The Return of the God Level Assassin



IT took a few seconds, and seeing Su Yuqi's blank expression, before Luo Jin realized what he just said. He could feel all the blood on his body rushed to his face. He must be blushing profusely right now. If this was reality, his face must look even more terrible.

Should he log out now and avoid further embarrassment? He was truly on the verge of doing just that. But his brain prevented him from doing that. So, he only ended up frozen in place. It didn't help that he suddenly heard Su Yuqi's melodious laughter. At that moment, he truly wanted to be swallowed by the ground he's standing on.

He stood there, frozen in place, completely oblivious to the approaching threat of a group of trolls from behind. When he noticed it, it was already too late to make a counter-attack. He thought he would surely be killed. Maybe that would be good, too. At least he would be saved from this embarrassment of the century.

But before those trolls could even touch him, a ring of fire surrounded them, quickly turning them to light particles.

"Why are you just standing there?" Su Yuqi said, floating and landing right in front of Luo Jin. "Is it because I didn't answer you immediately?"

At this point, Luo Jin should just take back what he said earlier to fix this embarrassing situation. Then he could log out with a clear conscience. But as usual, his tongue didn't cooperate with him.

"It's because you laughed," he found himself saying instead.

Su Yuqi laughed once again when she heard that. Which made Luo Jin's small face turned red once again. She shook her head helplessly when she saw that.

"Ah Jin, I assure you it's not because I'm mocking you or anything," she said, before she reached out and pinched the other's cheek. "I just find you adorable, that's all."

For some reason, that didn't really appease Luo Jin. Because it meant that Su Yuqi didn't take what he said seriously. She's probably just treating it as a child's prank. He felt like something heavy inside his heart just wanted to claw out and shout. A part of him just wanted to rebel. That part of him just grew bigger and bigger until he felt like he would explode if he didn't say anything.

As usual, his instinct moved faster than his brain.

He captured Su Yuqi's hand that was pinching his cheek. Then he looked straight at the other. "I was not joking, you know? Perhaps my words didn't come out perfectly, and it might have come across as amusing to you, but I genuinely meant to ask you out."

Su Yuqi's playful expression turned serious. "Are you asking me out on one date or are you asking me out in hopes of having a relationship with me?"

Luo Jin wasn't able to give a quick response.

Seeing that, Su Yuqi felt a bit disappointed. But that's already something within her expectation, so she wasn't really surprised. She was about to take back her hand that was still grasped by the other, but before she could, Luo Jin gripped it tighter, even pulling her closer. Making their bodies almost touched each other.

"And if I said I want to have a relationship with you, what will you do?"

Now it was Su Yuqi's turn to be speechless. Then, after a while, she smiled playfully and put her face close to the other.

"Then does that mean your answer depends on whether I want to have a relationship with you or not?" She took back her hand and pinched Luo Jin's chin. "Don't you think that's too arrogant?" She then floated back a few steps. "Or maybe it's the opposite. You just lack confidence to directly ask me what you want."

She seemed to have hit a nerve because Luo Jin's expression suddenly became fierce. But she knew that's not because he's angry at her. Knowing him, he's probably just very frustrated right now.

As the one older, should she give him a way out? To make it seem like he wasn't being cornered. She was about to do that, but Luo Jin beat her to it.

"I want to be with you. Not just for one date, but for many. And even if it's not a date, I still want to be with you. Even if we do nothing and just spend the day lazing about, I would still enjoy such a day, as long as it's with you. I think I couldn't make my feelings any clearer than that."

Those dark eyes staring intently at her while saying those words made Su Yuqi's heart skipped a beat. Being stared at like that, as if she was the other's whole world, could easily arouse such a response. But she knew it was more than that.

Still, the fact that Luo Jin 'confessed' his feelings in such a round-about way was very much like him. As the older one, she should probably just leave it at that and don't push the other any more than this. But the fact that Luo Jin couldn't just directly tell her that he liked her irked her a bit.

Well, she wasn't really in a position to demand more. Especially since she still wasn't sure about whatever feelings she had for the other. She didn't even know if she just liked him as a person or if the feelings she had could be considered as romantic. So, really, demanding Luo Jin to directly tell her his feelings in such circumstance would be unfair.

Truly, what an unreasonable woman she was. She wondered why this guy even liked her. Like, if she was a guy, she would rather look for someone like Luo Yan than look for someone like her.

Su Yuqi sighed. Since it had come to this, it's better to step back and just say something that would satisfy the both of them.

"When will you go back to S City?"

Luo Jin seemed taken aback by the sudden change in topic, but he still automatically 09:25

answered, "On Saturday."

"Then let's go on that date the day after tomorrow."

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