The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”

Chapter 452: The Battle of the Best

Chapter 452: The Battle of the Best

Descending to Regalia Castle, Asley was welcomed by Lucifer with a smile.

Have you gotten back your arcane energy?

Sure have.

Dont try to sound so confident. I can sense your voice trembling.

Asleys arcane energy had indeed been restored.

However, the wounds from his defeat at the hands of Devil King Lucifer the one standing before him were still not completely healed.

As Lucifer spoke as if seeing through it, Asley averted his gaze. In his field of view, he could see the relentless efforts of his comrades who believed in his victory.

Asley returned his gaze to his enemy that was the only thing he could do.

Heh it seems your resolve is not yet firm.

Lucifer observed Asleys trembling hands.

He had overcome fear. It was that overcoming of fear that brought him here.

Yet, even so, he could not resist the new wave of fear that assaulted him.

Asley forcibly clasped his hands, forming fists to quell the shaking.

His breathing unsteady, he slowly distanced himself from Lucifer.

Lucifer made no attempt to interfere. He merely watched Asley, who was engulfed in fear and anxiety, with delight.


Ha ha Ngh!

Ragged breathing, heartbeats pounding like drums audible even to himself Knees trembling, intense palpitations In the midst of fear threatening to crush him, Asley backed away from Lucifer, while the latter cracked a joyful smile.

Hahaha! You intend to fight in such a sorry state!?

If Asleys grip were to falter for even a moment, the fear would undoubtedly spread throughout his entire body.

That was why Asley held himself together by simply exerting his strength and tensing up his body.

Stop Stop, stop, stop!

He pounded the castle balconys handrail, crushing it to dust, but his trembling still would not stop.

What finally stopped him, however, was the determination of his dear friend and companion.


It was the howling of Pochi a symbol of her resolve to face Gokuryu.

In the next instant, Asleys trembling came to an abrupt halt.

Lucifers smile, noting Asleys change, also froze.

Haha Looks like she saved me again. I just cant do without her, huh

Asley lifted his face.

Before him stood Lucifer, the Devil King who surpassed even God a Devil feared by the entire world.

What an annoying dog.

Lucifers words were filled with discontent.

Yeah, my thoughts exactly.


But the only one whos allowed to call her that is ME!

In an instant, Asleys arcane energy surged.

Even in the face of the immense arcane energy that created a storm-like whirl, Lucifer did not falter.

Asley thrust his staff into the balcony floor and stared at Lucifer.


Lucifers overpowering arcane energy covered even Asleys aura.

Both of their Ultimate Limit auras collided, creating a storm that made the monsters below the castle tremble.

Naturally, the same was felt on the side of the Resistance.

The Magic University and Warrior University students in the central rear were on their knees, losing consciousness, and foaming at the mouth. Ts had already cast anti-Devil aura Magic Shields for each formation, but Lucifers arcane energy broke through them. The effects were more pronounced in the central rear, where Ts attempted to cast the Zenith-level Magic Shield again, but the restoration would take time.

Both sides of the battle were affected, but the Resistance suffered more significant damage. Asley, mindful of the impact on his surroundings, turned his attention to the central rear formation.

Then, Lucifer spoke,

You should worry about yourself first.

Shut up! Im not worried about anyone or anything! My friends are all stronger than I am!

Asleys words referred to the strength of the heart.

Naturally, Lucifer understood that However, he opted to deny it.

Asley Among humans, there is no one stronger than you.

Hah, praising me again?

No, that is simply a fact.

Oh yeah?

Now, we have a busy day ahead of us. Lets settle this quickly.

Asleys lips were tightly sealed. The true meaning behind Lucifers words was about what would after after his defeat.

Smirking, Lucifer lowered his stance down, and Asley followed suit.

A moment of silence engulfed them both.

The monsters screams and the Resistances determination faded away in that fleeting moment. Then, Asley and Lucifer forcefully kicked the floor, causing Regalia Castles balcony to collapse with a resounding crash.

And then


Their fists collided with tremendous force. With an impact greater than the previous battle, Regalia Castle collapsed to pieces. The deafening explosion inspired awe in all living beings monsters surged forward under Devil King Lucifers arcane energy, while the Resistance gained vitality from Asleys arcane energy.

In the center, Trace, who felt that shock, reacted,

Did he start it up already!?

Instantly denying this was Ts, standing next to her.

No, it cant be invoked in the Ultimate Limit state. The spell wont work unless it hits Lucifers body in a normal state.

Then why did he

Because it would be too obvious otherwise. Asley is weaker than Lucifer he wont be able to exploit his openings repeatedly. Once in a fight is more than enough. If he doesnt make the first move in the Ultimate Limit state, it would be too suspicious. Now Rise, All Up: Count 10 & Remote Control!


Trace gritted her teeth.

Her concern was more directed toward the center front than at Asley.

Individually, humans were naturally more powerful. Even now, with Bruce, Blazer, and Betty all at Rank SS, facing off against a Rank SS monster one-on-one would result in victory. However, there were also so many other lower-ranked monsters among them. What would inevitably be accumulated was fatigue. In the midst of this chaotic battle, there was no time to drink Pochibitan D and they were not allowed to stop for anything, either. They could only survive by continuing to move. The accumulating fatigue would dull their judgment, slow their movements, and disrupt their breathing. Even if their wounds could be easily healed, they could not recover from fatigue. They could not afford to waste a single movement; if they stumbled, if they misjudged, if their vision was obscured by sweat, the front line would quickly crumble.

Bruce, in the very front, understood this even better than the concerned Trace.

Hah hah hah Dammit! RAH!

Their heart pounded against their chests, their throats were dry, and the mixture of sweat and monster blood almost completely blocked their field of view. Blazer, Betty, Ryan, and everyone else were already injured to a considerable extent.

Fwahaha! FWAHAHAHA! Have you realized the might of my magic claws? KAH! HAH! FWAHAHA!

Tarawo, do not be reckless!

What!? Are you, a Kagachi, supposed to say that!? I cant lose! I DEFINITELY cant afford to lose!

Tch, how valiant KAAAAAAHHHHHH!

Behind the Garm was the one he was meant to protect his Master Tifa. Though Tarawo did not say everything, Tzar understood it all. So as to cover for the swift Tarawo as he blasted out a Breath Attack, Tzar came to provide support. Ryan, who knew Tifa well, also heard the Garms statement.

[Indeed, behind us are the next generation the little ones who have yet to reach adulthood. You are right, Tarawo We cant lose. We definitely cant afford to lose!]

Ryan, follow through!

No need to tell me, Dallas!

Running together, Dallas and Ryan coordinated their attacks. Massive Betas, robust lesser Devils, and troublesome Alphas utilizing Arcane Drain all were swept aside as the two followed closely behind Bruce. Such was the thorny path they had to tread to stay alive.

But even so, limits were inevitable and inescapable and it could be reached without warning.

Hah hah hah GAH

It was one of the elite of the Silver General, who guarded Argents formations rear, who found himself in this situation.

The man stumbled. Despite paying careful attention, he tripped. At his feet was a small monster a Goblin.

The Goblin clung to the mans legs and that was all it took. Normally, this would have a low chance of becoming a problem. However, this was right in the middle of the Devil Kings army. A momentary lapse of attention occurred, erasing the man from this world. 

An Ogre Kings iron hammer swung down. The only one who could not evade was that man alone.

Eigul, who was behind him, twisted his face in anguish. However, he could not afford to close his eyes.

Argent, who was leading the charge, noticed the disappearance of one of his comrades from behind but paid it no mind. He knew that paying attention to it would lead to the collapse of the front lines.



Argent simply called out her name, instructing the one responsible for his protection.

Jumping in front of Eigul, Belia quickly took over the role of her missing comrade.

Ts in the central rear, realizing that opening in the formation, gritted his teeth.

[Were already breaking apart Its happening faster than expected! Hurry the hell up, Asley!]

Immediately after, a thunderous roar echoed through the sky and then the sound vanished.

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