The Pleasure Lord

Chapter 97 Oh Shit!

Chapter 97 Oh Shit!

Cole first took the two arrows out from the calves of his legs.

He was barely able to lift himself in spite of the pain he had been feeling at the moment.

"Alex. I can see you are a very talented guy. This is not the place you can stay all your life. There much better resources, environments, and opportunities outside this small island. You know about Belmont Subcontinent right. That’s the place talking about. But its too hard for an outsider to survive there. You need to have a strong backing and a place where you can cultivate without fear."

"Yeah, I get what you are saying, but I quite like it here actually. Why should I even go to such a dangerous place."

Cole had the urge to break Alex’s stinky mouth right at that moment when he heard that but he continued"...If you stay here, your talent in cultivation will go to waste. It’s a much broader world out there. You see, I had never let anyone know that I have two sons and not one. One is Gareth and the other one is younger than him. Unlike Gareth, his younger brother has a cultivation talent just like you. So I made a decision to send him to the Belmont subcontinent where he could go and join a powerful sect. The Riverland Mountain Sect. It’s one of the strongest existence on the subcontinent. No one can afford to offend them because of the power that they hold. Fortunately, an elder from that sect took a liking to my son’s talent so he took him as his disciple." Cole sounded very proud at that moment when he said that.

Alex’s mind raced when he heard Cole’s words. He asked with a seemingly very interested expression, "What are you talking about? Care to elaborate?"

A smile formed on Cole’s face when he saw Alex getting hooked.

"Right, what I am saying is that my youngest son requested his master to help me in becoming the lord of this Island after I asked him to. His master also agreed to help as he dotes on my son very much." Cole was trying his best to stress the last part.

"Just as his master promised, he sent some outer sect disciple in his sect to help me defeat my enemies. They are here in this city right now."

"If you harm us now, they will kill you. It’s better that we bury the hatchet of the feud between us here. I know you want to kill me because of what I had done in the past but we can leave all of that behind us and become friends and if not that then we can at least part our ways on good terms. If you do that then I can help you join the prestigious Riverland Mountain Sect. With your talent and strength, I am sure they will be more than happy." Cole stopped and then said in a threatening tone "But if don’t take my advice then the Riverland Mountain Sect will not let you live."

"Oh, how do you know that?" Alex smiled superciliously, looking at him and asking again, "You can make the decisions in their stead?"

"Hump, do you think they will let you go after you kill me whom they sent their people to protect on this Island. It will be like a slap on their faces. You will never be able to set a foot on the Belmont Subcontinent ever as it is their territory. And they easily find you here in this small place, so you cannot hide from them."

When Cole Jordan threatened Alex, he didn’t care at all. In fact, Cole Jordan’s threats were like farts to him.

As Cole finished speaking, Alex smiled and said, "But how will they know that it is me who killed you in the first place."

Cole’s face went black the moment Alex finished his sentence.


At the center of the Dorbank City, Dorbank family manor.

Master Clayton stood on the roof of a house as he watched the development taking place below, completely astonished. He was completely dumbfounded as he stood there frozen.

When he reached near the city center, he saw Dorbank manor being enclosed in a brown-colored light barrier. He could still see what was happening inside of it but he knew that no one could enter the manor without destroying the barrier first.

He never thought the Dorbank family could have a protective barrier like that. This will complicate things a little.

After some time he saw another group heading in manor direction. Master Clayton, hid behind the roof the moment he saw the person leading that group.

It was someone that he knew and he couldn’t describe the surprise he felt seeing him here on this island.

Joseph! Outer sect elder of the Riverland Mountain Sect and the disciple of someone Clayton hates from the core. Master Clayton unconsciously dug his nails into his palms when he tightened his fist after seeing Joseph.

One thing was very clear that Master Clayton had some blood feud with the disciple of the Riverland Mountain Sect. Nevertheless, Master Clayton calmed his nerves down and watch as an audience.

When Joseph saw the barrier he did not look surprised as if he was already expecting something like this to be present here.

A guard who had some knowledge about protective came ahead and asked "Sir, what do you want us to do? should we attacking the barrier."

Joseph disdainfully replied to the guard "That’s the most barbaric way and it takes too much time. Why even bother to do that."

Under the eyes of all the guards, Joseph rubbed a ring on his finger.

Suddenly, a scroll appeared in his hands out of nowhere. The guards standing near him look surprised. Many even rubbed their eyes to check if what they were seeing was right or not.

The guards who have heard legends about storage treasures started to tell their comrades. Soon the matter spread like a fire between them as they started to chatter among themselves.

Storage treasures contain an independent pocket dimension inside of it which holds different amounts of space depending on their grade.

It can either be temporary or permanent. They come in all sizes and shapes. Interspatial Rings are a more sought after and preferable type of storage treasure for cultivators.

Some looked at Joseph with eyes of reverence as he possessed the treasures they all had only heard stories never saw one with eyes. Some guards even looked at the ring on his middle finger with greed and envy in their eyes.

They too wished to have a storage treasure similar to the Interspatial ring that Joseph was wearing.

Joseph only gave a disdainful smile to them and did not even bother hiding the ring from the envious eyes of guards behind and also the people standing on the other side of the barrier.

Darren Dorbank gave a deep look at the men wearing the Interspatial ring on his hand. Darren himself had a storage treasure but it the lowest grade one with very limited space so he only felt little envious.

But what he was more concerned about was the scroll that the person has taken out from his ring. Whatever it was, Darren just hoped it will not do anything the protective barrier. He still needs to stall for some time until that person comes.

Joseph unrolled the scroll and started injecting it with his Qi. It was a very rare type of low-grade seal breaking Talisman scroll.

Darren Dorbank could not identify its use as he did not have any knowledge about such type of Talisman.

But the Master Alchemist who was standing at his sides trembled after seeing that runes like characters detaching itself from the scroll. He identified it immediately after seeing that happen.

Darren looked at his family raised Master Alchemist getting scared after seeing the scroll.

"Master Hun, what is it?"

"Darren you have to stop him immediately, that s a seal breaking Talisman scroll. You cannot let it attach itself to the barrier or it break in a matter of some minutes."

The moment he heard that Darren Dorbank’s complexion completely turned ashen.

Darren Dorbank looked at Joseph with a killing intent flashing in his eyes: "Mister, why are you helping Cole. A person with your status shouldn’t be bothered about the matters in such a backward place like this. Cole also cannot provide you with anything substantial that can catch your eyes. Please don’t involve yourself in our matters. I will compensate you double for whatever Cole is offering to you."

Joseph shook his head.

"You cannot give us what we are looking for. Don’t bother what it is. You should have escaped when you had the chance it’s too late to say anything to me now. It’s better you say your goodbyes to your family now or you will even lose that chance while wasting your time talking to me."

When Darren heard that, his vision blurred with hatred and anger as he stared at Joseph.

Soon the hovering runes atop the scroll flew out and attached themselves to the barrier. Immediately, the runes started its work to undo the barrier. The protective barrier did not have a mechanism to defend itself from this type of attack as it was just a low grade one.


Coming back to the streets where Alex was fighting or abusing Cole Jordan.

"Don’t do something stupid, Alex. We can still talk this out. Don’t you want to join a powerful sect that can help in your cultivation? I am someone that can make that happen." Cole hurriedly said.

"Nah, I don’t need your or theirs help to do that. I just want to have my revenge and punish some very evil men" Just when Alex finished his words his leg fiercely stomped on the thing which should never be stepped upon.


"Gaaahhh! ....Please... save me,... Fath..."

The bloody Gareth rolled on the ground, shrieking in horror and after which he lost consciousness again midway.

"Oops, I think I broke someone’s eggs." Alex dramatically covered his mouth in surprise.

"You bastard! I will skin you alive!!" Cole roared in anger.

The single sword in Cole Jordan’s hand was the top grade black ranked sword that his younger son who became an inner elder’s disciple in the Riverland Mountain sect had sent the sword to him through Joseph’s hand.

Cole’s left hand supported his right wrist, and when he finished speaking, the thin blade ignited, and an orange layer of flame sprang from the sword.

Cole had already stopped the blood flowing out from the two holes in his legs when he was talking.

Being a Mid-stage Dantian Formation Realm cultivator, Cole Jordan was much faster and stronger than Lord Damon and the other two Noble’s whom Alex had killed the other day.

If normal people looked then they would see Cole vanishing from their sight.

One was an indistinct figure with rapid movements, and the other was standing completely still. Just looking at this momentum, normal people would have deemed Alex weaker.

Cole Jordan flashed around to arrive at Alex’s back. He grinned cruelly and aimed his sword to lop off Alex’s head.


Even the puppets couldn’t even clearly see the sword light because of their level. If this sword struck, then Alex’s head would be split in half!

It was too late for the puppets to provide Alex help not that they were ordered to, but Cole’s sword actually hit nothing!

It was as if Alex had eyes on the back of his head. In that brief flash as the sword fell, he took a strange half step forwards, and effectively evaded the sword strike.


Cole Jordan was frustrated that his sword strike had failed.

But he did not stop in between, Cole kept on swinging his sword to strike Alex down but every time Alex managed to dodge the strike with a half step. Alex was using that weird dragonfly movement technique that he always practices in the backyard of his house. Cole started to get frustrated after not landing a single hit even if he was a little faster then Alex. With his weird movement, Alex moved across the ground in a very little area. Cole couldn’t predict or read Alex’s movement at all. First Cole thought that Alex was able to read his movement so Cole attacked him with just instinct. But that too did not work.

Finally, after some moment Alex also swung his sword sideways to meet the sword strike of Cole in midair.


After a loud noise, the two figures quickly separated.

Alex firmly stood in front of Cole Jordan, and didn’t retreat even half a step, steady as a rock!

But, Cole Jordan withdrew several steps after the collision and his complexion immediately paled and started to gasp. It was obvious that he had lost to Alex in terms of strength.

Cole was confused as to why Alex would have such strength even when he clearly felt through Qi fluctuations that Alex was just a Peak Grade Body Tempering Realm Cultivator. That’s a gap that cannot be filled with just talent.


Alex’s sword got damaged badly when it came in contact with Cole’s Top-grade Black Ranked sword. His sword was just a Mid Grade Black Ranked Sword that he got from killing Lord Cameron yesterday.

But Cole again started to attack indiscriminately. It looked as if he would never give up on avenging for his son’s family jewels. Alex took advantage of that and with the help of his movement, he brought the fight near Gareth. Cole was wholly concentrated on trying to cut Alex into pieces.

He even started using moves from the Martial skill based on the sword which an important heirloom that his family protects with their lives.

"Blazing Whip"

At the moment that they were about to crash again into each other and the strike was going to land on Alex, Alex suddenly used his legs to kick Gareth up in between Cole and himself.

"Nooo" Cole tried his best to shift the direction of his sword strike but he still couldn’t avert it without cutting an arm from the body of his son.

Gareth awoke because of the pain again. He screamed yet again after seeing his detached arm.

"Aghhhhhh!!!!....." Gareth had too many time lost his consciousness today and got woken up again due to feeling pain. He just wanted to die right now and be done with the torture he was getting today. Maybe, its karma. God was punishing him for all the crimes he had done in this life. It’s was all that Gareth could think of at that time.

"Gareth!!" Cole wanted to take Gareth in his arms but he had to back away when Alex tried to attack him.

"Tch, Tch, now he won’t be able to clean himself down. what kind of a father would do something like this to his son." Alex tried to sympathize with Gareth’s situation but anyone could tell, that he was putting on a show.

"You!!!" Cole vomited blood from his mouth and definitely suffered from some multiple internal injuries when he heard Alex saying that.

Cole wiped the blood off his mouth, his sword started to blaze again with fire.


Cole pounced at Alex like a tiger. Alex thought that maybe Cole forgot that his son was still lying unconscious between them may be due to anger.

Alex again used the same move to bring Gareth in between the strike and himself. But Alex was shocked to see Cole not trying to move the sword path away from his son, instead, Cole pierced his sword through Gareth’s head by increasing the speed of his strike suddenly.

Alex was just behind Gareth and he immediately knew, what Cole was aiming for even if it means killing his son. Thanks to his instinct, Alex barely managed to move his head away from the sword tip that came out for his head after making a hole through Gareth’s brain.

But Alex still felt a stinging pain on his cheek as he couldn’t evade completely on time. A line of blood could be seen appearing on his left cheek.

But it didn’t stop at that, Cole somehow managed to bring an attack-type talisman scroll out into his hands and activated it the moment Alex was busy trying to evade his sword.

Alex didn’t get a chance to react in time and Cole activated the talisman in his hand immediately facing it towards Alex.

"OH SHIT!!" Seeing the light flashing from the talisman, Alex could only utter those two words before the light hit him head-on.


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