The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”

Chapter 470.2, The Grand Finale Scene 2 (Split Part 2/8)

Chapter 470.2, The Grand Finale Scene 2 (Split Part 2/8)


In the Adventurers Guild, Asley collapsed onto a table.


Pochi followed suit beside him.

Immediately before this, they had been marching triumphantly alongside the rest of the Resistance, walking all the way from the southern gate amid the jubilant cheers of Eddos residents.

The parade was a crucial spectacle aimed at reassuring the entire populace.

In such a pivotal position, neither Asley nor Pochi were allowed much rest.

Here you go, my boy Asley and my girl Pochi! Compliments of the Guild!

Duncan approached Asley with two mugs of drinks in hand.

T-thank you very much!

As Duncan winked and walked away, Asley smiled gratefully.

More food, please!

What the hell!? ALREADY!?

I feel like Ive fought enough to eat seventy servings this meal, sir!

Okay, what kind of calculation are you using this time!?

Hell Emperor: ten servings! Lucifer: thirty servings! Time-stalling: thirty servings!!

That actually sounds about right.


Eh, you know, it might just balance out in the end.


What I mean is, youll probably actually eat that much.

What!? Lina! LINA! My Masters My Masters broken down!

Reacting to Asleys acknowledgment of her efforts, Pochi exclaimed wildly and dashed toward Lina.

Lina nodded in approval, listening to Pochis words with joy.

Seeing this, Asley, feeling exasperated, glanced around and noticed that some of his comrades were even asleep from exhaustion.

However, no one had left this place.

Indeed almost every one of his close friends who had participated in the war was here in the Adventurers Guild.

Outside the Guild, preparations for the feast extended even to neighboring houses, thanks to the efforts of Eddos residents.

Viola was endlessly weeping tears of joy for Gastons survival, with Jeanne comforting her. The Magic Guardians Brigade watched over the two with amusement.

Egd occupied a seat behind Lina, while the Warrior Brigade tried to persuade him to give up.

Hornel, Ida, Midors, Anri, and Claris chatted among themselves animatedly.

Ryan, Reid, Mana, Reyna, Adolf, and Tifa all the Faltown residents were at the same table. And at their feet, a chihuahua was barking in bewilderment.

Tifa! What is happening!? Why do I look like THIS!?

Its a magecraft I just made. Its more convenient when youre small, you know?

What!? W-well, yes, I suppose, but I still prefer my majestic King Wolf form! Hey, listen!

What, you got a problem with that?

I-I mean, look at this! What a splendid chair! Surely the work of a renowned craftsman!

Caught in Tifas sharp gaze, Tarawo could only nuzzle into the chair.

At the table where Blue, Bruce, Betty, Haruhana, and Natsu sat, the celebration had already begun in full force.

Duncan, more food over here!

Get some for me, too!

Guys, take it easy. Duncan must be tired as well.

Blazer tried to stop Bruce and Betty, but the two paid him no mind.

Eh, itll be fine! The tips will make it worthwhile for the staff! My brothers paying!

Yeah, yeah, yeah! Imma spend every last coin I have today!!

Are you sure you want to be saying that?

No problem! After all, todays the happiest day Ive ever had!! Hahaha!!

Duncan did not complain, and Bruce seemed content.

Seeing this, Blazer decided to stay silent.

Im worried

Y-yes, indeed

Natsu and Haruhana exchanged glances, concerned about Bruces financial situation.

But seeing Bruces happy expression, no one could bring themselves to intervene.

Argent and Belia also smiled wryly as they watched over him.

Eventually, Irene, Trace, Gaston, and Leon returned to the lively Adventurers Guild, likely having finished their duties.

What, the party hasnt started yet? I thought I already said to go ahead.

Starting without the commander wouldnt be proper, Miss Irene.

Eh, at least a few HAVE already started without us.

Irene, Trace, and Gaston looked at Bruce in particular.

We would have lost the way without him.

Yes, indeed.

Hah! Even THE Irene is saying that? Well, I guess I have to agree.

Gaston chuckled as he concurred with Irenes words.

Then, the four of them moved to where Asley sat.

Are you sure you want to be here? The Magic Guardians table is over there, you know.

Irene asked Gaston.

This distance is just right for them. Especially for Viola.

I-indeed, you have a point. She looks like she might faint any moment now.

Trace nodded in agreement with Gastons words.

From outside, Charlies loud voice could be heard, along with those of Dragan and Dallas who were trying to calm him down.

Seeing Leon sitting by himself in silence, Asley called out to him.

Something wrong, Leon?

I-Im just wondering if its really all right for someone like me to be here

As Leon nervously glanced around, Asley offered him a reassuring smile.

Sure, it is. Everyone here knows that you were being mind controlled and they also know that without that, this war wouldnt have ended this way. Plus, the people of Eddo hardly know anything about you.

Though Asleys words were meant to comfort him, Leon could not quite bring himself to agree.

Sensing this, Asley turned to Irene and Gaston.

Thats the thing about human politics, Asley. They rarely go smoothly.

Irene remarked, and then she proceeded to look at everyone.

Mugs in hand, they rose, all their eyes on Irene.

We dont need that many words for the people gathered here.

Irene raised her mug.

To victory!!


The toast was simple but heartfelt.

Then, they drank, ate, celebrated their victory, and shared stories.

Asleys table was no less lively.

W-wait, what!? Theyre exiling you!?

Why!? I even stamped the petition with my paw, you know!!

Exile that one word was the order Kaoru and Junko had given to Leon.

Leon bowed and informed Asley and the others.

Technically, its a direct order from the Shogun himself.

With Irenes clarification, Asley let out a heavy sigh.

Irene, seeing Asleys reaction, widened her eyes.

Whats wrong? You should be happier.

Huh? Why should I be happy!?

Well, Leon wasnt originally from Toued, was he? He can still live in Regalia, you know?

Well, yeah, thats true, but you know, Pochi?

Well, that sounds perfectly fine to me, sir!

As soon as Pochi was done speaking, she began to eat.

Seeing Asley slump his shoulders, Gaston spoke up.

For Toued, thats the biggest concession they could make. Even if Leon was under mind control, he would have been publicly executed under normal circumstances. And keep this in mind: even though hes being exiled, theres still post-war processing going on. This order might be reconsidered we have a one-week grace period to get him out of here.

Oh, so thats why you can join this party, huh?

Asley understood why Leon had come here.

However, he could not entirely rejoice in that fact.

So, thats why I I think being in a place like this might affect what people think about you two Asley and Pochi

Eh, its no big deal.


Enough already. Just go say hi to everyone. Youre going to be seeing these folks a lot in the future, you know.


Leon felt pressured by Asleys urging, but it was Pochi who backed him up.

Come on, Leon! If my nose is right, the meat at that table over there hasnt been touched yet! Which means you can eat it without any problems!

Pfft Heh Thats, uh, an interesting theory Hehehe

Leon chuckled involuntarily and, propelled by Pochi, made his way to where Bruce and the others were seated.

As Asley watched with a wry smile, he noticed something.

Huh? Wheres Lylia?

Trace provided an answer,

I think she mentioned going to report to Lady Kaoru and Lady Junko, and then visiting the ruins of the Temple.

I see. Maybe Ill go check on her.

Thats fine and all, but give me a moment here, Asley.

As Irene stood up.

What is it?

Have you seen Warren?

Huh? Oh now that you mention it, I havent seen him, no.

Goodness, where could he have gone at a time like this

As Irene pondered this, Asley slipped out of the Adventurers Guild.

His destination: the ruins of the Temple, where Lylia was waiting.

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