The Pleasure Lord

Chapter 99 Darbon Dorbank

Chapter 99 Darbon Dorbank

Just as the spear came flying his way, Jack’s feet had already pushed off and he backed up with haste, evading the spear by hair’s breadth.

Jack didn’t lose his hand, but the spear tip was coated with Qi extending out grazing his hand. He held his bleeding hand and looked towards his opponent.

Jack had long since been on his guard and especially when his opponent was someone who came from the Belmont subcontinent, they were in a different league altogether. Also sparring with Alex for such a long time had changed the fighting habits of all the family members.

Jack too made a counter-attack after dodging Lam’s spear.

The strength of the Early Stage Dantian Formation Realm completely broke out.

Then, suddenly, Jack moved and his figure leaped. His sword struck and a fierce Qi exploded in the air with huge explosive power when the sword and the spear came in contact.

Clang. Sparks flew everywhere.

A loud metal clanging sound spread and Lam immediately sensed that a threatening massive strength was being transmitted from his sword.

Lam could not withstand the power present in Jack’s sword attack, and immediately, he had been pushed back by eight steps before stopping.

Clearly he was not a match for Jack in terms of pure body power.

Ding! The sounds of other weapons clashing into each other rang out.

At this time, Arnet’s face also revealed a troubled expression. He was also pushed back several steps after his sword met with Donalds.

"Way to go chiefs!" Seeing that both Donald and Jack had easily blocked their opponent’s attack and even pushed them back with just one swing of their swords, the audience suddenly started cheering out even more loudly than before.

Arnet gave out a loud roar, and it seemed that he was preparing to attack again.

Since they can’t compare with Donald and Jack in terms of strength, they started using Martial skill and Martial art techniques to pull the gap between them.

The tip of his sword danced and many sword flowers appeared in the air and went towards Donald to strike together at once. Arnet had practiced this particular sword-based Martial skill from the library of his Sect.

Donald sneered and instead of using his weapon, he struck out with a punch.

"Roaring Tiger Fists!"

An image of the red roaring tiger materialized in front of Donald’s’fist as it animatedly gave a roar and traveled through the air to meet the sword petals coming at it. Now Jack and Donald don’t have to make their fists come in contact with their opponent’s body.

With the speed of lightning, the tiger roared through the air and directly destroyed all those sword flowers when they came in contact.

"Boom!" A loud explosion occurred accompanied by a burst of metal clashing sound. Layer after layer of terrible Qi had instantly blasted off in the surrounding area.

In that time frame, Jack’s long sword was fast like a meteor which instantly arrived in front of Lam and chopped out.

Lam was suddenly taken aback. He lifted his sword to resist, however, Jack’s long sword had already fiercely crashed into his spear.

Jack did not stop here and again chopped down his long sword. The current strength present in his sword had almost increased by more than half of what it used to be.

Suddenly Jack lifted one hand off his sword handle and gave a low punch to Lam’s stomach while imbuing it with the martial art skill of Roaring Tiger fists.


Lam was instantly sent flying back. After rolling on the ground a couple of times he quickly got to his feet but he hiccupped a glob of blood from his mouth. Looking down at the stomach area, an imprint of a red roaring tiger could be seen to be carved out on the flesh directly. The color red was actually just blood and also Lam seems to have suffered internal injuries as his organs were damaged and also displaced a little from their position.

Cough, Cough. Lam coughed some more blood while he fumbled through his pockets quickly. He immediately popped a pill inside his mouth which would supposedly stabilize his internal injuries.

Lam almost fell again but he used his spear in time as support

"I...underestimated you," Lam grunted and after saying that he finally fell on the ground with a thud as the injury he suffered internally seems to be very serious.

Arnet dreaded seeing this, but he also couldn’t overpower his opponent and if Jack also joins in then its also over for him. He thought using the talisman scroll in his pocket but Donald was not giving him a chance to take a breath.

"Alright, you win. I surrender." Arnet instantly made a decision to surrender as he didn’t want to die this early in age. He dropped down his weapon and put his hands in the air.

Donald and Jack tied both the unconscious Lam and Arnet after disarming them completely of their possession. Jack inserted a pill in Lam’s mouth and Gave Arnet another one to take. It was Qi depriving the pill that Master Clayton had handed them. It’s a pill that will ensure the prisoners cannot use their Qi for a period of time.

The guards saw the fight and they also decided to surrender as they couldn’t even think to get out of the encirclement by these many people in one piece. They may be loyal to their Lord but they were not completely stupid. The defeat of two Early-stage Dantian Formation Realm was a breaking point for them.

The villagers also took hold of Butler Jon, but after each of them gave a punch or a kick to him, they ultimately did not kill him. It was because Jack suggested punishing Butler Jon for his crime in front of the whole villagers of the Pearl village.

"Noo! Please spare me. I have family, please Donald save me. Boohoo..." Jon’s cries completely by everyone as no one felt any sympathy for this guy.

Hank looked a little sad as he didn’t get to fight. Tom also wanted to have a go but enemies dropped their weapons before they could do anything.


Coming back to Alex.

"OH SHIT!!" Seeing the light flashing from the talisman, Alex could only utter those two words before the light hit him head-on.


Alex spat out a mouthful of blood in the air and was sent flying thirty meters back. But a sheen of light could be seen covering Alex’s body as he blasted through the air.


Alex crashed into a shop almost destroying it fully as the whole structure came down on him.

"Hah..hah...You are ..finally dead...Hah" Cole was gasping for air as his chest heaved up and down. He looked at the damaged talisman scroll in his hand with a heavy heart. It was Medium grade attack type Talisman scroll.

Looking down at the dead body of his son, Gareth whom he had killed with his own hand tearing a hole in his head with his sword, he didn’t look sad or anything.

"An incompetent and worthless brat who cannot give birth to expand my clan in the future is no son of mine. But at least you were useful in last so that I can kill that bastard." Cole didn’t regret killing his son at all. For him, Gareth if not talented in cultivation, was just a stud that would pass on his family genes to the next generation and if he can’t even do that then he has no right to even stay alive. Cole had already discarded him when Alex destroyed his testicles.

Suddenly, Cole remembered Alex’s men still surrounding him so brought up his guard again. He thought that they would attack him after seeing their leader getting killed but no such thing has happened.

But the puppets were standing still like statues as if they didn’t even see anything.

Cole looked around for an escape route. Just when he thought of activating a smoke Talisman scroll to escape from alive, a voice that he dreaded to listen sounded out from behind him.

"Where do you think you are going? It’s not over yet." Alex stood up expressionlessly from the wreckage on top of him, a streak of blood slowly flowed out from the corner of his lips.

Alex’s mind was calm, his expression ruthless as he looked directly into the eyes of Cole sending chills down Cole’s spine.

Cole looked back in stupor and disbelief as he saw Alex well and alive with a cracked light barrier covering his body. He saw Alex rising from the rubble like he saw a dead person rising from a grave.

Cracking sounds rang out crisply as the light barrier shield couldn’t hold up beneath the tremendous impact it had just received. It exploded into numerous fragments that flew every way, as splendid as fireworks.

The clothes covering Alex’s chest had been completely torn, as the protective shielding artifact he got from Lord Cameron couldn’t activate in time. Also because it was a low-grade artifact, it couldn’t completely block an attack from a medium grade Talisman scroll.

The good thing was that Alex is also a body cultivator who has achieved the state of Copper Body. A medium grade attack type Talisman scroll is enough to severely injure a Late-stage or even a Peak stage Dantian Formation Realm cultivator so Alex was very lucky to survive. Other than a light injury, Alex was completely fine.

"Im..possible!...You...are still alive." Cole looked like he had eaten shit. He never thought that the other party would have a protective shielding artifact with himself.

"Nothing is impossible in this world. But I have to say, I am very impressed and also very disgusted at the same time. Your plan was what impressed me but to use your son’s life in exchange for an opportunity to strike me was what disgusted me beyond belief." Alex cracked his neck from side to side as he slowly walked out from the wreckage of the house.

"I never thought you would be this cruel to your own son. Now I am starting to feel pity for him." Alex said that it didn’t look like mean it.

Cole was now sweating through his clothes as he had used most of Qi in activating the Talisman scroll and now he didn’t have the strength to fight another round of battle with Alex anymore. He couldn’t help but sigh in his heart!

Two people gradually drew closer.

His bright eyes stared tightly at Cole without blinking.

Cole finally decided to gamble for his life, he instantly put his hands inside his clothes to take out and activate a low-grade Talisman scroll with the rest of the remaining Qi in his body.

"Want to run? It won’t be that easy!" Alex’s voice sounded again.

Alex entered the smoke as he instantly arrived behind Cole Jordan who had just turned his back to run.

Cole was instantly the back of his neck and wring him up like a chicken.

Cole started to struggle but just when he had opened his mouth, Alex shoved a Qi depriving pill down his throat. After taking all his possessions, Cole was handed over to his puppets for the time being.

Instantly, he sent out a mental command to most of the puppets in the city to start heading towards the center where the main battle was taking place. He also got informed that Donald and Jack defeated the other two Early-Stage Dantian Formation Realm Cultivators without any major injuries.

"Things are going better than planned." Alex sighed.

"Let’s go. There are still some people left we have to deal with.

Alex had long since put on different clothes on his body by taking some out that are stored inside his inventory, and this was when his durable body showed off its capabilities as the wounds that he suffered during this battle were starting to heal at an incredible speed.

His blood had stopped flowing out of the wound, and apart from some minor pain, there was no impact on Alex’s movements.


On the other side, Joseph was waiting for the Barrier to get unlocked so that he can go and finish his work. Darren was freaking out while standing inside the barrier.

"Don’t worry my child, I’m here now." suddenly an old man came out from the doors of the Dorbank Manor as he called out with a low, raspy voice.

He was rather elderly as the tips of his hair were a gray-white color. Fine lines wizened his face like moats as he wore a thick, gray cotton jacket. He held onto a knobbed cane in his left hand as his gray-white eyes seemed without energy.

He walked slowly over, while eyeing on the surroundings,

Darren’s face lit up with joy when he saw the person he had been waiting for so long to come out from his meditation. He is finally here when Darren had needed him the most.

Joseph frowned on seeing the old man. ’So Cole was right about his guess. The old man of Darren is alive and kicking. He is at the peak of the Dantian Formation Realm. If that is so then it will take a lot of trouble for me put this old skull back into the grave where he is supposed to be’

"Father! You are finally here. I have been waiting for you for so long...!You! fail?" Darren’s face suddenly looked very bad at the end when he sensed that his father has failed to break through the next Realm.

The old man smiled as he said, "Not to worry my child, it was already a miracle that I got the chance to even try breaking through the next major realm."

The old man’s voice suddenly went chilling "Now tell me where are those traitors hiding. They grew some gall to go back on their ancestor’s oath to never betray my house."

Darren looked a little disappointed but he forced his heart to calm down as his father is still strong enough to protect their family from their enemies.

"Willy Yandell had fled from the city leaving for the Belmont subcontinent with his family altogether at the start of the war. There still no news about the houses of Damon, Hestia, and Cameron as they didn’t come here with Cole Jordan to attack us as they went with him two days ago. Maybe they backed out at the last minute but I am still not sure what’s going on with them. Only Cole Jordan and his helpers from the Belmont Subcontinent are here in this city right now. But now that I remembered, Cole had not arrived here and only that man in white clothes has come. He is the helper that Cole has managed to ally with." Darren pointed at Joseph’s direction who only gave a smile in return.

"Ah, Willy Yandell. A good man just like his father and grandfather. That was the only house that your grandfather had high hopes for and trusted them with his family’s lives. Darren, you made a huge mistake when you started to distance them because of jealousy and suspicion. I am sure Willy Yandell would be standing here right now if we had not treated him like that. Sigh..."

The old man suddenly went in the past remembering the good old times he had with Yandell’s father and his grandfather.

Darren Dorbank could only bow his head down in shame as he was also starting to regret his past deeds.

Suddenly crackling sound started coming from the surface of the Protective light barrier.

"Father, the barrier is not goona hold for long," Darren said so but his face was not filled with tension now as his father has come to hold the sky for him.

The barrier finally shattered in million pieces of light as it couldn’t defend itself from the Seal breaking Talisman Scroll.

"What sect do you come from, Mister?" The old man of Darren asked in a manner as if he was asking a guest.

"Riverland Mountain Sect. My name is Joseph by the way."Joseph replied and looked as he was in no hurry to make a move. He was also waiting for Cole to come back as he should have by now.

"Oh, Riverland Mountain Sect? Isn’t that sect far on the western side of the Belmont Subcontinent? That powerful sect is way too far. How come you got so interested in this old man’s life for you to come here. I am feeling quite honored, I must say" The old man said so in surprise.

Calm restored itself in the eyes of the old man called Darbon Dorbank. He flicked a glance at Joseph and the guards behind him, first cackling oddly and then rasping out in a voice full of hate. "You have come far away from home, boy. You should have stayed in your sect like the turtles you all are."

As Darbon Dorbank spoke, an immense pulse of Qi suddenly emanated from his body. The presence of powerful pressure suddenly permeated the air towards Joseph and the others. Three enormous black hands made of Qi materialized in the air, slamming down upon them with a ferocious force on the people that were in its range.

Joseph grunted a little but he kept his posture straight while the guards behind him were not so lucky. They all fell on the ground beneath the onslaught of that force.

As the terrifying force covered the ground, Joseph also released his Qi to fight off the Qi pressure coming from the Old man. the guards could finally breathe a little air as the pressure on them was reduced until the capacity they can tolerate.

"Oh, you seem to have touched upon the barrier of the next Major realm. That’s why you can barely manage to control your Qi into shapes. How nice."

The Old man did not reply but just increased the pressure.

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