The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Chapter 283 - Contest With Other Women

Chapter 283 - Contest With Other Women

Sedora looked beautiful, just like a goddess. She was wearing a golden gown that was weaved with finest threads. Her black curly hair fell around her golden crown with spikes and streamed across her shoulders. The curls were rising up and down as if reacting to the power she had in her. She had applied dark gold eye shadow across her eyes right from the nose to the temples. She was adorned with loads of gold. And on her neck was a choker, a necklace so attractive that Dawn couldn't take her eyes off.

Amidst all that beauty and glamor, Sedora appeared frightening, even bone-chilling.

Shock was apparent on Dawn's face to the extent that it was impossible for her to hide it. Seeing her, a small smile was playing on Sedora's lips. Her face was washed blank with confusion and her brain couldn't process the information fast enough for her to comprehend. Her body froze looking at the scenario in front of her. A chilling grin crept on Sedora's face and blood drained from Dawn's face.

Then her gaze went to the gold throne to her right, and her world tumbled, her knees went weak.

He was sitting dazed with a smile on his lips and a goblet of wine in his hands, wearing a white and gold silk shirt with black leather pants.

Dawn's mouth fell open. She blinked her eyes several times refusing to believe the truth. Fear skittered down her spine. "Daryn…"

And on the left was another gold throne on which sat Gayle. He looked blankly at her. No feelings, no emotion, just a blank stare. He was wearing a gold crown with the same clothes as his son.

Both her husband and her father-in-law had flanked her and—they appeared like strangers to her. Rather, she appeared like a stranger to them.

Emma hurled her across the floor and said, "There, this is your last contestant for the event!"

Dawn stifled a shriek from the pain she got when her knees hit the ground. Ileus and Brantley closed their fists to control their fury. They were in the stronghold of the sorcerers and one wrong movement would turn the direction of the Lore history in something so heinous that it would be impossible to come back. Besides they could feel that their magic was limited.

"Hello Sedora," said Brantley with nonchalance.

Sedora beckoned a servant who was holding an array of wines in a tray and picked up a goblet. She gave it to Gayle who took it with his jaws clenched and then she picked one for herself. She looked at Daryn and said, "How are you feeling, son?"

Daryn turned towards her and gave her a lovely smile. "Never better Mother."

Sedora took her long hand and stroked his hair lovingly. "Isn't he the most handsome creature of the Lore? So underrated." She sighed. Then she looked at Dawn and said, "What do you think of my kingdom, Dawn?" she asked as she waved her hand in front of her.

Dawn was dumbfounded.

Sedora's gaze flitted to Emma and she said, "Thanks for bringing her here. Go and feed off some weakling Emma. You look like hell!"

Immediately Emma disappeared from there. Dawn couldn't believe that Emma would actually dig her fangs into a person and suck his or her blood. She shuddered.

Sedora sipped her wine as Dawn stared at Daryn. Why did he appear so dazed? Why wasn't he coming to her? He was sitting only a few feet away from her? 'That place is filled with illusions,' she remembered Quetz's words. So was Daryn under any illusion? Why couldn't he sense her presence? They had met after so many days and yet he refused to even acknowledge her? Tears stung her eyes but she refused to let them out. This place was full of illusions…

Sedora got up from her throne and walked to Dawn. She bent down and with her clawed forefinger, she raised her chin. The claw dug into her flesh and blood dripped. "You thought that you could win from me?" She chuckled with a clenched jaw. "Look around you. You will die here."

Dawn rose to her feet and squared her shoulders. "You really couldn't accept your defeat back there? Huh?" She shook her head. "So much drama, you drama queen!"

Sedora backhanded her, which sent her down on the floor again. Blood came out from Dawn's lips as they split open.

The crowd cheered. Some women tittered.

Sedora bent again to fist her hair in her hand. She yanked her hair up and said, "Don't even try to use that smart mouth with me, because I am on the verge of killing you already!"

"Then why don't you?" Dawn hissed.

"Because of a vow I had given to this man Brantley here," she replied and stood up. She straightened her gown and then walked back to her throne as if nothing had happened.

"You have come to take Daryn, haven't you?" she asked as she stroked Daryn's hair again.

A woman who was practically wearing a crimson bra and a golden mini-skirt went up to Daryn and stood right between his legs. He held her waist and pressed his head to her stomach.

Dawn's heart cried.

Sedora laughed. "See? He is hardly interested in you. Yet you want him back so desperately that you risked your life, your babies lives and came here."

"Yes, you see I love him and loved ones always seek for each other. They don't cast spells or use them as baits for their personal vendettas," Dawn scoffed. "You are pitiable," she added.

Sedora started to laugh, as did many others in her court. "You have high aspirations Dawn," she said.

"Sedora, just let him go. What have we done to you?"

"Shut up!" She shouted. "Daryn is my son, so obviously he is the prince of this kingdom. I can very confidently say that he doesn't want you. However—" she brought her clawed finger to her lips and tapped them. "However, if you really want him back, you need to contest with other women here, who want him just as badly."

"What?" Dawn asked, looking bewildered. "He is married to me!" So that is why they were saying that she was the last contestant. "Why would I have to contest for my husband? Are you insane? Have you forgotten that we are mates?"

Suddenly the air around her exploded into black smoke and she saw fiery pythons darting their tongues in her direction. Her eyes became wide with fear and her skin prickled with goose bumps. "What is happening?" she asked as she spun around to understand the sudden change. She dodged herself from a serpent who lashed at her and twirled to save herself from another one's tail.

A shrill laughter penetrated the air.


Dawn was still working on how to break the illusions. She just didn't know what to do, so she kept quiet. Sedora was playing with her mind, with her nightmares and since she didn't know how to break the spell, she closed her eyes until the black smoke around her receded.

"Enough!" Ileus said in a menacing tone.

"When this is over Sedora, whichever way it goes, I am going to make sure that you are going to suffer for the rest of your wretched life!" said Brantley as he closed his fists tightly.

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