The Prodigies War

Chapter 1771: Adversity to Prosperity

Chapter 1771: Adversity to Prosperity

Very quickly, the divine light that burst forth from Lin Xun receded like a tide.

He stood upright, black hair blowing in the wind and black eyes bright as stars.

It had been almost nine months since he came to this desolate starry sky and through his various experiences and training, he came to be certain of one thing.

Even in the most desolate place, the most hopeless situations, as long as one’s state of mind remained the same as always, it could still count as a rare and precious training!

During this period, he had quite a harvest.

Firstly, his control of his own power had reached great heights, an incredible level, conforming to the dao.

After that, he forged the five viscera spirits and cultivated the Grand Dao Yellow Court Classic to the Five Colors Stage, which pushed his cultivation to ascend to the advanced Big Saint Stage.

Only one final obstacle stood in his way before he could make a breakthrough and be crowned king in the Saint Stage.

“Unfortunately…” sighed Lin Xun.

This was because all the divine herbs and precious materials he had accumulated for replenishing his strength were close to being used up.

For nine months, to his surprise, he hadn’t been able to find a way out of this starry sky. The shortage of supplies started to worry him.

“What I can only do now is seal part of my qi for the time being...” he decided.

In just a few breaths, the aura around him suddenly transformed, changing from the perfect supreme Big Saint Stage to the initial supreme True Saint Stage.

At the same time, he cleared his mind of thoughts and used his body as a boat, spirit as an oar, and the Stellar Galaxy Guide as a guide to navigate through the starry sky.

He had basically sealed his powers and concentrated on flying alone.

Time flew by…

In the quiet and deserted starry sky, he sank into a state of comprehension to understand his arts.

Due to the shortage of supplies, he could no longer train, so studying became the only thing he could do.


Another half year passed in the blink of an eye.

He had successfully integrated the wonders and secrets of the Great Diffusion Void Breaker Finger into the Great Dao Furnace Art, thereby transforming this self-created dharma art to another level by adding a magical ‘spatial’ element to it.

The process of refining a dharma art was akin to being given a blank book, on which Lin Xun constantly wrote text and created pages of beautiful chapters!

The Great Dao Furnace Art was such a book. The more arts he refined, the more profound the secrets it contained, and the more powerful it became.

But during these six months, all the materials that Lin Xun carried to replenish his strength had been completely depleted.

He had tried to search for life, supplies, and materials on different stars, but he came back empty-handed every time.

This starry sky was simply a land of the dead!

Lin Xun had also tried to contact Wuque, the weapon spirit of No-Nonsense Bow, but he found that it had fallen into a state of deep slumber and was unable to be awakened.


A jade hairpin emerged on Lin Xun’s palm. It was simple and unadorned, and crafted from a type of mysterious pure black jade. The word ‘Xi’ was engraved on it.

This was the name of the mysterious woman in the Omega Secret-Realm.

If he encountered a life-and-death situation, he only needed to activate the jade hairpin and the mysterious woman would come out of the Omega Secret-Realm.

After a long period of silence, Lin Xun put away the hairpin.

It’s not a matter of life and death, so why should I bother Xi?

Let’s see how long this predicament can stop me!

Lin Xun took a deep breath, cast away all distracting thoughts, and his mind grew calmer and determined.

The border between life and death was the most frightening thing in the world, but clearly, he was not quite at that point.

He was not an extremely strong person. He knew very well that external forces were also part of one’s own strength. Follow the heart’s desires without overstepping the boundaries!

This was especially true when it came to improving one’s cultivation. The reckless use of external forces could otherwise create flaws in one’s cultivation.


Half a year later.

Lin Xun had completely sealed off his spirit cultivation and physical cultivation, and only relied on his qi cultivation.

One year later.

His qi cultivation was on the verge of exhaustion so he turned to physical cultivation.

Two years later.

He unsealed his spirit cultivation.

Time passed by and it was during the fifth year of flying across the desolate starry sky that he completely depleted all his strength.

His entire body became dull and his consciousness had sunk into a death-like state. He was supported by nothing but an instinctive will.

Even so, his mind was surprisingly calm and clear. Life and death, emptiness and fullness, prosperity and decline, yin and yang...

It was in such extreme conditions that valuable and incomparable insights and realizations emerged in his mind.

Suddenly, a surge of strength from who knew where brought him to his feet and his black eyes beamed divine light.

Life and death were impermanent!

Emptiness and fullness were difficult to measure!

Prosperity and decline alternated!

Yin and yang were inseparable!

This was the principle of Adversity to Prosperity—once adversity had run its course prosperity began.


When Lin Xun fully understood this, his originally withered and exhausted body, and his three cultivations, physical cultivation, qi cultivation and spirit cultivation, underwent an extreme reversal.

His store of potential was stimulated, and the origin power contained in the depths of his talent and body was unreleased.

Then, surging, mighty vitality roared along his limbs and bones like a landslide, spreading throughout his entire body. He was like a dried-up river bed revived by a heavy downpour!

Adversity to Prosperity!

If Lin Xun had not been pushed to such an extreme state, he would have never believed that he still had such incredible, untapped potential.

Several minutes later, Lin Xun was restored to his peak state.

Although he made no breakthroughs in his cultivation, he could clearly feel that his strength had more than doubled!

Just like a lake that had doubled in size. It might still be a lake, but it could contain much more water than before.

In the starry sky, Lin Xun stood quietly, his clothes and black hair fluttering, and his body had an flawless and superior air around it.

At this moment, a strong confidence arose in his heart. He swept a look over the starry sky and whispered, “Here, I am invincible!”

Every word resounded and shook the world.


As if he had aroused the jealousy of the heavens, his journey across the starry sky did not end after experiencing the transformation of Adversity to Prosperity.

Before he knew it, another year passed by.

He had no choice but to repeat his old tricks and do everything he could to save energy. Even so, the depletion of energy still pushed him into a perilous situation.

Such torture and torment would have made any ordinary person break down mentally already and give up.

However, Lin Xun persisted. He would not give up unless death struck.

“I wonder if Senior Brothers Ge Yupu and Li Xuanwei knew that this ‘way out’ left by Master would be so tough and torturous...” Lin Xun sighed.

Six years!

He had been flying alone in this empty, deserted, and lifeless starry sky without any supplies, life force, or strength...

This kind of unprecedented experience and suffering was enough to torture any mentally weak person to death.


While thoughts were racing in Lin Xun’s mind, he noticed that the needle of the Stellar Galaxy Guide made a buzzing noise.

He subconsciously raised his eyes and peered into the distance. A gray vortex portal had silently emerged in the depths of the vast universe.

He tensed up and his eyes brightened. An indescribable feeling of excitement and joy rushed up his chest like a torrent.

The way out!

It finally appeared?

Without hesitation, he almost exhausted the last of his strength in his body to sprint towards the vortex portal.


The moment he passed through, he felt the world turn upside down and his body was uncontrollably swept away by a terrifying force.

“I can finally leave…”

He finally was able to relax after six years; it was to the point that he did not care where the vortex portal would send him to.

It was fine as long as he could leave this cage-like place.

Immediately after that, the tired Lin Xun was barely able to feel anything as he slipped into unconsciousness. Exhaustion overcame him.

In the Omega Secret-Realm, a smile spread across the face of mysterious woman Xi.

In the past six years, she had seen everything that Lin Xun did. Several times she almost couldn’t bear it and was about to help him.

But every time, Lin Xun miraculously survived.

Now, watching Lin Xun successfully jump out of the cage, Xi felt a sense of relief and joy fill her heart.

“You must be tired, rest well…”

The next moment, Xi’s graceful, illusionary figure walked out of the Omega Secret-Realm.

This was a starry sky tunnel, full of turbulence of time and space. It looked spectacular and gorgeous with light swirling about, but it was extremely dangerous.


A tremendous beast claw suddenly stretched out from the distant void and slammed down hard at the starry sky tunnel.

When Xi appeared, it was as if she had foreseen this scene, her expression was calm and still, and she only extended her hand and made a light stroke with it.

A streak of power flew out and grew in midair until it was as huge and magnificent as a pillar propping up the sky, exuding a boundless aura. It fiercely blocked the beast’s claw.

An indescribable shockwave swept out from the collision between the two, causing violent quakes and rumble in the starry sky tunnel.

The mighty beast claw blasted back, and in the far distance, a muffled beast roar sounded.

Xi looked up and saw an extremely huge and strange-looking beast roaring across the sky in their direction, carrying millions of stars.

Its eyes, blood-red and terrifying, were like a pair of dazzling suns and emitted an ice-cold and ruthless light.

But compared with its colossal body, the stars were like inconspicuous beads...

If Lin Xun was awake, he would recognize the beast. He had seen it before, and more than once!

Xi’s pupils shrank, and with a flick of her sleeve, she carried Lin Xun and darted towards the depths of the starry sky tunnel with astonishing speed.


The giant beast stretched out its huge claw and smashed the void. The starry sky tunnel exploded behind Xi. Light flew everywhere.

This scene would make any Emperor-level figure break into a cold sweat.

But in the end, Xi outran the beast and vanished into the huge vortex portal at the end of the tunnel.

“Grand Abyss Heaven Devourer...I will catch you...”

The strange giant beast narrowed its ferocious red eyes as it stared at where Xi vanished. Only after a long while did it turn around and disappeared into the vast cosmos.

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