The Reincarnated Martial God Brings Down the Heavens

Chapter 73

Chapter 73 – That’s Not the Prince We Know (1)

“We’re going to deliberately treat the delegation from the Meeke Principality poorly.”

Duke Herman told me this on a sudden visit.

“All of a sudden?”

“I heard about the things that Prince Enzi did to you and Her Highness.”

“Are you saying you’re going to take revenge for us?”

“Revenge…… Haha. I suppose it could be seen that way. In any case, whether you call it revenge or not, this puts quite a burden on me. The position demands it.”

Duke Herman was the one in charge of hosting the distinguished guests attending the king’s coronation. Since the task was of great importance, he bore the responsibility that came with it.

Such was the nature of the position.

“From their perspective, it will seem petty, to the point of being disgraceful.”

“I see. But why are you telling me this?”

I received a reply that I hadn’t expected.

“Just to take a bit of credit.”


“If I didn’t say anything, you wouldn’t know, would you?”

A bewildered smile crept onto my lips. I’d already known, but Duke Herman was a very straightforward man.

‘Personally, I don’t hate it.’

In fact, I quite liked it. People like him were easier to deal with. Rather than those narrow-minded bastards who, without saying a word, expect something in return and then make a big fuss when they don’t get what they think they deserve.

Looking back, people like Duke Herman didn’t hold grudges either.

“The mistreatment isn’t entirely on my behalf, is it?”

“Well, half of it is because of Her Highness.”

“Half, you say? That’s unexpected. To think that someone like me would hold the same weight as someone who’s like a daughter to you.”

“How irreverent, saying that Her Highness is ‘like a daughter’.”

“Are you saying she’s not?”


Duke Herman stared at me for a moment.

“……I can see it.”

“See what?”

“Her Highness is drawn to you.”


I tilted my head in confusion.

“Is this some sort of proxy confession?”

“If you’re harboring such insolent thoughts, know that I’ll personally see to your swift death.”

“Please maintain some dignity. A duke of all people, saying things like ‘you’ll be dead.’ Really, ‘you’ll be dead.’”

“I’m serious.”

“So, what’s this reason that she’s drawn to me?”


Once again, Duke Herman fell silent. After a while, he spoke again.

“To Her Highness, you are a dream. You are the future she must move towards, the hope she holds. That’s why I want to protect that dream.”

After hearing that, I grew curious too.

“As her fiancé, I think it’s time you told me the truth.”

“The truth?”

“The real situation the princess is in, and the story behind it that involves you.”

I’d heard bits and pieces from Narakas, but only the people involved would know the full story. Of course, I didn’t have high hopes when I asked.

Surprisingly, however, Duke Herman answered readily.

“As you might already know, I was once in a romantic relationship with the late Third Queen. She was Princess Winley’s mother. I swore at her grave that I would protect her child to the end.”

“It’s hard for someone like me, who’s not smart, to fully understand what you said.”

Because she was the child of a woman you once loved, you’ve taken care of her this much? I couldn’t quite wrap my head around that.

“……I practically killed her.”

Finally, the story I wanted to hear began to unfold.

“I’ve always wondered— did the king of this country forcefully take your lover away?”

Let’s say he couldn’t let go of the resentment from that time and participated in the coup against the throne. Then it would make some sense.

The idea that one beautiful woman could bring down an entire nation is a story that’s been told countless times in history.

“Do I look like someone so petty that I can’t separate public and private matters?”

“People who are serious about love are the scariest creatures.”

Duke Herman flinched for a moment, then gave a bitter smile.

“I’ve felt this way before, but you have a way of sugarcoating your words.”

“It’s not like I could just ask if you lost your mind and caused chaos because of a woman.”


Duke Herman burst out laughing at my words.

“At the time, the royal faction was immensely powerful, far more so than now. His Majesty was in his prime and was praised as an honorable ruler.”

“I doubt that someone of the king’s stature wouldn’t have known about your relationship with the Third Queen.”

In any case, I found the king to be rather unpleasant. What kind of ‘honorable’ ruler would steal his subject’s lover?

Honorable? More like horny.

“The Third Queen came from a fallen noble family. The restoration of her family’s honor and reclaiming the head’s title were her lifelong aspirations. Unlike me, His Majesty had the power to make that dream a reality. After all, granting titles and lands is the king’s authority.”

“So she sacrificed her life for the sake of her family’s ambitions.”

“No. That was the Queen’s dream as well.”

“And you’re sure you’re not just presuming that was her dream?”

“Is there any child who doesn’t wish for their parents’ happiness and well-being?”

“And is there any parent who doesn’t wish for their child’s happiness and well-being?”

“Marriage isn’t just a union of individuals. Love is a fleeting emotion for the young, but the status of ‘queen’ would keep her shining forever. At least, that’s how I thought that way at the time.”

To give up love for the sake of the other’s true happiness?

I don’t know. It didn’t really resonate with me, but I couldn’t say it was wrong, either. I had no right to comment as a third party.

It’s something that has already happened, and Duke Herman simply made that decision at the time.

“Haha, do you think I’m a fool too?”

“‘Fool’ is a bit harsh.”


“In my experience, there aren’t many truly evil-hearted people among those who are as gullible as you.”


Duke Herman stuttered as he questioned me.

“More importantly, you regret that decision now, don’t you?”


Duke Herman’s eyes widened. The claim that the Queen’s death was partly his fault wasn’t just born out of guilt.

‘I heard that this country’s Third Queen ended her life by hanging herself.’

An unwanted marriage. A queen who couldn’t forget her old lover. A family that cared only about restoring their honor.

If she had chosen to escape from such a suffocating reality, and eventually made an extreme decision after a particular incident……

‘……Then Duke Herman probably can’t help but feel guilty.’

I was convinced. Even if the picture I had painted wasn’t the full truth, it was likely close.


Breaking his silence, Duke Herman shifted the topic.

“If the reason on the princess’s side is deeply personal, the reason related to ‘you’ is a more rational and calculated judgment.”


“Marquis Foltaine is one of the most capable businessmen I’ve ever seen. He has an especially keen eye. You are the one he chose.”

Duke Herman wore a sly smile.

“Unfortunately, I don’t have such talents. So what can I do? When in doubt, follow those who are good at something, and you won’t lose your stake.”

“So, you’re saying you’re also investing in me?”

“That’s one way to look at it. As a result, this mistreatment will severely damage Prince Enzi’s reputation within the Meeke Principality. It’s his first official diplomatic mission, and he’s being treated like this as soon as he sets foot in a foreign land. With his recent appointment as Crown Prince, his leadership will also take a serious hit.”

He may seem light-hearted, but this man is clearly a seasoned politician.

“The longer this situation drags on, the more Duke Beder and the knights from the other side will dig into the details. They’ll want to know why they’re suddenly being treated this way.”

“And what if the diplomatic relations between the two countries deteriorate?”

“Hahaha, that won’t happen. The one who first insulted our princess’s ‘fiancé’ was that prince. They’ll probably blame the foolish Prince Enzi instead.”

Duke Herman spoke with confidence.

“Besides, it’s not like I intend to mistreat them forever. As you said, for the sake of future relations between our countries.”

“What do you mean?”

“I plan to improve their treatment soon. I’ll move them to the best accommodations, serve them lavish meals three times a day, and even provide a training ground exclusively for the knights of the Meeke Principality.”

Then Duke Herman looked at me.

“All at the request of the Seventh Prince of the Meeke Principality, Andrew von Meeke.”

I decided to accept Duke Herman’s favor. After all, the more allies I have to stand against that massive Empire, the better.

However, to maximize its effectiveness……

‘I have to show them myself that I’ve changed.’

Duke Herman’s intentions were clear. He wanted me to establish a ‘position’ within the Meeke Principality. But he made one major mistake.

‘He never considered what kind of person the original owner of this body, Andrew von Meeke, was.’

Duke Herman was only looking at the ‘current me’ and made a bold decision on this sensitive issue that could easily escalate into a diplomatic problem. His warning was something along the lines of,

“This great of an individual is showing you mercy, and you idiots still plan on acting like fools?”

‘But things are different from the Meeke Principality’s perspective.’

Duke Herman doesn’t know, and neither do I.

The original 7th Prince, Andrew von Meeke. What if he was actually a symbol of contempt within the principality?

In reality, that was quite likely.

The scattered memories of this body. The reactions of that infamous First Prince. They said it all.

‘A worm……’

First impressions are important. I expected it to be bad to some extent, but the image of ‘Andrew’ was worse than I thought.

So if rumors spread that such a pathetic person suddenly started doing well in a foreign country?

‘No one would believe it. They might even think the Kingdom of Hart was using me.’

I can already see it.

They’ll probably gossip that a talentless fool used his good looks to seduce a woman and change his fate.

“P-Prince Andrew?”

“What are you doing here……?”

Just look at how those knights guarding the outbuilding are reacting.

I’m a prince, yet they start pointing at me as if they’ve seen something unsightly, not even bothering to show any respect.

Their eyes keep scanning me up and down.

‘……Should I just beat them up?’

I was seriously considering it when,


Prince Enzi came rushing over. Beside him was a rather irritable-looking man.

“You’ve finally lost your mind. Do you have any idea where you are……!”

“I apologize for my actions.”


Was he caught off guard by my sudden apology? Prince Enzi stood there, mouth agape.


Even his speech stuttered as he let out a dry ‘Ahem!’ Then, with a menacing expression, he glared at me.

“……You lunatic. At least you’re not completely brainless. Did you finally realize what you’ve done?”

Before long, a crowd of knights who had heard the commotion began gathering around us.

Even the knights from the Kingdom of Hart, who were staying here, started watching us with interest. Was Enzi aware of their attention?

“And who apologizes like that? Get down on your knees and do it properly, right now!”

His smug expression was easy to read. A smirk tugged at the corners of my mouth. Then I immediately raised my head, which had been bowed.

“I didn’t mean to beat you up, Brother.”


For a moment, all eyes were on me in confusion.

“What did he just say?”

“I think he said he beat him up.”

“Prince Andrew looks fine.”

“……He said Brother.”

“So, does that mean…… Prince Enzi got beaten up? By his younger brother who’s nearly ten years younger?”

As the murmuring continued, I straightened my shoulders confidently.

“I’m sorry, and I swear by it.”


Prince Enzi, now pale, asked in disbelief. The smile on my lips widened.

“I’ll never beat you with a wooden sword again.”

I meant it. Because if I ever have to do that again, I’d be using a real sword next time.


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