The president tried to trick me

Chapter 2176

Chapter 2176: I WANT CHAPTER 2176 too!


Yan Yuhan had a good impression of her for being so confident and daring.

His father had taught him this since he was young. It seemed that the Quan family’s educational philosophy was similar to his family’s.

With similar family backgrounds and similar ways of doing things, the two families could really be considered to be of equal status.

Coincidentally, Yan Yusheng had escaped from the crowd of people. She patted her chest in fear. “I’ve finally escaped… “

Her original intention of playing the zither was not like this. Who knew that she would inadvertently reap the benefits.

Just as she took a breath, she was called over by her big brother. “little sister, why aren’t you here to thank Big Brother Quan? In the future, I’m afraid that no one will dare to make things difficult for you in this school. “

It was not that Yan Yuhan did not know what had happened to the Qin family just now. It was just that he did not expose it.

Everyone present was also sensible people. With the experience of Qin Shuangshuang and Zhou Qi, who would dare to make things difficult for Yan Yusheng?

It was fine if it was just the Yan family, but now with the Quan family, it was probably not enough to even have a few lives.

Therefore, the reason why those people fawned over Yan Yusheng so much was not only because she played the zither well, but also because they valued these two great families.

Yan Yusheng naturally knew as well. She took a little deep breath, nodded, and walked up to Quan Che. “thank you, brother Che’er. “

Quan Che smiled but did not say anything. He took the thin square handkerchief on the chest of his suit and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

Actually, she did not need to be so polite. Of course, she had to protect her own daughter-in-law.

Yan Yusheng lowered her head shyly, but had no intention of dodging.

It was as if they were supposed to be like this.

Looking at his little sister’s shy face, Yan Yuhan understood a little.

It seemed that the few jokes between their parents back then were about to come true.

But… … There was another problem …

Quan Che was two years older than him. If he married his sister, how could this seniority be counted?

Being A brother-in-law only happened once in his life. He wouldn’t have to omit it, right?

Yan Yuhan suddenly felt that he was at a disadvantage.

However, seeing the smile in his little sister’s eyes, Yan Yuhan let out a relieved smile.

Nothing was more important than his little sister’s happiness.

The atmosphere here was just right. On the other side, Qi Nian saw Quan Che gently wiping away Yan Yusheng’s sweat from afar. The little universe in his mind immediately exploded, and he ran over with his little skirt in hand.

“Brother Che! I’M SWEATING TOO! ” As he said that, he leaned his head over, “I want to wipe too! “

Yan Yusheng blinked and looked at the bright and beautiful girl who had suddenly appeared in surprise, a little confused.

Quan Che’s hand holding the square handkerchief stiffened slightly, but he didn’t stretch it out. Instead, he put it down quietly. At the same time, his sharp gaze fell on Bai Yuchen, who was panting and chasing after him, “why are you guys here? “

“I… ” Qi Nian was just about to speak when he was interrupted by Bai Yuchen. “She insisted on coming to see student Yan. She said that she plays the zither well! “

Qi Nian pursed his lips and wanted to retort, but Bai Yuchen gave her a cold glance.

He had no choice but to nod stiffly. “Alright, it does sound a little nice… “

Someone was praising him. Yan Yusheng smiled politely and thanked him. “thank you. “

Qi Nian wasn’t sincere to begin with. Although she admitted that Yan Yusheng played the zither well, who asked brother Che to like her!

However, the other party sincerely thanked her for her awkward words… …

Qi Nian looked at the kind smile on Yan Yusheng’s face and her heart suddenly felt stifled.

She suddenly felt that she had gone a little overboard… … treating a person who smiled at her with such a bad attitude …

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