The Regressor Can Make Them All

Chapter 125

Chapter 125

Offering, a subgroup of Watchers, did just as the name suggested. They were a group of individual blacksmiths who believed they could forge the perfect equipment by offering something valuable during their Offering Ritual. The most commonly sacrificed material was humans, specifically the souls within them.

“Whenever somewhat decent equipment comes out, they package it as a soul-infused item. And then they would clamor about wanting to make it even more stable. They were truly a group of madmen.”

Se-Hoon’s master claimed they were a crazy bunch who believed that the more souls they infused into the equipment, the higher its completion level was—and they were right.

With both mana and synesthetic mindscapes dwelling within the human body, the two formed a mysterious energy that greatly enhanced the completion of equipment. And having confirmed this, Offering, convinced of their ideology, continued their research. They used anything alive as material, be it humans, monsters, or demons. In the end, those madmen would even sacrifice themselves for their own equipment.

“Would you like to join us?”

The proposal he had once heard from one of Offering’s minions was unpleasant, making him unconsciously furrow his brow.

It annoys me just thinking about it again.

Before the regression, he had called the allied forces to help stop a certain Offering Ritual as soon as he heard that it was happening. However, when they arrived, what was left was an empty laboratory and a completed piece of Mythic equipment.


As well as the Destroyer of Moralities who grasped that very Mythic equipment, completely satisfied.

Thinking about it now, it’s a miracle I was even able to survive back then...

Just dealing with the Destroyer of Moralities was difficult without the help of a Perfect One, and once a piece of Mythic equipment was added on, it became a true catastrophe. It was only thanks to the cover fire from the Visionary that at least thirty percent of them were able to survive; otherwise, they would have been annihilated on the spot.

And now, I also know that Kim In-Cheol was a member of Offering...

Since that was the case, then In-Cheol might have also used human souls as materials to forge something.

[Activating Awakening Dream]


The sensation of cold water forcibly pouring onto his mind stopped Se-Hoon from delving even deeper into his thoughts about In-Cheol.

Ugh, this skill always activates at the weirdest times.

While inwardly grumbling about being forcefully snapped out of his thought, Se-Hoon looked around.


“Still sloppy.”


Seeing Jake swing his Luminescent Sword with all his might and Kwang-Soo skillfully deflecting it with a training sword wrapped loosely in mana, Se-Hoon remembered that he was in Physiology Controls class.

I should stay more alert outside, Se-Hoon thought, massaging his temples.

While he wouldn’t get lost in random thoughts like this during a fight, it was always good to remain vigilant since anything could happen at any time. He tightened his slightly loosened focus.


A sharp impact echoed across the training ground.


Without a single chance to break his fall, Jake hit the ground with his face. And despite appearing to be unconscious, Jake was still clutching his Luminescent Sword tightly in both hands.

Poor bastard...

Se-Hoon chuckled at Jake’s admirable perseverance.

“Not bad,” Kwang-Soo said, looking down at Jake while tapping his shoulder with the training sword.

It wasn’t high praise from Kwang-Soo, but it still indicated that Jake’s skill had grown a considerable amount.

The fact that Kwang-Soo knocked Jake down outright means that he was difficult to subdue.

Se-Hoon had been wondering if Jake could fix his awkwardness with swordsmanship, and the duel that unfolded just now had shown that Jake had quickly adapted.

Turning around, Kwang-Soo pointed at Se-Hoon, who had been observing with interest, and then pointed at Jake with his training sword.

“Drag him out of here.”


Getting up, Se-Hoon climbed onto the training ground, grabbed Jake by the ankles, and dragged him off to the side. Then he grabbed his Five-Flame Sword and Forgefire Hammer, one in each hand, and stood opposite Kwang-Soo.

“Here I come.”

“Bring it on.”

Watching Se-Hoon take his stance, Kwang-Soo lowered the training sword from his shoulder. Then, the moment their gazes met and the tension reached its peak—


Se-Hoon kicked off the ground and charged swiftly at Kwang-Soo, aiming the Five-Flamed Sword directly at Kwang-Soo’s heart. While his movements were as efficient and precise as ever, it didn’t mean they were impossible to block.


Kwang-Soo easily deflected the Five-Flamed Sword with his training sword and quickly advanced through the opening. Seeing that, Se-Hoon calmly pulled back instead of panicking and swung the Forgefire Hammer with all his might.


A resonance sounded, one that was deeper than when their swords had clashed.

Having been pushed back, Kwang-Soo looked at his training sword interestedly, realizing it was due to being unable to fully absorb the shock.

Seems like he aimed at the sword’s center of balance. His combat techniques may look brutish, but they certainly are calculated.

Even a slight deviation from the striking point could have left Se-Hoon open to counterattacks, but Se-Hoon had pinpointed the exact spot without any error.

Clang! Clang! Thud!

For a few clashes, Se-Hoon repeatedly thrust his sword rapidly at Kwang-Soo while using his hammer to block Kwang-Soo’s sword. To Kwang-Soo, Se-Hoon seemed like he had quite a bit of experience fighting like this, as his balance throughout the battle was commendable.

It was to the point that Kwang-Soo was having a difficult time, as he was limiting his abilities to that of a C-rank hero.

I’ll need to step it up a notch.

Since Se-Hoon had grown a considerable amount, Kwang-Soo adjusted his grip on his sword and clashed it with Se-Hoon’s Five-Flamed Sword.


Unlike before, Kwang-Soo’s sword slid along the Five-Flame Sword’s edge in the blink of an eye. Se-Hoon tried to flick his wrist to block quickly, but Kwang-Soo moved his sword in anticipation.


Kwang-Soo precisely pressed down on Se-Hoon’s sword where he concentrated his force—the same technique Se-Hoon had used to subdue Amir was now being used against him.

While still trying to react to the sudden change in Kwang-Soo’s technique, Se-Hoon watched as Kwang-Soo’s sword penetrated deeply inside his guard.

The sword was aimed at his wrist or chest, a decisive stroke that could pierce either easily. Despite that though, Se-Hoon’s eyes glistened.


Taking the chance, Se-Hoon released the stored mana in the Five-Flamed Sword.



The unexpected explosion from the blade sent Kwang-Soo’s sword flying to the side. Not missing his chance, Se-Hoon’s hammer struck at the sword’s center axis.


If the hit connected, the training sword would either be severely damaged or completely broken. Trying his best, Kwang-Soo quickly adjusted his stance and twisted the sword, but he still couldn’t completely block the incoming hammer.


The training sword, hit by Se-Hoon’s hammer, flew far away. Seizing the opportunity, Se-Hoon surged forward, releasing more mana from his feet.


The aftereffects from such rapid acceleration would have left him injured before, but thanks to Purified Earth which he had managed to develop last night, his mana circuits were able to perfectly absorb all of the recoil.

With the techniques and enhanced physical abilities that he had been hiding until now, Se-Hoon managed to open a perfect gap which he thrust the Five-Flamed Sword toward Kwang-Soo’s heart through.


However, a crude sword suddenly formed in midair right by Se-Hoon’s neck.

“...Isn’t this a bit unfair?”

Stopping just in time, Se-Hoon narrowed his eyes. Kwang-Soo grinned at the sight.

“I could use Sword Control even back in my B-rank days. You’re not the only one who can hide your strength.”

Sword Control was one of Kwang-Soo’s techniques that allowed him to manipulate his swords freely. It was more of an applied technique, so even B-rank heroes could use it if a few conditions were met.

“So, you’re saying you could create a sword out of nothing in midair and aim it at someone’s neck with Sword Control in just one second when you were a B-rank?”

But executing it as Kwang-Soo just did was clearly different not as easy. It was similar to the difference between slicing something on a cutting board and slicing something while it was suspended in midair.

It may have been possible during your A-rank days but B-rank? Who do you take me for?

At Se-Hoon’s pointed question, Kwang-Soo paused for a moment.

“Well, it used to be a dagger back then. The speed was the same, though.”

“If the dagger wasn’t invisible the whole time, I would have been conscious of it during the fight.”

“Then I would have been conscious of your awareness. Do you know how fierce I was when I was B-rank? I was forcibly drafted during an emergency...”

Seeing that Kwang-Soo had started recounting the stories of his past, Se-Hoon could only just sigh inwardly; he had heard these stories countless times before when Kwang-Soo was drunk.

“Okay, ok. Yes, I lost.”

What else could he say when Kwang-Soo was bringing up stories to insist that he had won?

Hearing Se-Hoon’s clearly begrudging reply, Kwang-Soo cleared his throat and changed the subject, “Ahem. Well, your techniques weren’t bad. If you had properly learned the Celestial Infinity Blade and could use Sword Control like I can, you might have been able to respond to that attack.”

“...I see.”

“Of course, it’s difficult to manifest sword aura like me, but you should be able to easily handle a small dagger...”

Noticing how Kwang-Soo had quickly sized the opportunity to explain the benefits and greatness of the Celestial Infinity Blade, Se-Hoon realized why he had fought so unfairly in the duel.

So, he just wanted me to learn the Celestial Infinity Blade.

Since Se-Hoon wasn’t eager to become his disciple, Kwang-Soo decided to try highlighting its advantages to make him interested.

Well, it surely isn’t a bad technique...

The Celestial Infinity Blade was a rather straightforward sword technique that grew stronger with repeated practice. Considering Kwang-Soo’s remarkable feats with it before the regression, it was indeed a good technique—his attitude was the problem.

“If you focus on mastering the Celestial Infinity Blade starting today, you’ll see results in a few years...”

“I’m not learning it.”


If Kwang-Soo had offered to teach him casually, Se-Hoon might have learned it for his sake. However, Kwang-Soo insisted that he drop everything else and focus solely on the Celestial Infinity Blade. And while it made sense, given that it wasn’t an ordinary technique, Se-Hoon didn’t feel it was worth dropping everything.

Besides... I think I can figure it out by just observing.

Se-Hoon narrowed his eyes as he studied the sword aura floating in the air.

Kwang-Soo chuckled at the sight. “Are you also trying to learn this from observation? You probably should give up on that. Your mana might get tangled.”

“I’m not that inexperienced.”

“I said that because someone actually got carried away trying it before. You shouldn’t assume what you see is everything.”

Acknowledging that Kwang-Soo was giving him serious advice, Se-Hoon looked again at the sword aura.

That’s true, though. What you see isn’t everything.

As most secret techniques deeply reflect the user’s synesthetic mindscape, one had to understand both their form and the synesthetic mindscapes that were deeply rooted within each to handle the techniques properly. Failing to grasp either could result in the technique going on a rampage.

Ma Kwang-Soo’s synesthetic mindscape, huh...

It was hard for Se-Hoon before he regressed to understand Kwang-Soo’s synthetic mindscape as he hadn’t developed his unique skill, Blacksmith of Bonds, yet. However, because Kwang-Soo was his regular customer, he had been able to observe a lot through the various interactions they had.

Moreover, this time, he had already formed a bond with him thanks to regressing with his unique skill.

If I can extract and closely examine our bond, it might be possible for me to acquire his Celestial Infinity Blade.

With that thought in mind, Se-Hoon scrutinized the sword aura more carefully, making Kwang-Soo flinch at the sight.

No way... no, that can’t be.

It made sense for Se-Hoon to grasp the basics as Kwang-Soo had meticulously demonstrated it during their sparring, but performing Sword Control with sword aura was not something that could be copied just by watching.

Despite his certainty though, the thought kept nagging at him, prompting him to just watch with a curious expression.


Kwang-Soo’s phone suddenly vibrated in his pocket. He took out his phone and, upon seeing the caller, frowned slightly.

“I need to take this call.”

After saying that, Kwang-Soo retracted his sword aura and stepped out of the training ground.

Judging from his expression, that call would probably be related to the Doppelganger...thought Se-Hoon while watching Kwang-Soo’s retreating figure and stroking his chin.

Perhaps they had found a clue as to where its hideout might be. Se-Hoon stared at the closed door with a curious expression.


A groan came from below the training ground.

Looking over, Se-Hoon saw Jake get up and say, “Ah... so I got knocked down again.”

He rubbed his sore jaw with a bitter smile.

“Don’t feel too down about it. Him knocking you down means you fought well enough that it made him think that he had no choice but to knock you down,” said Se-Hoon as he grinned at Jake.

“Really? I guess that’s one way to look at it.... But getting knocked down every time still feels a bit frustrating.”

Even if he was complimented, ending every sparring session unconscious surely left a bitter taste.

Seeing Jake’s clear disappointment, Se-Hoon thought for a moment before asking, “Are you still practicing the Blood Art I taught you?”

“Yeah, I’ve been working on it whenever I have time.”

“Then try this: whenever you’re about to get hit, imagine hardening all the blood in your body at that moment. Then, you might be able to withstand Ma Kwang-Soo’s hits at least once.”

“Harden the blood...”

Jake pondered over Se-Hoon’s advice.

Just then, the door opened, and Kwang-Soo poked his head in.

“I have to go on a business trip.”

“A business trip?”

“Yes. I don’t know when I’ll be back, so until you hear from me, just self-study... no, wait.”

Remembering something, Kwang-Soo looked at Jake.

“What was that thing that Luke mentioned?”

“He said he’d be inviting active-duty heroes for special lessons...” answered Jake.

“Perfect. Your assignment is to defeat those rookies. I’ll notify them about Se-Hoon, so take him along with you.”

“What? How are we supposed to...”

“If you fail to complete the task, your grades will drop and you’ll get a beating from me. I’m off then.”

With those words, Kwang-Soo left, leaving Se-Hoon and Jake standing there, bewildered.

“Who are these... active-duty heroes?” Se-Hoon asked.

“Because of the Black Lotus Seas incident, Babel has been emphasizing the importance of real-combat experience. So, our Dean has decided to invite active-duty heroes for special lessons.”

Se-Hoon nodded, now understanding the situation a bit better.

“And... how many are coming?”

“Considering that it’s for all departments in Aqar Quf, probably over a hundred.”


Se-Hoon began pondering. While inviting active-duty heroes to give the students exposure to real combat seemed reasonable on the surface, the timing was too suspicious to overlook.

Right when the Hextech Expo is happening in Ur, people are flooding into Aqar Quf...

It might have just been a coincidence, but knowing that the Ten Evils were wary of Ludwig made it hard to just ignore.

And if Borsippa also gets involved as well...

It seemed unlikely, but one could never be sure.


Interrupting his contemplation over what was about to happen, his phone vibrated in his pocket. Taking it out, Se-Hoon saw the name “Aria Myers” on the screen.

“Who is it?” asked Jake.

“Your sister.”

“...Could you answer it quickly?”

Feeling slightly uneasy due to Jake’s request, Se-Hoon answered the call.

—Is this a good time to talk?

Hearing Aria’s soft voice over the phone, Se-Hoon glanced at Jake and replied, “Yes. What’s the matter?”

—I was wondering how the prototype for the mass-produced sword aura equipment we discussed is coming along.

“Oh, about that...”

Se-Hoon mentally scanned through the blueprint he had drafted.

“The design is complete, so I can start working on it right away.”

—That’s great. How about we showcase it at the upcoming exhibition?


The unexpected word made Se-Hoon curious.

—Oh, you didn’t hear? Borsippa is currently preparing an exhibition and is inviting the top graduates from the departments.

“The graduates...”

—There will be a large audience due to the Hextech Expo, so showcasing your prototype at the exhibition seemed like it would be a good opportunity. What do you think?

Taking a moment to think, Se-Hoon asked, “When is the exhibition held?”

—I heard it will be prepared this week and held next weekend.

Over a hundred active-duty heroes were invited to Aqar Quf, a Hextech Expo was being held in Ur, and now an exhibition was being held in Borsippa; these major events prepared by the three colleges, each with an influx of outsiders, were all coincidentally on the same date.

But the timing was far too precise for Se-Hoon to shrug it off as just a coincidence.

He narrowed his eyes, These guys...

Having confirmed that something must be brewing at Babel, he thought for a moment before finally answering, “That would be good.”

If someone was actually preparing something, he decided that he would dive right into it and stir things up.

With determination in his eyes, Se-Hoon began to check the materials he had prepared.

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