The Rising of Tanaka in Another World

Chapter 84: (2)

Chapter 84: (2)

What is it, you two know each other?

Yeah, comrades who once shared the same fate. Without his help, I would not have been able to escape the clutch of the kingdom. Moreover, Im also no less surprised than you are. I didnt expect you two to know each other too.

Hmph, weve only seen each other once.

Torte crossed her arms and said haughtily. Her lovely figure of trying to put on airs was turning all ladies and gentlemen into junkers.

Such a tsundere.

What a tsundere-chan.

Im not being dere or anything!

Perhaps self-conscious of how childish her attitude just now. She yelled in slight embarrassment. However, such a reaction only brought about the opposite effect on the ladies and gentlemen.

As expected, young miss. Youre so destructive that my nose is bleeding.

Umu, young miss can definitely aim for the top seat. You have my seal of approval. Go for the top with confidence.

Shut it! You bunch of fools!

Yahichi watched over such a lively trio with a warm feeling.

Phew, its good that you guys seem to be getting along so well.

Its not good at all! Just where have you been looking at, you airhead hero?!

It was unknown whether there was any demand for it or not, but hero Yashichis airheadedness seemed to be doing well as usual.

Likewise, what is your relationship with them, big bro? Rather, where have you been? That fellow, Toby, was worried sick about you, you know?

Hmm? Come to think of it, I havent gone back lately, have I? These days, Ive been too engrossed in snooping around to investigate the bunch of hardliner demons, after all.

We happened to run into each other in this city, so I asked him for some help. Hero Yashichi was in a way a legend among demons, so I can trust him, after all.

Its me, young miss. I have seen hero Yashichi when I was a child, and this me was also the one who found him.

Oh, youre right. Amazing, amazing.

Torte casually handled clair who had butted into the conversation. However, for the junky clair, even such a casual treatment seemed to be no different than a treat, as she floated a satisfied smile.

Ah, come to think of it, youve been partial toward demons since a long time ago, right, big bro?

Its not that Im partial toward demons or anything. I only decided to take action as I couldnt accept such unreasonable conducts. As a result, I mostly stand on the demon side, though.

Saying so, Yashichi shrugged his shoulders. For the sake of the future generations of humanity, I hereby recorded the fact that Tanaka was amazed by the height of perfection of good grief that hero Yashichi showed at that moment.

That should be enough for our respective introductions for now. I would like to quickly know your intentions in stopping us from leaving, though.

Lets see, the nobles are showing dominance in the current Empire, but they have actually been gradually expanding their influence from more than ten years ago, which leads us to the current situation. And then, the one who supported the nobles who expanded their influence at that time seemed to be the hardliner demons.

Assisting human despite despising human, huh.

Tortes expression was rigid. She didnt know the true motive behind such a contradictory action, but for sure she sensed something eerie from it.

Also, the cooperation between the nobles and the demons seems to be still continuing, but in contrast to the nobles who have acquired influence within the Empire, the demon side has obtained nothing in return. However, recently the demons are making new moves. I cant help but feel that they are scheming something.

Indeed. However, were lacking information too much. For us to see through their intention with only that much is

There is still more of it.

Interrupting Tortes words, Yashichi continued with his story.

Despite the nobles having been continuously expanding their influence, theres a place that they havent laid their hands on. Its the Imperial Tournament Festival.

A bad memory was revived within Tanaka. He shook his head in an attempt to dispel it out of his mind, but that profound action of his had caught the attention of the other three. As expected of Tanaka-san. He truly was a man renowned for his meaningless actions.

The Imperial Tournament Festival is an event related to the God of Creation, and the royal family has always been in charge of it in its wholesome. However, even that tradition seems to have changed from this time around. With quite a lot of nobles seem to be getting involved in it, it seems to be turning into noble leadership tournament.

I see. The Imperial Tournament Festival is a festival where anyone can participate, as long as they are denizens of the Empire, but in the end that matter is limited only to that of humans. However, from this time around, demons are allowed to participate as well. So thats whats suspicious, right?

Torte seemed to be convinced. Yashichi was also nodding his head.

Quite a lot of demons affiliated to the hardliner faction also seem to be participating. If this is what the demons received from the nobles as compensation, there may be something lying beneath it.

But still, what could they possibly obtain out of the Imperial Tournament Festival? I dont think theres anything that seem to be particularly beneficial to the hardliners, though.

Or perhaps there are secrets in the Imperial Tournament Festival that we are unaware of.

Hmm, whatever it is, we cant afford to leave it just like this.

Unaware that the junkers were asleep while standing still, Torte and Yashichi were racking their brains over the answerless question.

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