The Royal Contract

Chapter 164 - Heart’s Content

Chapter 164 - Heart’s Content

She never had to turn around to know who it was. The sliminess of that voice was enough to send a chill in her spine. "If I had known that hell transferred here and the demon is here, I would never have entered this place." She retorted back at the only man she despised the most in her life.

"Aren't that too harsh for someone you loved so dearly?" He spoke again. Unfortunately, the noise was not loud enough to drown his voice away.

Hearing him say that made her skin crawl. It was a reminder of a past that she seriously regretted and would rather forget.

"Hey, Nick, or was it a dick. Better yet, dickhead. Well, whatever your name is, can you scram and leave us alone." Jacky interrupted their conversation, not liking the way this egomaniacal jerk was saying to her friend.

"Jacky, let's get some drinks. He is not worth it." Dani pulled Jacky away from him.

She believed that wasting their breath on him was futile. He did not understand manners and proper behavior when it came to dealing with decent people.

"Running away. Are you afraid that I am telling the truth?" Nick grabbed her arm, preventing her from leaving.

"Let go of me." She struggled to release her arm. Then, her other hand came flying, right across his temple. "I am not afraid of you." She hissed with so much distaste.

But instead of getting hurt, he only tightened his hold on her arm. And then he smirked as if he did not mind the slap at all.

"Take your hands off, Dani," Jacky shouted, about to retaliate against Nick's actions when another man joined in, making her halt and looked in his direction.

"Hey, Dani already asked you to let her go. What part of that did you not understand." Suddenly a man walked into their group and inserted himself in the middle of the commotion." He grabbed Nick's hand and twisted it away from Dani.

Then, two burly men in black also came on either side of them as the commotion started to attract attention.

Nick had no choice but to let her go, seeing that he was no match to the three. "You have no right to meddle in our affairs. It is a private conversation between the two of us." He shoved the man away from him.

"It became my business when you keep forcing yourself on Dani when it is obvious she doesn't want your presence." The newcomer answered Nick, not bulging from his place.

"Whoever you are, you will regret this." Nick pointed to the other man. "This is not yet over. We are not yet over." Nick hissed at Dani, seething in anger before walking away. The two bouncers followed him until he was out of their sight.

"Troy, what are you doing here?" Dani finally turned around and recognized the man that helped them.

Although she did not exactly need any help, she could have easily defended herself in the likes of Nick. But she was still thankful that they avoided a scandalous scene. His father would surely not appreciate her face splattered all over the news just because of Nick.

"I am out with my friends when I thought I saw you." Troy pointed to the group on the corner. "So, I came to check." He explained to Dani.

"Thanks for helping us out." Dani still appreciated what he did when he did not have to do that.

"It is nothing. I'm just glad that you are ok." Troy smiled at her as they continued to stand in the middle of the crowd.

"Hey, I'm Jacky. Maybe you remember me." Jacky waved his hand to Troy, who seemed to only have eyes for her friend.

"Hi, Jacky. I hope you're ok too." Troy suddenly turned his attention to her. "Maybe you two will like to join me with my friends." He offered.

"Thanks, but we have to say no. We are here to bond, a girl's night out." Dani declined his offer. "But thanks for asking."

"Why don't we go get our drinks now?" Jacky interjected as she dragged Dani with her.

"Ok." She answered as Jacky led her to the bar.

She decided that after two or three drinks, they should make their way home. Nick already ruined the night, and she was wary that he still might be lurking around outside, waiting to create trouble. She figured they could always come back another time.

"What about I buy your drinks?" Troy offered as he followed them in front of the bar. "Joey, drinks for these two lovely ladies. Put it all on my tab."

"You did not need to do that," Dani told him, not wanting to impose on him.

"We are now friends. Right, Jacky. So, let me welcome both of you to my club." Troy said as he handed them their drinks.

"This is your business." She stated, but it sounded more like a question.

The few times they spent jogging together, she always forgot to ask what he did for a living. Since she rarely saw him come out in the morning to go to work like most of the tenants of that building.

"Unfortunately, yes. I hope you won't think so lowly of me." Troy also ordered a drink and joined them at the bar.

"I'm sure that this is a very lucrative business and nothing about this is lowly," Jacky stated, indicating the packed crowd.

"Yes, money is good. The business is decent." He acknowledged with some pride. He had worked hard to build this place from scratch.

But he still could not compare himself to the more established businesses around him. He still had a long way to go.

"Well, you did great with this place so far," Dani commented, admiring his hard work.

Suddenly, they heard voices calling his name. "Well, I better go and leave you two alone to enjoy your night." He stood up from his seat, signaling the bartender to attend to the needs of his friends. "I hope I'll see you again in our morning jogs."

After a quick nod to the two girls, Troy walked away from them and back to his group. Some of Troy's friends looked in their direction, but after a few minutes, they returned to their drinks, having a great time.

Jacky and Dani also shifted their attention to their party for two and enjoyed the free drinks.

"When did you learn that he owns this club?" Dani asked, knowing that was the only way that Jacky had a free pass earlier at the entrance.

"The other day. I bumped into him. Then we talked for a few minutes, and I asked what he did for a living. He invited us to come here tonight to check it out." Jacky finally answered all her questions.

"Why did you not tell me about it?" She asked Jacky, who was enjoying the drinks.

"Because I know you will never agree." Jacky voiced out.

"I guess you are right," Dani said as she realized what she had put her friend to all these years. She had been doing everything she liked but failed to ask what Jacky wanted.

"Now, can we dance?" Jacky asked as she drank the remaining liquid in her glass.

"Fine," Dani said as she grabbed Jacky's hand and dragged her to the dance floor.

This night was for Jacky. They would enjoy it till the music stopped, and Jacky was satisfied to her heart's content.

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