The Power of the First Daughter, Doctor and Concubine Dominates the World

Chapter 317: Meet

  Chapter 317 Meeting

Xie Zhiwei said, "First boil the gypsum and then apply various medicines, and then, two old gentlemen, there are different symptoms in it, please treat these people one by one according to the pulse case compiled by me, once the spots appear , increase green leaves, and add half a penny of Cimicifuga, if the stool is obstructed, add raw rhubarb; if you are thirsty, add gypsum, trichosanthin; for chest and diaphragm depression, add Chuan Lian, Citrus aurantium, Platycodon grandiflora, Gualou cream, etc., and prescribe the right medicine!"

  The two old gentlemen savored carefully, and both nodded repeatedly. After that, they bowed their hands to Xie Zhiwei, "Little genius doctor, he is indeed from a famous family. I am so impressed by this skill."

  Because the situation was urgent, the two stopped talking too much, and soon they divided the work, one went to check the pulse, and the other went to make medicine according to five different situations.

  Xie Zhiwei washed his hands and changed his clothes before going out. Cui Tingzhan came and saw Xie Zhiwei, "Third brother, are you done?"

"Yes, what's the matter? Oh, by the way, I forgot as soon as I got busy, didn't the fourth sister come? I'll go and see her." Xie Zhiwei paused, "Second brother, fourth uncle Xie and Hai My brothers and sisters are here too, have you met them?"

Cui Tingzhan looked at the little girl who only reached her chest, she was so small, but just now, she moved all the patients from the dilapidated City God Temple to this warm yamen, and as far as he knew, Xie Zhiwei opened This prescription is much better than that prescribed by the doctors in this city before.

The most commendable thing is that Xie Zhiwei did not prescribe medicine for every patient. She knew how to classify patients according to their symptoms and prescribe the right medicine for each category. In the case of resources, we have to say something clever!

"Your fourth uncle and the Hai family brothers and sisters are all fine. Unfortunately, your fourth sister is also sick. At the moment, the sixth sister is taking care of her. This morning, I saw that the sixth sister has a cough. Third brother, please help Go check it out."

  Xie Zhiwei was very anxious when he heard it, and his pace quickened a little.

  Originally, the Cui family lived in an inn. After the plague broke out, seeing that they couldn’t get out for a while, they moved to a pharmacy of the Cui family.

  In the pharmacy, the doctors who usually consult are the two old doctors with Xie Zhiwei just now.

"Elder Zong has a grandson who is seventeen years old. He also went out to see a doctor before, but was locked in the room by his mother. Elder Zong was also scolded by her, so he had no choice but to give in. Now he and Elder Lian are sleepless I have been busy endlessly for half a month."

   While speaking, he had already reached the door of the wing room.

Cui’s pharmacy has a small facade, with two doors in the front, and the place facing the street for pulse diagnosis and medicine collection. After entering the back, there is a large courtyard in the middle, with racks and mats for drying medicines, side rooms on both sides, and a rear cover. The room is usually used to store medicinal materials, but it is now empty.

  In this small pharmacy, three people have already been lying down, Cui Nanjia and the servant girl Xuejian, and Qingdai, the servant girl of Sixth Miss Cui Nankou.

  Cui Nankou heard the movement and came out, stepped over the threshold, saw Xie Zhiwei, and was stunned for a long time, but did not recognize her.

  The girls in Cui's family are quite self-cultivated, and they didn't make a fuss, but looked at Cui Tingzhan, didn't they say that it was the third brother? Is this person the third brother right now?

  The third young master of the Cui family is seventeen years old, and the one in front of him is clearly a child.

  Cui Tingzhan touched his nose, "Let's go in and talk!"

   "Ah, yes, it's my cousin?"

  When Xie Zhiwei entered the room, Cui Nankou finally remembered, who is this deja vu boy in front of him? She grabbed Xie Zhiwei, "Is it my cousin?"

   "Cousin!" Xie Zhiwei bowed to Cui Nankou, "It's me, the reason why I use the name of Third Cousin is to do things well. But, cousin, don't worry, I will not lose the reputation of Third Cousin."

Cui Tingzhan said with a smile, "Just now, my cousin is taking the pulse of those patients and prescribing prescriptions. I saw it all by the side. Speaking of which, my cousin is really talented in medicine. If the ancestor knows, he will be surprised. I'm afraid Will despise the third brother."

  Cui Nankou breathed a sigh of relief, her eyes were red, "Cousin, to tell you the truth, she is also infected with the epidemic, and the situation has been very bad for the past two days."

"I gonna go see!"

Xie Zhiwei couldn't wait, she entered the inner room led by Cui Nankou, and saw the cousin lying on the bed, who was originally a round and beautiful person, but now she was skinny and skinny, with a pair of big eyes that were sunken, and there was no spirit in her eyes. After arriving at Xie Zhiwei, Qiang cheered up and smiled, "Cousin! Why are you here?"

   Just now a few people were talking outside, Cui Nanjia heard it, and knew that it was Xie Zhiwei, and condemnation appeared in his eyes.

  Xie Zhiwei hurried forward, trying to grab Cui Nanjia's hand, but she dodged it, "Cousin, you also learned medical skills from your ancestors, how can you be so unsteady?"

  Xie Zhiwei was ashamed, she was going to sit down on the bed, but now she couldn't.

  Du Yuan moved her a stool, Xie Zhiwei sat on the stool, and put his hands on Cui Nanjia's wrists. Cui Nankou hurriedly put a handkerchief between them, Xie Zhiwei waved his hand, "No need, it's not that serious."

  She was wearing a mask, and took about five breaths of time to take the pulse with concentration. She changed her left hand and had another five breaths of time. She just stopped her hand, got up and walked to the table, adjusted the prescription just now, and ordered Cui Nanjia to drink it.

  Who knows, Cui Nanjia managed to drink less than half a bowl, and then vomited it all in one breath.

  Xie Zhiwei's heart tightened all of a sudden, "Warm up the medicine, I will give my cousin the injection first, and then feed the medicine."

  The acupuncture took about a meal. Cui Nanjia drank another half bowl of medicine before falling into a deep sleep. After about a stick of incense, Cui Nanjia's body temperature rose. Seeing that it continued to rise, Xie Zhiwei had to do the acupuncture again.

  On the first watch, Cui Nanjia's body temperature slowly began to drop. Although the fever did not completely subside, it was much better than before.

  The emotions of several people have gone through ups and downs, and they are all exhausted.

   "Cousin, if you didn't come today, we don't know what to do." Cui Nankou said with tears.

   "That's why I'm here." Xie Zhi smiled, "Don't worry, I will work hard to find a way."

It's just that Xie Zhiwei's confidence is gradually losing after a lot of trouble just now. With the existing prescriptions, it may be difficult to control this plague. She needs to make more attempts, but she can't throw away her cousin and others. Here, once the illness recurs, she may be beyond her reach.

  After taking the pulse of Xuejian and Qingdai, Xie Zhiwei prescribed prescriptions for their conditions. Xuejian and Qingdai's condition is much better than Cui Nanjia's.

"After the fourth sister came back from the city that day, she fell ill. At that time, we didn't realize that it was a plague. Originally, Xuejian and Xuecha were serving the fourth sister. Later, Xuejian had a cough. We realized something was wrong, so we took Xue Seeing that the isolation was separated, I asked Qing Dai to take care of Fourth Sister, but two days later, Qing Dai also became like this. Fortunately, their situation is better than Fourth Sister, if this continues, I don’t even know what to do?"

   The third update!



  (end of this chapter)

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