The Protagonist’s Sister Is Actually The Strongest [An Action-Packed LitRPG Transmigration and Progression Fantasy]

Chapter 133: Crafting With Hilda

Chapter 133: Crafting With Hilda


The power of the [Crafting] Skill and the [Alchemy] Skill might seem like all I really need to craft items, but their results are often subpar. Indeed, even when they can even become as high as S Rank and more, their Ranks are not everything.

There are certain things named Essences within all Materials, and these Skills, which do the crudest way of fusing items together, cannot exert the Essence out of items or merge them perfectly and seamlessly to create completely new effects, powers, and qualities that Blacksmiths and Alchemists can do.

I’m neither of the two, and I only have the most basic Skills I’ve used, which often create items with little durability and barebone effects. Sometimes I mostly make up for my lack of mastery over the manipulation of Material Essences by utilizing incredibly high-quality materials, and thanks to my Gathering Skill, I can easily increase their rank.

However, compared to what Hilda can do, I’m nothing! Her mastery over the hammer, her blacksmithing techniques, the manipulation of Material Essences, and her ability to merge the strengths of items together to shape them into what she has planned meticulously and carefully are incredible.

I still can’t believe she wasn’t even mentioned in the story past a certain point, most likely dying in one of the many catastrophic events that are soon to come as the Awakenings fall to Earth, and the {Scenarios} truly begin.

But now, thanks to my influence, I’ve given her the perfect opportunity to go from a forgotten extra to a pivotal character to move the plot forward!

And while I give her the materials so she can keep improving her Skills and even her Stats, as she’s capable of growing stronger by crafting items too, I can benefit from it by getting top-notch equipment.

I would say it’s a pretty good trade-off.

However, my attempt at trying to learn any of her skills at all came as an utter failure. As she inspected the items and started smelting the metals and creating a wonderful combination of metals into an ingot, I couldn’t quite follow her at all.

I could only watch, trying to learn as much as I could. I think I could use Skill Points and learn a low-ranking Blacksmith Skill from the Skill Shop—another benefit this system has—but what better would that do when I cannot even follow her techniques?

[Jack of all Trades] is certainly doing its job, but because it can only let me learn B-rank skills and below, Hilda’s skills, which are all S-rank at minimum, cannot be easily replicated.

“Here it is. Did you see, Anna? This is not something your Alchemy can create; it is part of my Divine Smelting Skill! I can create brand-new metals into ingots by fusing their components and Essences together.” Hilda showed me the seven ingots she created; they were glowing with bright red, dark red, and purple auras of power.

A single look with the Divine Eye of Truth was all I needed to see how incredible they were.


[Hellfire Abyss Demonite Ingot (S+++ Rank)]

A Special Ingot created by fusing the [Demonite Ore (B+ Rank)] [Crimson Copper Ore (C+ Rank)] [Blood Crystals (A Rank)] and [Abyssitite (S Rank)] Materials and Their Essence by Blacksmith Hilda, the Great Apprentice of Hephaestus.

A Special type of metal that carries a strong aura of blood, darkness, and demonic energy. Despite having been made with materials that exude corroding and toxic substances such as Demonite, their substances and essences have been converged and refined into almost perfection, making it an easy-to-manipulate metal that can offer both incredible protection and offense while being very light-weighted.

The new metal’s ability to conduct Mana is top-notch, but above all, it has the innate ability to naturally conjure Darkness, Blood, and Demonic Powers by absorbing the Mana of the wearer or wielder of the armor or weapon crafted using this metal, creating incredible results.


“Amazing…” I was left shocked. “There’s no way I could ever make something like this with my Alchemy, your art is amazing, Hilda!”

“Hehehe, isn’t that right?” Hilda easily lets me feed her ego. “Well, it’s not like I’m relying on just my skills; if I were, everything would come out quite sloppy, like another blacksmith out there.”

“You don’t?” I asked, wondering what she meant.

“You see, I come from a family of blacksmiths; we had a little village in the countryside where we had the tradition of smelting ores and creating ingots, making our own tableware, plates, furniture, knives, axes, and so on,” Hilda said. “Of course, we mostly made daily life things and not weapons such as swords. The axes we made were to chop off wood.”

Right, now that I remember reading her description, it did say something about her village.

“Since I was very young, I got used to the heat of the forge and to seeing my dad and my mom working hard to create all sorts of products they sold to various distributors.” She explained, recalling her childhood with a smile. “Those times were sure nice... I made my first ingot when I was eight! And when I was nine, I made my first ever knife. I also made dozens of pots, lids, forks, spoons, and anything else I could get my hands on. Those times, when magic didn’t even exist, nor skills or anything, it was all hard-earned lessons and teachings from my parents and my granddad.”

“Wow…” I honestly felt surprised. “I guess it now makes sense why you’re so good at it.”

It was quite clear why she exceeded compared to other blacksmiths who could have equally good skills; she was someone who was a blacksmith even before the Awakening; she was always familiar with metals, the hammer, and the process of smelting, smithing, and more.

“Yeah…” She smiled, sighing a bit as she glanced at the shiny ingots. “Though, when the First Awakening happened... My village was the victim of a Dungeon Break; a huge portal opened in the middle of it. Half the village was destroyed as it was absorbed by the suction force; the rest were destroyed by monsters. I barely managed to escape with my grandpa, while mom and dad didn’t make it.”

She gripped her fists, looking into the flames of the divine forge, her eyes glowing bright red due to the reflection of the crimson fire.

“Since then, I swore I would become strong—strong enough to avenge Mom and Dad. That dungeon had yet to be closed because it’s so far away from any city that nobody ever cared about it.” She said. “It was reported to be an S-Rank Dungeon, something I can’t fathom conquering alone... So I need to keep getting stronger, to forge more, and to keep receiving the help of my sponsor, so one day I can..."

So that was it… Is this the reason she has been working so hard this entire time? Even when she has been utterly alone. It wasn’t just to make her grandfather proud, who I think is hospitalized right now. But it was to avenge her family and her entire village.

“I see…” I said. “My parents, too, were killed in the First Awakening that first day... It was hell on earth. I fell unconscious that very day, and I only recently woke up some months ago.”

“R-Really?” Hilda was surprised.

“Yeah, it’s thanks to my brother that I’ve been able to make it so far; he even made an Elixir, just to wake me up from my state of comatose caused because my body couldn’t take on the Mana of the environment,” I explained. “Since I woke up, I’ve been working really hard, so I am not a bother to him, and so I can repay him for everything he has done for me while helping him too.”

“I guess we’re not so different; I’m also working hard for my grandpa.” Hilda laughed a bit. “He’s fine at the hospital; sometimes he can talk, and he always reprimands me for pushing myself too much... But I just want to make something—a weapon or a piece of armor—that can make him proud.”

“Well, I think that these materials I brought to you could do the trick, hm?” I asked with a smile. “And once you’re done with that, and we’re done with the Demon Castle Raid... Hilda, let’s go conquer that damn dungeon and get this over with.”

“Eh?! Are you willing to help me? But…” Hilda was surprised.

“I’ll bring along my friends, big brother too! Hell, I could even convince Sara, Scarlet, and even Henrietta and her annoying brother as well.” I smiled. “This is my way to repay you for everything you’ve done for me.”

“But I’ve barely forged and improved a few of your items.” Hilda said. “Is it really necessary to go this far?”

“Come on now; don’t just say that when I’m so pumped up.” I laughed. “Just accept my kindness!”

“Hah… Alright! Fine!” Hilda smiled, licking her lips as she grabbed the ingots. “Then I’m going to make sure to get this job done too! Just stay there and watch, Anna; I’m going to make you one crazy piece of armor and a weapon with these babies!” She grabbed the Abyssal Eye and the Bleeding Scream’s Tear.

Any normal person who grabbed them would feel utter dread as the presence of the Void Rulers was present within these jewels, but Hilda only felt the desire to convert these items into something greater with her skills. Her ability as a blacksmith overpowers any dreadful presence that could intimidate her.

[The Seamless Abyss] attentively watches the one that will turn his eye into something new…]

[He doesn’t want to admit it, but he seems to have high expectations.]

[The Cosmic Throne {Divine Forger of Olympus} feels confident that his incarnation will please the Void Ruler!]

[He is so awfully confident that other Constellations are beginning to think he’s a big idiot.]

[Some Constellations have begun making bets regarding whether the result will please [The Seamless Abyss] or not!]

These guys sure don’t know how to read the room!

“Alright, Divine Flames, let’s get to work!” Hilda roared, her muscular arms beginning to overflow with her Mana, blazing with the color of crimson red.

“Heh, you sure look pumped up, Hilda! Are you sure you can handle these two items, though?” Laughed the Divine Forging Flames. “These are no joke! Their Rank is so high you can’t even appraise it!”

“I either do this or die trying.” Hilda smiled, her eyes blazing with conviction. “After all, I’m shouldering the big expectations of my sponsor, but above all, of my new friend! I can’t disappoint her and then make her cute face all sad!”

“Hahaha, don’t push yourself too hard.” I laughed a bit.


She instantly began the process; she seemed completely possessed by her own inspiration, working non-stop.

However, I didn’t want to just look at her do it all; I wanted to participate, to somehow help, even if by doing barely anything.

“Let me help too! I can at the very least synthesize some components that are not that important!” I said. “I could also use my magic to enchant materials and regulate the flame's temperature even more!”

“Anna…” Hilda realized how much I meant what I said. “Heh, alright, but don’t slow me down! First, grab those ores over there—the gold, copper, silver, and that mithril—mix them together into a mush with synthesis, and then smelt them for me! While doing so, use your celestial and demonic energies. I need a material with combined components.”

“I see! Alright!” I nodded. “Wait, you know about my powers?”

“Partially, nothing escapes my eyes.” She giggled. “You sure are a unique girl. Don’t worry, this world’s pretty crazy; it’s not like being half celestial, and the demon is going to make you SO unique compared to everything out there, haha.”

“R-Right!” I laughed nervously. “Anyways, let’s get to work!”

This ended up taking longer than I expected; 24 hours became nothing, and in between small breaks for napping and eating, we continued our job non-stop.

Hilda had a blueprint in her mind, and with her clear explanations and guidance, I was beginning to figure out what she had planned for the materials.

It was an arduous job; many times we were gasping for air, and sometimes I would fall asleep and wake up, finding Hilda smacking her hammer strongly, saying that it wasn’t right, that it needed more and more.

I couldn’t leave her alone, so I continued helping her, seeing her skills and trying to imitate them. Over time, I got the hang of it, and although mediocre compared to her, I slowly learned from her movements and from her passion.

I don’t know how long we spent doing this endless routine, until finally...


“I-I did it…”

The work was finally done. The first item was overflowing with crepuscular, abyssal darkness that seemed to consume all light around it.

And the second overflowed with a crimson-red aura, which seemed so strong it twisted and shrieked as if it were a living being.

“It’s finally done.”


Hilda and I just couldn’t believe it once they were finally done, almost at the same time too.


We celebrated, screaming together as loud as we could.

[The Seamless Abyss] admires the new form of his eye…]

[He is… pleased.]

[Character: Hilda] has finally met the conditions, fulfilling her dream of creating a Legendary Item that would surpass everything anybody has ever crafted in the entire world!]

[Skill Copy Conditions have been fulfilled; you may choose one of these Skills]:

[Divine Smith Hands (S)]

[Divine Blacksmith’s Vitality (S)]

[Hephaestus Forge (SS)]



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