The Reborn Noble Daughter

Chapter 306: 306 Revealed

Chapter 306: 306 Revealed

Chapter 306 306. Revealed

Both of them looked at her seriously, looking at her like a rat on the street, full of disgust.

That look and expression angered Linlang, and he screamed at them.

"Why? Why do you look at me like this!"

She has been a little arrogant since she was a child, and she had no choice but to become a slave, so she became like that after becoming an aunt.

Now that I see everyone looking at her like this, the overwhelming hatred in my heart can no longer be suppressed.

Feng Jinyao looked at her struggling but unwilling to give up, and said lightly to Feng Jinxu.

Brother, should we send it to Yingtian Mansion? Or should our family handle it ourselves?

"Send it to Ying Tianfu. Such a person is not worthy of dirtying our Feng family's land."

The person who was originally waiting for Qiu Hou to question and kill him actually showed up at Feng's house in a grand manner. This incident was enough for her to die immediately.

He didn't even need to go to Yingtian Fuyin to put pressure on him. He was just afraid that as soon as he was sent back, he would die suddenly in the next second.

Linlang once again saw Feng Jinxu's cruelty and ruthlessness, and wanted to rush out like crazy.

Who would have thought that what Feng Jinyao said next would chill her heart as if a basin of cold water had been poured on her.

Can you ignore your own life? The lives of everyone in your family will also be ruined with you?


Feng Jinyao smiled sarcastically. Sometimes she didn't even know what Aunt Linlang was thinking.

So I will tell you what happened in the past few days.

"I noticed it when a large amount of specially processed dry firewood arrived from the Xu family. Just by asking a little, I can find out that the disappearance of the head of the Xu family happened after your natal Luo family came to Beijing. The Luo family The masters behind the scenes are quite scheming, and they managed to infiltrate many wealthy families by taking advantage of the opportunity to deliver firewood. I'm afraid the cooks and servants inside have all been bribed."

As he spoke, he looked at Aunt Linlang, and saw a bit of shock on her face. It was obvious that she didn't know about these things.

But Feng Jinyao didn't stop talking, "Aren't you bringing so much firewood just to burn down the Feng family? He must be so vicious, he must have a deep hatred for the Feng family. I followed this line and checked, and sure enough, you The eldest brother from your mother's family even went to see you in the cell. He must have gotten either a list of people in the Feng family who are easy to bribe or a road map of the Feng family. Unfortunately, these things are of no use to him, as Bai's mother has given him the trouble. It has been tidied up. Now I dare not say that it is impregnable, but no one wants to break through the door of death, so he will think of using you to achieve his goal. "

"No, no! Stop sowing discord here! How could my brother take advantage of me?"

Aunt Linlang is a little smart, but not very wise.

Coupled with her overwhelming hatred for the Feng family, it is natural that she can be fooled at any time.

"Since you have all thought of so many ways to deal with the Feng family, if I don't give you an opening, I'm afraid the play won't even work! So I specially arranged for Hehuan to go for a walk outside the house when he had nothing to do, and you If you hate her, you will naturally find a way to knock her down. But what you dont know is that He Huan knows martial arts, so if you are on guard, it is impossible for you to do whatever you want!"

Linlang looked back at the Hehuan girl and saw that her hatred for him was also beyond words.

If there is a knife, I am afraid that the white knife will go in and the red knife will come out.

"Fart! Now that I have been caught by you, of course everything can be made round. I don't believe it anymore. Aren't you afraid that I will directly poison Feng Yun and this little beast?"

Hearing the word "little beast", Feng Jinxu couldn't help it.

Step forward and kick her hard in the chest. Chills spread around her, and she said to Aunt Linlang who was vomiting blood.

"Let me hear one more slander from you about Yun He, and I won't want to use this tongue." He was originally the unsmiling young minister of Dali Temple, but now he has never shown this appearance in front of his family.

Feng Yunhe leaned against Hehuan, swallowing a few times, with a little fear in his eyes.

Perhaps sensing his son's fear, Feng Jinxu quickly restrained his frightening aura and returned to his previous indifference.

Feng Jinyao was standing next to him and naturally felt the change in his aura.

So he said to Hehuan, "You take Yunhe back to rest first, and my eldest brother and I will handle the rest."


Feng Yunhe's body was soft, but he was still the size of a six or seven-year-old child. It was a bit difficult for Hehuan to hold him, so Fu Yi stepped forward to pick him up, nodded to Feng Jinxu, and the brother and sister took Feng Yunhe away. here.

Once the others left, the two Feng brothers and sisters simply stopped restraining themselves.

In Linlang's eyes, she seemed to be seeing a male and female Yaksha at this moment. She was extremely frightened, but she had to pretend to be calm on her face.

Where did we just talk about? Oh, by the way, about you pretending to be Hehuan.

Feng Jinyao lowered her body and picked up the human skin mask from the ground, and couldn't help but sigh.

"The people behind you have spent a lot of money to make such exquisite things. It seems that they are quite powerful!"

Hand the human skin mask to Feng Jinxu, he naturally has his own method in Dali Temple, maybe he can trace the person who made it.

"Hahaha, don't think that you will win if you catch me. Don't worry, there are many people who want your Feng family to die. I am just a loser. If I die today, I will die, but even if I am a ghost, I will not let you go! I will pester you to the point of death! And Wen! I curse her to die in childbirth, and the child in her belly will also die!"

The whole person's crazy look made the two servants who were pressing her almost lose their grip.

Feng Jinxu went up and cracked her chin. The pain was so painful that she screamed and blood mixed with saliva flowed all over the floor.

"How are you worthy to be compared with Yun Niang? The most regretful thing I have ever done in my life is to let you in. If I had known that I would not take you as my concubine even if I died!"

Looking at Linlang, his eyes were full of disgust and disgust.

Feng Jinyao stepped forward and patted his arm and said to Feng Jinxu.

"Brother, this person can't ask anything now. Let's hand it over directly to Yingtian Mansion. As for the Luo family behind her, we have to deal with it!"

Hearing the word "Luo family", Linlang's body, which was not struggling at first, suddenly jumped up again.

It's a pity that now she can't speak or move her hands, so it's useless to struggle.

After the servants tied her up with ropes, they personally sent her to Yingtian Mansion with Feng Jinxu's order.

Ying Tianfu Yin's official position was not as high as that of Feng Jinxu. This still involved his family affairs and the secret of Linlang's escape from prison, so Linlang was beaten to death with sticks in front of the servants.

When he died, his flesh and blood were bloody, which looked very shocking.

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