The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Chapter 275 - Your Life Is Not Yours

Chapter 275 - Your Life Is Not Yours

Dawn blubbered and then her sobs became loud as she held the counter of the basin. "He is fine, he is fine, he is fine," she said like a chant. Then she wiped her tears and came out. She squared her shoulders. "How do I go to the Amazon jungles?"

"You can't go there Dawn!" Gayle refused. "I am trying to call Sedora. I am sure she would know what to do!"

She squeezed her fists into tight balls. "How. Do. I. Go. To. Amazon. Jungles."

"Hold on Dawn," said Gayle in a frustrated voice. "Let me talk to Sedora!"

How could she say that she didn't have good vibes about Sedora? She shook her head. "Even if you talk to her, I would still want to go there!" She was hurting on the inside.

"What if she says that he is fine?" asked Gayle. He couldn't reason with a mate, he knew but he had to drill sense into her.

"In that case, she better make me talk to him," she said with anger flaring in her eyes. "At the moment I don't trust anyone! However, with his plane crashed somewhere in the Amazon jungles, are you telling me that I should stay quiet and depend on Sedora? And what do I do waiting over here?"

"I am asking for your patience, Dawn," he replied and scrubbed his hand over his mouth. He punched Sedora's number next and waited for her to pick up the call, but he received an automated reply that the user wasn't available. He looked at Dawn who seemed to be reading him. "Amazon isn't a place for you to venture out Dawn," he said. "It is dangerous. You are pregnant. It is practically suicide if you try to go and find the crash. That place is so huge, where will you go?"

"Father, I need a rescue team with me. That's it. And now no one can stop me."

"You are just to blind to find Daryn!" Gayle almost barked at her. "How will you go there with twins in your tummy. Why are you making things worse than they already are? I am going there and Neal will accompany me." Gayle just didn't want Dawn to leave Bainsburgh. She was carrying his heirs and there was no way that he would endanger those babies.

Each and every member of the pack agreed with Gayle. They wouldn't let their Luna venture into Amazon. It was like walking into a sure shot death trap.

Suddenly Neal's phone started buzzing again. He picked it up. The officials from Venezuela airport were calling.

"We have found the crash site, Sir. It is deep in the jungles. We are sending a rescue team, though we do not have hopes because the crash took place two days back."

Dawn sank into the chair she was standing beside.

Brenda rushed to her and held her hand. "Dawn…"

Dawn's face was pale as a ghost's. Everything she ever desired seemed to get robbed from her this moment. Her voice trembled as tears threatened to come out again, "I am coming with you. If you won't take me, I will find a way to go there."

"You are not going anywhere!" Gayle growled. This small girl wanted to take fate in her hands? Well, he wouldn't allow her. He had to protect his family, whatever was left. He looked at Neal and said, "I need you to form a team of ten members and we will head to Venezuela now."

"Take me with you," she insisted in a low voice. She had to know where Daryn was. He did leave a message, which was cut-off by the sound of a blast and she knew that Lykae were too strong to be killed by such blasts. He was definitely alive—her heart said that to her, but where was he? If she were going to die while finding Daryn, then so be it— at least she would know that she had made efforts for her man, her mate.

Gayle made a mulish expression and said, "You are going to remain here. You are all I am left with now. Caleb isn't here. Daryn isn't here. And my hope is your babies. Don't jeopardize it Dawn." The way he said, his neck muscles corded in tension. Every Silver clan member in the room became worried with the way their king spoke. He looked at Brenda and said, "You will keep an eye on her until we return!"

Brenda nodded.

Dawn stared at him and then didn't say a word.

Thinking that she had backed off, Gayle exited the main hall with Neal and the rest of them following her. Only Brenda stayed with her. "Dawn, you must rest. You look very pale."

She nodded in response and got up to go to her room. Her mind was in a state of turmoil. How could Gayle deny her this? Her mate was somewhere lost out there. If he were okay, he would have come to her within two days or would have definitely contacted her. But he didn't contact her—that meant he was in serious trouble. Her heart dipped with every step she took towards her room.

As she climbed up the stairs, Brenda followed her. Once they were inside, Brenda made sure that Dawn was in the bed and comfortable. She gave her the medicines. Brenda sat near her and stroked her hair affectionately. "Dawn, you have to understand Gayle's protectiveness for you. You are bearing his heirs and that is a lot for any clan, any pack. Can you imagine how vexed he was when you said you wanted to go to the Amazon jungles? Right now you are like gold to him, a treasure. God forbid, if Daryn is no more, you will have to give birth to his babies and then you will be allowed to die also. So your life is not yours, it belongs to the Silver Clan, to every member of the clan, and trust me they are going to make sure that you don't come under any danger." Her voice was steel.

Dawn gulped. "I understand," she said.

Brenda smiled. "I am going and sleeping downstairs in the guest room. If you need me, just call me, okay?"

"Yes," she said in a low voice. "Please take care of Cole too. I know he is very concerned."

"I will, don't worry." Brenda got up and after switching off the lights, closed the door behind her. She pursed her lips. She understood Dawn's urge to go with Gayle. After all what would you expect from a girl who was only twenty-three. Her emotions were stronger than her logic. Yet Dawn was much better than most of the girls her age.

As soon as Brenda was downstairs, far away from the room, Dawn flung her blanket away. She got up at lightning speed and started to pack her satchel. 'Quetz, I need to go to the Amazon Jungles now!'

'What?' Quetz started to screech in protest.

'I am coming to you in another half an hour max. You better be ready!'

'Are you mad? That place isn't for you. I told you earlier also.' He flew out of the tree he was resting in.

'That is a decision, you need to leave for me!'


'How long will it take us to reach there?'

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