The Rising of Tanaka in Another World

Chapter 25: (1)

Chapter 25: (1)

Evil God Summoning

The Republican armys long-range attacks were unleashed all at once. Magic and arrows rained down on the Alliance soldiers, obstructing them in their tracks. However, that alone wasnt enough to stop the surging momentum of the Alliance army. The alliance army marched forward like an avalanche, leaving behind the fallen ones. The war soon became a free-for-all battle between the two armies.

Before this battle, Cassius had instructed all of his soldiers that there would be neither surrender nor retreat. There was no longer any way out for the Republician army. The soldiers of the Republician army resisted more fiercely than they had ever done in their previous battles.

Cassius looked down on the battlefield from the top of the observation platform. In this battle, which was the fiercest one yet, the soldiers of both armies fell one by one in rapid succession.

Fufufu, thats the spirit. Fight fight more fiercely Your blood shall become the nourishment for the fruit of my research.

Cassius watched the war with a satisfied look on his face. Next to him, Brutus was staring at the gruesome battlefield with cold eyes.

Several hours had passed since the curtains of the final battle were raised. The battle that began in the morning was still raging as fierce as ever in the afternoon.

However, the Alliance army began to gradually suppress the Republican army. Perhaps it was because their commander was Cassius, someone who wasnt even of a military background. Some of the Republican army eventually began to surrender one after another. From there, it didnt take long for the war to reach its conclusion. The noise continued to die down everywhere on the battlefield.

With most of the battle concluded, the Alliance army quickly reorganized their troops and resumed their march. It didnt take long for them to encircle the Republican armys headquarters.

In the headquarters, there was no one worthy to be called a warrior. Representatives from the Alliance army stepped forward and moved toward them. Among them were former Torochi royalties, Shosa and Taisa.

Big sister!

The two were surprised to see their big sister inside the headquarters. Cassius, who was standing next to her, looked over at them and began to speak with a big smile.

Well, well, well. To think that former Torochi royalties would come to such a place Its worthy of a touching reunion, isnt it?

Ignoring Cassius, who was speaking to them, Taisa called out to Brutus.

Big sis. Come here quickly Big sis?

Brutus showed no reaction whatsoever, however. Seeing this, Taisa showed dubious expressions. Then, Cassius started to happily talk once again.

Its no use. Right now, shes no longer the Torochi Princess, Aisa, shes my subordinate, Brutus.

Cassius held Brutus shoulder as though to prove it.

You bastard! Get away from my sister!

Taisa pulled out her sword and was about to charge in to attack him. However, Shosa stopped it by grabbing her shoulder.

What did you do to my sister?!

Shosa suppressed his anger and sent Cassius a question.

Have you ever taken your time to wonder why five years ago the two of you were the only ones who managed to escape?

The two, who were trembling with anger, suddenly froze in place.

At the time, I really wished to get my hand on some royal blood to be used in my experiments. However, even if your family were only former royalties back then, I still couldnt obtain permission to kill you so easily, you see. And then, you happened to pull off such an escape stunt. Fufufu, I actually purposely let you go, you know? At that time, I was aware of your plan from the beginning, but I decided to let you succeed on purpose. That way, I would be able to rightfully obtain the permission to execute you all, after all.

What did you say?

The two were dumbfounded. However, Cassius continued with his story with a seemingly very happy expression as he stared at them.

I was originally planning to capture all of you right before you managed to fully escape, though. However, your parents, who were already captured beforehand, made a suggestion to me. Shouldnt their lives alone be enough? they asked. If we let you two go, they would teach us the secret technique of the royal family, they said. At that time, given the circumstances, it was nigh impossible to revive the Torochi Kingdom, after all. So they chose the lives of their children over the secret technique that was no longer worth keeping hidden. What a truly touching story, dont you think so, too?

The two couldnt say anything. While Cassius was warped into a smile.

That was a tempting proposition for sure, but it wasnt fun enough, so I decided to put up a condition as well. If Princess Aisa was willing to kill both of your parents with her own hands, d let you two go, that was it. Hahahahaha! It was quite an interesting show, you know?

You bastard.

The twos anger immediately reached its boiling point, and they moved to come at Cassius at once. However, in the end none of them managed to reach him as a defensive barrier was erected around the headquarters.

What are you getting so worked up for? Rather, I think you should be grateful to me, instead. After that, her spirit crumbled, and princess Aisa was close to death of emaciation, but I saved her with this magic tool of servitude, you know?

He put his hand on the neck of Brutus, whose shoulder was held by him, and showed off the magic tool of servitude.

This is my prided work which I created based on the secret technique of the Torochi royal family.

Cassius was intoxicated by his own work. Then he turned to the surrounding Alliance army and declared.

And now, you all are going to be crushed by the masterpiece Ive created!

Suddenly, pillars of light rose up from all sides of the cloister. A brand new ritual was activated by the mechanisms that had been gathering and accumulating the magical energy of the fallen soldiers on the battlefield. Then, a huge magic circle appeared on the battlefield.

Hahahahaha! This is the crystallization of the combination between the secret techniques of both Gokuri and Torochi. A brand new summoning technique created by yours truly to call upon and control a mighty being!

A hemispherical light appeared in the center of the magic circle. Eventually, something materialized there. Its appearance wasnt clearly visible due to the light, but its shadow indicated that it possessed humanoid form.

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