The Protagonist’s Sister Is Actually The Strongest [An Action-Packed LitRPG Transmigration and Progression Fantasy]

Chapter 165: Two Battles At The Same Time

Chapter 165: Two Battles At The Same Time


Beelzebub’s Demonic Castle continued trembling as Ouroboros constantly attempted to summon himself. 

The Dimensional Crack he had forcefully opened to emerge from the Realm Beyond where he belonged was shaking the Spatial Pillars of the Demonic Castle.

This caused the Castle to constantly crumble and fall apart; already, a third of it has fallen as pieces of rubble into the Stronghold City, right below them.

The presence of a powerful Archdemon, a being that was equal to Constellations, was overwhelming, his very aura could weaken non-incarnations and make them pass out if they weren’t careful.

However, all the people here were either Incarnations or extremely talented and powerful people. Just like Evelyn and Gustavo, who were Chimeras with Demonic Stigmas, and Henrietta, Dimitri, Hilda, and Scarlet, the Incarnations of Constellations.

The power that Gustavo and Evelyn held overwhelmed Henrietta with ease. The draconic man easily broke through her defenses with his incredible strength, while Evelyn threatened her with her petrification venom.

It wasn’t easy for Henrietta to take them both at the same time! Perhaps if she fought only one, the possibility of winning would be within her grasp, but it was completely different from the two.

Especially when they were able to fight so well together!

Thankfully, Henrietta wasn’t alone. Not only Dimitri, who was quite tired, joined anyway, but Hilda and, lastly, Scarlet, enraging her former allies even more than before.

“What an ugly appearance. Is this your real face, Evelyn?”

Scarlet teased Evelyn as she and Gustavo underwent further transformations. Their Chimeric Abilities awakened further thanks to the Demonic Stigmas, helping them evolve into even more terrifying creatures.

Both she and Gustavo had completely lost their human-like appearance at this point, their entire bodies having shapeshifted into gigantic monsters over fifteen meters tall.

“You’re dead, Scarlet!”

With a ferocious and furious roar, Evelyn rushed towards her. She now had three long-necked snake-like heads, resembling the heads of cobras covered in purple scales.

Each of these heads was covered by long hair made of smaller snakes, all of them spitting venom at Scarlet, not only petrifying venom but venom imbued with Mana, turning into deadly magic projectiles.


Scarlet used her Blood Wings to swiftly evade the barrage of explosive Venom Bullets, as Evelyn’s titanic claws, now with an additional pair of muscular, scaled arms, unleashed consecutive attacks.


“You’re just running away; confront me!”

Evelyn opened all three of her jaws, releasing three powerful, purple-colored beams from them, targeting the Vampiress.


Scarlet quickly gritted her teeth as she waved her hands. Two enormous claws made of crimson blood materialized from her aura.


She slashed the empty air, blocking two beams, but a third managed to get through. Her wings placed themselves in front of her to block the incoming attack.


Scarlet barely managed to tank all her hits, but her blood wings crumbled into stone, only for Evelyn to leap into midair and catch her, opening her gigantic maws to tear her to pieces.

“I won’t let you go, you filthy traitor! I’ll avenge little Roy!”

As her jaws were about to close on Scarlet, dozens of crimson spears materialized around the Vampiress, her smile widening.

“You shouldn’t have gotten too close to me, Evelyn.”


Scarlet’s flying projectiles pierced Evelyn’s open jaws and her throat, and some were even swallowed by the reflex of her throat.

And then countless explosions followed.



With an agonizing groan, Evelyn’s massive body collapsed on the ground, her three heads having blown up to pieces, and her body seemed immobile.

“Did she die?”

For a second, Scarlet thought Evelyn could have died there, but that hope swiftly faded away as she saw Evelyn’s entire body turn semi-transparent and then break down like thin paper.


From within, a new body surged, slightly smaller but just as monstrous as the previous one. This one had third eyes on her three heads and an even larger eye on her chest.

“What the…?!”

“Hahaha… HAHAHAH!”

Evelyn only laughed at Scarlet’s expression; she had awakened an insane ability once she transformed into this form.

“Are you surprised?” Evelyn mocked her. “This is thanks to my molting ability; with this, I am virtually immortal! No matter how much you kill me, I will come back, even stronger than before!”

She leaped with greater agility than before, catching up to Scarlet in a split second and punching her down with a barrage of fists.



Scarlet’s body collapsed on the wooden floor, piercing through several layers of repeating rooms and shaking the entire castle.


“There’s no way she’s immortal, with an ability like that... Has to have a weakness!”

Scarlet slowly stood back up, her wounds swiftly healing thanks to her Vampiric Physique and her powerful Regeneration Abilities.

She wasn’t wrong. Skills weren’t invincible; they always had some sort of limit to what they were capable of doing.

And she wasn’t alone either; there were others also facing Evelyn.


Several bullets pierced Evelyn’s back, burning her flesh with the intensity of the sun itself.


Evelyn glared furiously at Dimitri, who was smiling mockingly at her, wielding a gun with the only hand left.

“Lady, can’t you give me some attention? I am beginning to feel a bit lonely; you know?”

Dimitri acted cocky, making Evelyn grow more furious. Her transformation had not only affected her body but also her mind.

She had little control over her emotions before, but now it was even less; it felt like a small mockery had made her lose all her control!

“I’m going to tear you a new asshole with my claws! RAAAAH!”

Evelyn took the bait, following Dimitri, who rapidly escaped her attacks; he was incredibly swift despite being considerably weaker compared to everyone else.

He was without a doubt a gunslinger who specialized in long-range attacks and amazing speed—enough speed to evade close-range attacks and make enough space between them and their foe to shoot them from afar.


As Evelyn continuously hit the ground following Dimitri, the gunslinger pointed his magic gun at her chest, where a big eye was firing red beams.

“Stop running!”


(Listen while reading:

Suddenly, Dimitri stopped running, forcing Evelyn to forcefully stop her chase. Her weight was so high now that her entire body moved by itself due to the inertia when she stopped, ending up in the air!


Then she noticed Dimitri’s gun pointing at her chest, gathering a large quantity of mana within his gun, which suddenly changed its shape. This was all thanks to a little gift he received from his sponsor just recently.

[The Heroic Cosmic Throne {Youthful Gunfighter of the Wild West} recognizes your tenacity and amazing accuracy with the guns.]

[He has sponsored the [Magic Gun Transformation (S)] Skill!]

“About time you gave me something, you shitty Constellation.” Dimitri laughed, his gun transforming into a huge missile launcher. “Oh, it costs a lot of Mana but… I love it.”

A massive missile flew off his "gun,” hitting Evelyn’s chest and blowing up with enormous quantities of Holy Light.


The snake woman felt her entire chest tear itself apart; her eyes splattered everywhere, suddenly making her feel weaker.

“Uurrggh…! I-I can’t activate Molting yet?!”

It was a powerful ability, but it could only be activated once her HP hit below 20%. And currently, although she took a lot of damage, she has yet to hit that amount of HP!

“I knew it; hitting them in the eyes always works!” Dimitri celebrated. “I knew that all those years spent playing Resident Devil games worked for something!”

Dimitri recalled his younger years as an avid gamer and gun aficionado. He loved playing games with guns and lots of action.

In the Resident Devil Games, the bosses oftentimes happened to have massive eyes on their bodies; hitting those eyes was always the way to go, as it used to be their weakness!

“What bullshit are you spouting about?! Turn into stone, you little rat!”

Evelyn gathered all the power she had into her jaws, releasing a triple petrification venom beam against Dimitri! He quickly ran in the opposite direction of the beams, but they were so fast they ended up hitting him all at once.

“Hahah… HAHAHA! Now let’s see what a beautiful statue you’ve become, huh?!”

Evelyn approached Dimitri to see what he had become, only to find his poncho and hat turned into stone instead of himself.

“Phew, almost got turned into a damn statue; you’re sure a tricky one, huh?”


Evelyn was shaken when she saw Dimitri had smartly thrown his hat and poncho to take on the beams, instantly turning into stone.

And saving himself!

“Y-You piece of sh*t! DIE!”

Evelyn was growing desperate, only for a powerful presence to emerge behind her!


A crimson aura erupted from underground, destroying the wooden floor behind Evelyn and quickly attacking her.

It was nobody else but Scarlet!


“You’re already up again?!”

Scarlet didn’t answer her desperate question, her aura quickly fusing with her body as she activated a skill she had been holding up until now.

Because it made her go absolutely batshit insane.

“{Embodiment of the Night}”


Her entire body mutated in a split second, changing, and growing to the same size as Evelyn, becoming an aberrant humanoid bat-like monstrosity.


With a ferocious roar, Scarlet bit through the neck of Evelyn and tore apart her flesh, drinking her blood while her claws grabbed her arms and started breaking them like twigs.


“W-Wha… UGH…! You can transform- AAARRRGGHHH!”

Evelyn tried to turn her into stone, but failed miserably as Scarlet devoured her snake heads and stopped her from vomiting any more of her venom by filling her throat with boiling blood.


The Vampiress no longer tolerated her, filling Evelyn’s insides with as much Blood conjured from her spells as she could, tearing her insides and stopping her from even using Molting.

“Evelyn, I’ve always hated your fucking attitude! Rot in FUCKING HELL, you bitch!”

With a burst of crazed laughter, Scarlet bathed in the blood of her former sister, her corpse falling on the ground, torn to pieces in a gory scene.

Dimitri was only watching what she did, completely speechless.


Meanwhile, Henrietta and Hilda fought the toughest of the two, Gustavo.

The draconic man, now having fully turned into a fifteen-meter-tall humanoid rock dragon, was constantly having his arms sliced and regrown.

It seemed as if he felt no pain even as his arms, legs, or wings were severed apart; even his tail was fine after a few seconds.

His regeneration could rival the toughest monsters out there and even Vampires themselves.

“This guy is not only tough, but he also packs a tremendous punch, has amazing speed with those wings, big defenses with his scales, and everything…” Henrietta thought. “If I delay this any longer… Jack will be in danger!”

“I will NOT let you pass!”

Gustavo kept flying in front of them whenever the duo got closer to Jack. And even when Hilda tried to distract him, he would kick her away and chase after Henrietta. The fact that he could fly with those wings made him even more annoying to deal with.

“Off my way!”

Gustavo punched Hilda away with his incredible strength, flying straight to Henrietta, who greeted him with her sword, unleashing her aura!

She couldn’t use the power of Anti-Mana all the time, so she mostly used Celestial Energy to fight him, which still dealt some severe damage due to the demonic attribute he gained thanks to the Demonic Stigma.

“{Holy Star Ascension}!”


Her entire body released a mighty shockwave of pure, purifying light, which mixed with her sword as she swung the blade upwards.


The powerful attack forced Gustavo to go on the defensive, putting his arms in front of his body to block the mighty attack.


A thunderous explosion of holy light bathed his body, burning and tearing apart his flesh. His arms quickly exploded into pieces.


With a mighty roar, he conjured several rock spikes from the ground, trying to distract her and buy enough time for new arms to generate.

But Henrietta completely ignored him and flew away instead of confronting him as usual!


He quickly leaped towards her, using his wings to maneuver across the air and catch her with his newly grown claws. However, a giant bat-like monster stopped his path, kicking his face and throwing him down.



Gustavo was shocked to see Scarlet, whose aura he recognized immediately, transformed like him!

“You’re not the only one with a transformation!”

With a furious roar, Scarlet harnessed her crimson Aura into her legs and kicked him constantly, while her giant wings, which had sharp claws of their own, constantly slashed his face and chest, filling the wounds with her crimson blood.

“{Blood Bomb}!”


Suddenly, Gustavo felt his own blood boil with Scarlet’s magic blood. As his wounds started to inflate like balloons, countless explosions emerged from the inside of his body.



For the first time, he experienced so much pain that he openly screamed! And swiftly after, a blazing hammer, courtesy of Hilda, rushed down, smacking his head into the floor.

“Missed me?”


The damage accumulated was so severe that his regeneration was taking a while, but even as wounded as he was, Gustavo stood back up and started struggling, trying to reach Henrietta to stop her.


With a mighty roar, he continued struggling, only for Hilda and Scarlet to hold him back with everything they had. At the same time, Dimitri shot down his eyes with his bullets, temporarily inhibiting his vision and also shooting the inside of his mouth for some great damage.


“We won’t let you get through, big guy!”

Dimitri kept firing his bullets, and Scarlet and Hilda continued stopping him, all while the draconic man heard Henrietta grow farther and farther away. Henrietta’s wings led her to Jack at long last, as she pierced through the barrier around him with her sword.

“{Dimension Severing Slash}!”

Harnessing the last bits of Anti-Mana she could muster from her exhausted crystalized core, Henrietta entered the barrier and quickly leaped towards Jack.


Jack’s body was already undergoing too many changes; his body was covered with red scales, a long snake-like tail grew from his back, and his body continued turning monstrous. And the crimson portal was right above him, Ouroboros constantly pouring his very being into possessing him.

“{Heavenly Descent}!”

With a furious roar filled with decisiveness, Gabriel himself descended into her body as she harnessed the powers of the Archangel to attack Uroboros and purify Jack.

[“You have to stab him somewhere to imbue him with all the holy light! Stab his shoulders; that won’t kill him!”]

The voice of Gabriel guided her movements.


With a mighty roar filled with tears, the holy warriors pierced Jack’s shoulder with her sword, imbuing it with all the holy light she could muster!


The enormous surge of pure holy light, directly sent by Gabriel himself, clashed against the Demonic Authority of Uroboros. Jack’s entire body slowly started to revert to his original appearance, while within the young man’s Soulscape, a sudden change in the tide of battle occurred.


The entire Soul was beginning to be filled with countless amounts of Celestial Energy, burning through Uroboros own Soul.

“W-What is this? UAARRRGH!”

The snake agonized, his gigantic manifestation beginning to become infested by holy light, slowly cracking like class, and falling apart.

“This light…!”

Jack and Fenrir both noticed they were receiving the help of someone else! Henrietta and Gabriel will constantly pour their all into them.

“Henrietta, this is her power…!” Jack said.

“It looks like Gabriel is going to cooperate on this, Uroboros!” Fenrir laughed. “If an Archangel helps, you’re done!”

“No…! NO!”

Uroboros couldn’t accept his defeat yet, constantly, and furiously attacking Jack’s Soulscape, relentlessly trying to take over it.

However, while the Celestial Energy hurt him, Fenrir was the opposite; his Gluttony Powers absorbed this energy, as he wasn’t truly a demon to be weak to it.

And his entire being felt even more refreshed, with a part of his fur turning white and his crimson eyes glowing with golden light.

The other half was still black with a crimson eye, but this duality granted him an incredible temporary boost!


With a furious and mighty roar, Fenrir and Jack’s souls attacked Uroboros, worsening his wounds and tearing apart his very being!

And they were not the only ones fighting him; not so far from them, Anna, Sepa, and Gram were doing everything they could to slay Constellation.

However, with Heisenberg and Shade coming for her life, would Anna be able to slay him in time?


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