The Over-Break System

Chapter 142

142  VOL 2 EPILOGUE Part 1

Exhaling slowly, Cynrik drew his Kodachi and smirked cockily at the enormous crack in space.

"OI, YOU DUMB BITCH, HURRY THE FUCK UP, I AINT GOT ALL DAY, YOU KNOW!" Howling his taunt to the sky, Cynrik stood his ground, ready for battle, as his next opponent met his verbal abuse.


"Oh?" Hearing Wadjet's demanding tone, Cynrik tilted his head mockingly.

"Let's just assume that I'd even be able to comply with your unreasonable demand; why in the ACTUAL FUCK WOULD I?"


As If in response to Cynrik's snarky and disrespectful reply, a bone-crushing 8g of Gravitational pressure, generated by the astral finger floating in the sky, fell upon his body, dropping Cynrik to his knees.

"ugh…OOF, that's a hell of a pointer finger you got there, Wadbitch. Lemmie tells you, though, 8g probably not going to cut it." With veins and muscles bulging all over his body, Cynrik forced himself back to his feet and resisted the 8g with a bit of good ol' brute force.

#SSSILENCE! Inssssolent mortal brat, I have lived for millennia. I have ssseen your kind rissse from the mud and take their first ssstepsss. I have watched all the meaninglessssss ssstrugglesss you mortals named Humansss…."

"Blah blah blah, did you come here to lecture me, or did your wrinkly, snakey ass come to achieve anything?"


The pressure that Cynrik had just started getting used to increase by 0.5, causing him to grit his teeth and hold his tongue. Beads of sweat trickled into his eyes, forcing Cynrik to wipe them away with his hand before flashing a sadistic smile up at the serpent-eye peeking through the crack.

#I SSSAID SSSILENCE! You are no different from that blasted Raven God. Alwaysss with the idiotic comebacksss. You have tainted my Divinity and delt me a devissstating blow. How could you ever believe you would sssimply walk away in one piece.#

Cynrik watched with calm eyes as the two astral female hands widened the spatial crack further, and a massive arm reached through in an attempt to grab him from above.

"Tsk, a two-bit Deity like yourself wishes to step into the mortal plane; you know where I come from; that's something that the Will of the World would lash out at." Cynrik paused before cupping his hands around his mouth, looking at the sky, and shouting as loud as possible.


The astral hands froze as the eye peeking through the crack went wide and stared at Cynrik incredulously.

For a moment, the only sound that could be heard was the faint rumbling as the village slowly crumbled to nothing. However, just like the soon-to-be village, nothing happened in response to Cynrik's yells.

Scrunching up his face for a second, Cynrik was confused; he really thought something would happen. Instead, his eyes made contact with the giant serpent eye within the crack, and he could faintly notice it turning into a crescent shape, meaning that Wadbitch was smiling cynically at his poor attempt.

"Oh, duh, im an idiot." Smacking his forehead and berating himself, Cynrik remembered what Tobs had called the main program running the systems on Vinestra. Smirking up at the eye, Cynrik thought about what he would say next and ran back to his previous attempt. Then, leaning hard into his past experience as a computer programmer, he shouted a chain of words that caused the disembodied eye and arms of Wadjet to tremble in fear.

"COMMAND PROMPT, DEITY DEFENCE PROTOCOL ACTIVATE. ACCESS VINESTRA CENTRAL SYSTEM HUB POINT, DEFINE SYSTEM PROGRAM "THE OVER-BREAK SYSTEM" AS CENTRAL WAYPOINT." The instant the words left his mouth, loud cracks of thunder broke the silence as lightning flashed around the Spatial crack.

A mystical red glowing translucent person appeared in the sky between Cynrik and Wadjet with a loud crash. This androgynous being floated in the sky and looked curiously between the mortal and the Deity before waving its hand and scooping up Cynrik, dragging him into the air.

"WOAHHH GENTLE, GENTLE CENTRAL SYSTEM HUB!" Coming to a stop 3-meters away and upside down, Cynrik was helpless as he hung in the air feeling the blood rush to his head.

"Hm?" Tilting its head to the side, the translucent being looked at the upside-down Cynrik and twisted its wrist slightly, righting him before directing its attention back to the astral form of Wadjet, who was frozen in place and shaking like a leaf.

She wanted nothing more than to run away at this moment. However, upon arriving, the Central System projection had locked the surrounding space, trapping her within the confines of the pocket dimension between reality and the Hall of Gods.

"Plead your case. Why has an Unknown Deity from the Hall of Gods trespassed onto the land of mortals? On top of attempting to cause harm to a being within my jurisdiction?" The Central System projection spoke in a voice that seemed both feminine and masculine simultaneously, making Cynrik raise an eyebrow.

"Welp, this bitch, not only interfered in the boss fight of this Alpha Egress by transporting a chunk of space and time from somewhere within the world and merging it with the boss room, but she also attempted to kill me upon defeating her Legacy Charge. So basically, this dumb snake lady is throwing a temper tantrum because she lost." Unfazed by the fact that he was in the presence of what represented the will of Vinestra, but also a Deity, Cynrik blurted out the first thing that came to mind.


The instant Wadjet spoke up to defend herself, The Central System projection made a gripping motion with its hands and drew a gut-wrenching scream from the Cobra Goddess, cutting her off and making Cynrik purse his lips with raised eyebrows.

"Running diagnostic to gather information. Data compiled; although the phrasing System Host Cynrik Jetlensr used embellished the events slightly, I have not found any false testimony to have been given. Unfortunately, Cobra Goddess Wadjet has interfered with the natural procedure created by the Central System Hub and destroyed the chain of command for Egress A-G 22097, causing irreparable damage to the Egress Core and destroying the entire Egress in the process."

Pausing for a moment and giving a quizzical look to Cynrik, the Central System projection once again waved its hand; seconds later, a terrified Gabby and Benny and a concerned Brance appeared in the air beside Cynrik.

{OI, I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE!} Both angry and slightly relieved to see his party, Cynrik scolded his brother in the mind link.

{You think we didn't try? When we reached the door, it wouldn't budge, then we heard your big ass mouth yelling some bullshit, and well, here we are. Did you really think I wouldn't come back after getting them to a safe place? My ass was about to spin around and join you. On top of that, just look at Gabby and Benny; they look like they're gonna pee themselves.} Crossing his arms over his chest and floating helplessly in the air Brance defended his actions.

{Daww, you do care.} Cynrik blinked his eyes rapidly and acted as if he was about to cry.

{Fuck off, what the hell is that thing?} Brance pointed with his eyes at the bald, red translucent being that stood at over 6-meters tall.

{That, my little brother, is the closest thing to a savior we have right now.}

"I have stated the compiled data, As per Code 01J-52 article 88 paragraph 200. Any Deity-Tier being who uses their powers outside of any predefined regulations is subject to immediate termination and removal from the Le^)@& St&#*$, their Divinity and Cultivation will be crippled, and their Immortal Spirit will be Eradicated." Speaking emotionlessly, the Central System projection raised its right arm and snapped its fingers loudly, causing an immediate reaction from Wadjet.




The members of MyrkLys shielded their eyes as a loud explosion rippled through the spatial crack. When the light receded, the astral form of Wadjet, which was previously attempting to force its way through the crack in space and time, was decimated into particles of light.

{Fuuck, that bitch went up like a firework HAHAHAHA!} Cynrik awkwardly burst out laughing within the mind link. Brance was too shaken to reply, but he could tell by the quivering in Cynrik's voice that he was scared shitless to the point that he made a bad joke.

"Deity-Tier Being Wadjet, the Cobra Goddess, has been eliminated from the competition, and her Divinity has been merged with the Central System Hub. As a result, her immortal spirit has been completely wiped from existence."

The words spoken by the translucent being rocked Cynrik and Brance like thunder. A once-powerful being had been killed off with the snap of a finger Thanos style.

"System Hosts, Cynrik and Brance Jetlensr, Benjamin and Gabriella Sanford, the four of you, have achieved something beyond your Tier restrictions. This is something that very rarely occurs. Unfortunately, as it was a Deity-Tier being who interfered, I am severely limited in my ability to reward you for your achievements."

Casting a casual glance over the party, the translucent being continued.

"Generally, I can not give you any monetary rewards outside of what a Green Alpha Egress is capable of generating. However, I will make a singular exception this time due to the circumstances and reward you with something within the restraints on an Orange Alpha Egress before teleporting you all out of this Egress. But there is something I regret to inform you all of…." The projection seemed lost in thought as it tried to collect the correct words together, making Cynrik and Brance shift uncomfortably.

"Whatever it is, you can tell us; we will handle it in stride as we always do." Cynrik was the first to speak up, drawing the overpowering gaze of the translucent being.

"Indeed, you especially have proven yourself able to handle most situations without hesitation. Verywell, there has been a difficult to explain crisis created by the fracturing of the Egress Core. As an Adjudicator from the Central System Hub, I am limited in the amount of information I can bestow you, so I will not explain the fine details. For the first time, an Alpha Egress has been destroyed."

Cynrik felt his sphincter clench upon hearing this, and he fought internally not to interrupt.

"This Egress labeled A-G 22097 has collapsed forming a massive crater, approximately the size of the internal structure of the Egress, where the Gate was once erected. This event started the moment your party defeated Osarseph. Upon my arrival, the process was already in the final stages of destruction. However, since I locked down the surrounding space we are currently in, this area has been left in the shape it was when I first arrived…."

"Lastly, due to the spatial crack you can see above us, the timeline has shifted slightly, and exactly a year has passed since the moment you stepped foot within the Egress."

"WHAT!!!!!!!! A YEAR, WE LOST A WHOLE YEAR!" Cynrik blurted loudly with spittle flying from his mouth, causing the translucent being to lean back and dodge.

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