The Pleasure Lord

Chapter 162 Deep into the Forest - Part 4

Chapter 162 Deep into the Forest - Part 4

"If not for your helping hand, sir, we would have been in great danger. Might I ask your name" the woman inquired while also saying her name first "Oh, my name is Ciera by the way"

"I am Alex Mordrake. Pleased to meet you, Miss Ciera." Alex was still a little bit distracted because of what happened to him when he was fighting the mercenaries. He felt like he was burning from the inside.

"Ale.x... Alex Mordrake? Lord Alex Mordrake!?Ciera’s eyes in a shock flickered back up to look at him for confirmation, "You’re new Lord that defeated the Frey family and the others, right!"

Alex laughed seeing her reaction and then he nodded. "I am."

Covering her mouth with one hand, she said with excitement, "I heard that the new Lord was young, but I didn’t think it was true until now. I had nearly thought you were a...!"

"A what?" Alex asked.

"A young master of a rich merchant family or someone like that," she said truthfully.

"Haha, well, are you disappointed?"

"No!... I mean...wait... didn’t they say they were your ... subordinates. Oh! so they were bluffing."

"Yeah, they were bluffing by using my name to threaten me." Alex laughed "so tell me what happened with you. I need to know so I can make sure that no such things happen again in the future. Not only to you but to others too."

Ciera’s face suddenly took a turn when he asked her. She must have forgotten about the matter or be enduring it so that she doesn’t think about the betrayal from her colleagues who left the sisters to be eaten by these wolves for saving their own hides.

But Ciera still repeated what had transpired with the two sisters without missing a single beat.

She told him how they had come to the forest to hunt for weak Demon Beast and forage for spirit herbs. She told him about the ambush, the betrayal and then captured before being tied up in those bags.

The three men that had betrayed the sisters were their friends and one of them was even the boyfriend of Ciera who she thought would marry her in the future. It was then that Ciera broke down into tears. Who could have thought that the love of her life would betray her when faced with dangers.

Alex frowned at the end of her tale. Ciera was in a worse state than he imagined. At the same time, he admired her for being able to remain so calm and unperturbed after all of this.

"I’m sorry, that was an oversight on my part, I hadn’t thought something like this would still be happening even after I made strict laws against such heinous crimes to deter the perpetrators. I’ll make sure that this incident is not repeated to others again in the future... As for that man, I’ll just say he doesn’t deserve a person like you and nor do you need to cry over people like him... Nevermind, just know that other than guys like him there are also good men in this world. you’ll find a better man in the future." Alex didn’t know how to console her, so he just patted her shoulders, thinking that might help calm her down a little bit.

"Thank you, but I have to point out that you are really bad at this." Ciera was a strong woman, so she stopped crying after a while. When she looked at him, she didn’t feel the air of Lord but that of a little brother. Maybe that was why she could talk to him without taking his status into account.

"Or so I’ve been told" Alex smiled when she said that.

Now that they were alone, Alex could take a good look at this woman in front of him.

Her hair was tied in a ponytail but it still reached all the way past her waist.

She stood tall and confident with a great body as that is to be expected from a cultivator. She had a beautiful face.

Her skin looked very bright and flexible while also adding to her mature charm. Alex’s eyes darted a little down and suddenly his head stopped right there.

Unknowingly, the substance that had caused his mood to swing before had been released again by his body into his bloodstream. He seemed to have lost his control over his eyes and glow appeared in them without his knowledge.

But then when Ciera realized that he was staring fixedly down below her neck, his eyes pointing slightly towards her half-naked chest, her body gave a slight pause.

’All men are the same’ She gritted her teeth as resentment began to fill up in her mind, but when she was about to say something, the glow in Alex’s eyes met with her own eyes.

Ciera froze when their eyes met. Her heart started beating a little faster as a mysterious and unique feeling entered her mind out of nowhere. Alex’s blue eyes felt like a bottomless ocean in which she couldn’t help but want drown in.

It was then when a sword was suddenly placed on Alex’s neck, "Get away from my sister, you stinking scumbag!"

This brought Alex and Ciera out of their trance.

"Sierra, what are you doing. He just saved us from the mercenaries. remove your sword from his neck right now" Ciera was embarrassed about how she got lost into the eyes of someone that was at least nine or ten years younger than she was. But she still got a hold of herself very quickly and stopped her sister from misunderstanding the situation.

"What! But I saw him ogling at your breast in a lewd way, and your face also didn’t look good at that time so I thought..."

Alex seemed a little embarrassed when he saw her mistaking him for a pervert. He didn’t know why that happened. He never had lost his control like that after seeing any women.

But Alex acted like he hadn’t heard her and quickly made a face like he wasn’t the one she as talking about.

With a casual flick from his hand, he pushed the sword aside, "You should listen to your older sister... Um, little miss." Alex calling her little was because of her height. Her age seemed to be around twenty or twenty-one but her height was that of a fifteen-year-old girl. It was somewhere around one hundred and fifty-eight centimeters.

The young woman’s face first turned scarlet and then turned furious for calling her a little girl when he clearly looked younger than her, "What did you say?! I’m not little at all." She unknowingly pushed her chest out when she was trying to stand on her toes to look bigger.

"Yeah, it was my mistake, you are not little at all," Alex said when he saw that her bust even exceeded to that of her older sister’s. But there faces had similarities to each other and they almost looked like twins if not because of the difference in height between them.

"You duckface, what are you looking at?" Sierra immediately caught where his eyes were pointing at.

Such a handsome face was unexpectedly being called duckface? What was wrong with the eyes of this girl.

"Sierra, enough. He is Lord Alex Mordrake. The new Lord of this island." Ciera worried that her sister might start fighting the Lord and anger him unknowingly.

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