The Rich Second-Generation Villain With No Morals

Chapter 8: The Rich Second-Generation Villain With No Morals

Chapter 8: The Rich Second-Generation Villain With No Morals



Chapter 008: I'm the class monitor; I can't let everyone look down on me, right?:

(+10 /LuminaDawn

"Sister Xueyao, you consider me your younger brother? Are you trying to take a share of my family's property?"

To be honest, this sentence was quite malicious, implying that Qi Xueyao came to Qi Lin's house with ill intentions.

Truth be told, at this time, Qi Xueyao had just graduated and was looking for a job. She was still quite innocent and didn't think so much about things, nor did she have any intentions regarding Qi Lin's property.

But after entering society and experiencing a series of events, she turned dark.

"Qi Lin, you've gone too far. When Uncle and Aunt come back, I'm going to tell them what you said to me."

Qi Xueyao had no appetite anymore. Her chest swelled, and she glared at Qi Lin with a mixture of anger and embarrassment.

"No problem. It's your freedom to tell whoever you want. I won't interfere."

"By the way, my parents probably won't be back until the weekend. Wouldn't it be too late to wait for them to return?"

"How about this, I'll give you my phone, you can call them now?"

"Also, just a friendly reminder, if you tell my old man about these things, his reaction may not be what you expect. He might even praise me for growing up and no longer being the foolish young master."

Qi Lin handed over the phone, grinning.

The words he said made Qi Xueyao's ears turn red, making her furious.

How did she not realize before that this guy in front of her wasn't only a lazy and worthless rich second-generation but also a despicable rascal?

"I know you look down on me and dislike me, the spoiled second-generation rich, but it's okay. I like you. After all, you're my Sister Xueyao and a pretty girl at that."

Qi Lin's eyes scanned up and down Qi Xueyao, who was wearing a small suit with black stockings.

"Qi Lin, you're disgusting!"

Qi Xueyao couldn't take it anymore. Her beautiful eyes turned red, and she almost cried from anger.

After scolding Qi Lin, she stood up and ran back to her room.

She probably went to the room to cry.


Watching his masterpiece, Qi Lin chuckled coldly but felt no satisfaction.

Angering Qi Xueyao and making her mad was just a beginning. The real show was yet to come.

"Xiao Lin, Aunt Chen can see that you quite like Xueyao. Why..."

Aunt Chen had walked up behind Qi Lin, but she hesitated to continue.

Qi Lin naturally understood what Aunt Chen wanted to say. His behavior just now was too much for any girl, after all.

"Aunt Chen, if you want a girl to remember me, I have to leave an impression on her, good or bad. Don't you think so?" Qi Lin said with a faint smile, uttering thought-provoking words.

Of course, such words would shock anyone who heard them. But Aunt Chen had watched Qi Lin grow up, and he believed she would still support him.

"Aunt Chen naturally hopes that you two children can come together."

Qi Lin had his own thoughts, and she was just a nanny.

Although she treated Qi Lin like her own son, she couldn't want to interfere in his affairs.

Aunt Chen smiled warmly, finished tidying up the dishes, and left.

Qi Lin finished his meal and then followed the familiar staircase back to his room.

During this time, he felt nostalgic and sentimental, touching everything around him stairs, walls, paintings, every blade of grass and every tree.

In the last month of his previous life, the court sealed the villa where he had lived for more than twenty years, taking all his memories with it.

At that time, Qi Lin was as empty as ashes and in a state of confusion.

Now, returning to his familiar home, Qi Lin even had the impulse to burst into tears.


[September 28, 2002, Friday]

Right now, Qi Lin lay on the large soft bed, and finally opened Lan Yuxi's diary.

To plan well in advance, he've got to use his tools well.

If he wanted to start with Wang Cheng's girlfriend, he had to dig into her deepest secrets.

Today is the 27th, which means this is Lan Yuxi's diary for tomorrow

"This is quite good. If I can find out Lan Yuxi's secrets, I can plan in advance."

Qi Lin smiled and continued reading.


(Lan Yuxi's diary)

After the morning study, I went to the staff room to hand in my homework. Maybe because the teachers were all in a meeting, there wasn't a single person in the room."

I was about to leave after putting my homework on the desk, but I accidentally saw a set of answer sheets.

Oh my god, these were the answers to the upcoming test!

"Maybe because the teacher was hastily called away to a meeting and forgot to put them away, they were left on the desk."

"I actually wanted to leave at that time, but my heart couldn't help but pound with excitement."

"Although I've been studying hard lately, my ranking in the exams hasn't improved, and I still can't make it into the top ten."

"I'm the class monitor; I can't let everyone look down on me, right?"

"Just this once, I promise, just this once."

"As long as I don't touch the answer sheets, the teacher will definitely not notice. I'll just copy the answers onto paper,."


"Phew, the exam is finally over. But in case someone finds out about me cheating, I can't leave now."

"After everyone has left, I'll go to the bathroom to tear up the answer sheets and flush them away. This way, no one will ever know about my cheating.]

The diary ended here.

Chapter 9: LINK

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-To be continued!


Translated & Edited /LuminaDawn

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