The Royal Contract

Chapter 168 - Obligation To The Throne

Chapter 168 - Obligation To The Throne?

"Let us not get off-topic here. We are here to discuss the finances of the kingdom." Duke Frederick reminded the Council members as they started arguing about the other issues circulating in the kingdom.

At the palace of the duke, all the Council members converged for their monthly assemblage. The meeting revolved around the discussion of how they could improve the social status of the kingdom and strengthen their finances.

"We are seriously facing extinction if we kept up at this same pace." Lord Bailey, a member of the Council, stated as their meeting continued.

The Lord of the farthest south part of the kingdom and the other Councils expressed their concern about the predicament of the future generation. As new governments and industrialization began to take over the world, they were afraid that the future of their kingdom was also at risk of dying.

"That is true. We are likely to follow the same path as the other kingdoms from other nations that seized to exist anymore. The kingdom will suffer if we allow the present Prince to take over the kingdom soon." Count Fordshire agreed with the other man as he pointed out what he thought was the real problem.

"I think the problem is not with King Edward. He had proved that he deserved his position. But we believed it was thanks to you, Fred. Your guidance helped retained the kingdom's honor and standing." Count Edinburgh added to the other Councils' statement.

"King Edward is more than capable of running this empire even without me." The duke defended his brother.

Even if Edward sometimes sought advice from him, Fred still believed that the King was more than capable of handling any situation.

"We are not questioning the present's King capability. Our concern has nothing to do with him. But it has everything to do with the Prince. We still firmly believe that he is not the rightful King to take over his father's position." Count Wellington finally spoke up.

"I still maintained my previous position that if anyone should sit on the throne when the time comes, it should be your son, Alexander." Lord Asthorne of the north part of the kingdom voiced his opinion.

"Yes, I do agree with Lord Asthorne." Count Wellington raised his hand, catching Fred's attention. "Have you spoken about this to him after his birthday?"

Everybody was aware of the law where the Council could reconsider another heir to the throne. They have a right to choose another Prince if ever they felt the succeeding King did not meet the entire criteria for a King.

In addition, if the current Prince's actions defied their laws and disregarded the interest of the entirety of their kingdom for his own. In the past several years, Prince Edward only proved in his actions his total disregard for their laws as he continued to defy them.

With his irresponsible actions, the Council had to reconsider their plan to give him the throne and seek a new heir. A more suitable one that they could crown as their new King.

"Not yet. Are you sure that you are not rushing about considering my son as a replacement for the throne? You know how he feels about his obligation to the Empire." Fred asked the other members of the Council.

It was not a secret that Alex denounced his right to the throne before leaving his house a few years ago. However, the Council denied Alex's request at the time. They knew that when the time comes, they might still need him.

Now, the time had come for Alex to step up to what he was born to be. That was to serve his people as their King.

"We believe that he was still young at the time, but when the time comes. He would realize that his duty to his people is more valuable than anything else." Count Wellington took a drink on the wine in front of him.

"The fact that he still upheld our tradition by introducing his future wife spoke volumes of his intentions." Lord Bailey boasted as if that answered the question of Alex's stand in the matter.

"It still doesn't mean that he will accept the title. I know my son. When he set his mind, it will be hard to change it. As of now, he is dead set in conquering another world." Remembering Alex's last words when he tried to convince him to stay and helped him in their business.

"We still have time to convince him to change his mind. We can't settle for Prince Edward, or else the life as we know it would be gone in a puff of smoke." Count Fordshire said as he shook his head.

He could not risk the lives of his entire family and people in the hands of the Prince. His lack of people skills, business sense, and humanity would only disgrace the throne. He would only bring the kingdom down to its ruin.

"If only Edward can be half the man as your son, then we do not need to have this conversation." Lord Asthorne kept his stand that the Prince would never be as competent as Alexander.

His sons were more capable of handling the kingdom than the Prince, but they were not qualified to be King. But he would still prefer someone who he believed deserved the crown.

"I will still have to carefully consider this before I can discuss this with my son. Although rest assured that if he ever decides to accept, he is more than capable of reigning the Empire." Fred said resignedly.

He had trained Alex to be a good son, not caring if he was in line to the crown. All he wanted was to prepare him to survive in the cutthroat world he was born to, unfortunately.

A life of royalty was not purely glamour and power. Duties and obligations were at an early age engraved in each one of them. A part of Alex's life that he took seriously. But threats and danger were also a part of their existence, something they should never ignore.

"That is all we wanted to hear. We believe that we will all sleep better at night once your son is on the throne." Count Wellington announced.

"Thank you for all your vote of confidence, but all we can do as of now is wait and see." Fred was not committing to anything yet.

He also experienced the same condition before, between choosing the throne or his peace of mind. But he had the luxury to choose the latter because he knew that his brother was capable and more willing to do it.

As the older son, he was in line to the throne, but he chose to denounce his right. He decided to be a Duke and lived a simpler life with his wife and their son. He would not wish it for his son if there was a choice.

He knew that when the time came for Alex to step up to the plate, there was little choice for him but to take it. Despite his resolution to let him live his life the way he wanted it, his obligation to the throne still outweighed his feelings as a father.

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