and got up. "In that case, let's go."

Ileus held her hand and walked outside the tent. He looked around and saw that the guards were making rounds around the enclosure.

All of a sudden, Dawn saw that Ileus had burst into mist that surrounded her. She couldn't even look beyond a few centimeters. Her eyes widened. "Ileus!" she called him, scared as to what just happened.

"Shsh…" came his whisper from somewhere within the mist. "Just follow the mist."

"How did you manage to do that!" she asked.

"I am also a wizard, Dawn," he replied in a boring way. "And don't talk."

A minute later the mist cleared and Dawn was standing in the balcony high up in the air. Her mind became dizzy when she looked down at the distant lights of the city. Ileus held her across the shoulders tightly.

"Oh my God! How the hell did you manage to transport me here?" she asked with her mouth falling to the floor.

Irritated, he flicked her forehead.

"Ouch!" she cried, rubbing her forehead. Her eyes darted towards the soft lights coming from inside a room, which had heavily crafted wooden double doors and asked excitedly, "Is Daryn here?" She started to walk towards it.

He caught her hand and stopped her immediately.

"What?" she asked him.

Ileus said, "Throw something at it."

At first Dawn jerked her head back, then she took her velvet sandal out from the left leg and flung it at the door. The sandal combusted into yellow and orange flames and within a few seconds it burnt down to ashes. "Damn! How do we go past that?"

"Hold my hand," he replied.

Dawn clutched his hand and Ileus walked with her. While he walked, he mumbled spells under breath and he didn't walk straight, he walked sideways, as if avoiding a thin sheet of wall. Dawn followed his style and it took them five minutes to cross a ten-meter distance. In those five minutes the air felt so heavy as if it was laden with poison. It was difficult to breathe. Alone, he would have crossed it in a minute. As soon as they were on the other side, Dawn gave a hoot. She couldn't wait to meet Daryn.

"Keep your voice low!" Ileus chided and she pressed her hand to her mouth, but the excitement on her face was evident. Ileus pointed to the corridor. "Go down this aisle and turn to the room on the right. You'll find him."

Dawn nodded vehemently.

"Remember to come back here before the first rays of sun touch the balcony. If you won't, then you will get trapped here for the day because they will put new spells and loads of winged demons who would be circling all around the castle. And you have to join the contest at all costs!"

"Don't worry, I will," Dawn assured him, wondering as to what winged demons could do.

"Now go!" he said.

Thrilled as hell, she walked to the corridor, then suddenly she turned to say him thanks, but he wasn't there. Dawn pursed her lips.

When she reached the room, she found Daryn sitting on the bed with his legs on the floor and thighs quivering. Their eyes locked and not able to resist himself, Daryn got up, rushed to his wife, scooped her in his arms and closed the door with his legs. He kissed her all the way to the bed and till the moment he set her on the bed carefully.

Dawn clutched his neck and drew him closer to her not able to get enough of him. There were tears in her eyes. When they finished, he rested his forehead on hers. "I missed you," she breathed.

"I missed you more," he said, wiping her tears away. "I am so sorry for the mess you are in. It is all because of me. I shouldn't have—" she shook his head, "I shouldn't have come here."

Dawn cupped his face in hers and understood the misery he was going through. "We are going to sail through this baby. Stay strong."

Daryn looked at her and a tear rolled out from his eyes and settled on her cheek. "I should be the one saying those words Dawn." The pity he felt for his helpless state reached Dawn's heart.

"Don't baby," she said.

Daryn slid beside her and dragged her to his chest.

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