The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 613: Saving the World!

Chapter 613: Saving the World!

613: Saving the World!

Newcomers lacked the ability to gauge danger honed through years of experience, so there was no way someone like Feng Wu would be sent to the front lines to record such an important event.

Feng Wu obediently stayed in the rear in the office with Little Bun and the other newbies of the department every day while all the seniors went out.

Feng Wu didnt know what to do, so she went to visit her master in the virtual world. She had found everything her master wanted on her own, with the exception of the last item, which was found by Ming Xi. The only thing left to do was to bring them to her master.

Once inside the virtual world, Feng Wu brought out her masters soul and drew the magic circle her master taught her. The circle began to burn with pure white flames after she tossed all the materials in. Though the flames werent hot, they gave off a dangerous feeling.

Feng Wu continued to methodically follow the directions her master gave her, and two hours later, a body that looked just like her masters appeared within the magic circle.

Feng Wu had no idea how happy her face looked as she stared at it.

The process of merging Whites soul into the newly formed body was an easy one to complete. By the time White opened his eyes, he was a young man of thirty again.

He had always been handsome and elegant, but now that he had a physical body, he was even more charming.

My Dear, your master is back! White patted his beloved disciples head dotingly; he was quite satisfied with her performance.

Sure enough, with his excellent vision, he had accepted a good apprentice who was filial, unlike all those other fellows. Who knew what kind of hell they ended up with. It was fine to be unfilial, but to even desire and steal things that belonged the master was abominable. Fortunately, he had good eyes and took in a good apprentice who was not greedy.

Master, has your cultivation level not returned? Feng Wu was worried because she couldnt feel the slightest energy fluctuation in her masters body; it was as if he was an ordinary person.

Do not worry. Master has everything prepared. As he spoke, White brought out a small green sphere out of nowhere. Despite its size, it contained an overwhelming amount of power. Just from looking at it, the pressure it exuded was enough to force people to tremble.

This has all of Masters cultivation base. My level should return after consuming it. White said calmly as he held the tiny sphere.

Then Master should quickly eat it. Feng Wu had no interest in the sphere that held all her masters cultivation. She just wanted her master to quickly regain his original strength.

Laner is so good. White popped the sphere into his mouth. It liquified and flowed down his throat and into his stomach as soon as it touched his tongue.

The energy inside the sphere was his originally to begin with so it was an easy fusion without any hidden dangers.

White rushed off as soon as he regained his powers, saying he was going to meet the former master of the Demon realm. Feng Wu had no choice but to comfort her wounded heart by taking Little Bun out for a meal.

Feng Wu and Little Bun munched away without a care. Word quickly spread throughout the small shop that there was a mother-son duo with an incredible appetite. Seeing them devour so much, other customers joined in and ordered some food to eat together, bringing in a good number of customers to the little shop. Feng Wu had no idea she was driving the flow of customers.

Feng Wu called the waiter over for the bill after finishing the last plate. Considering how Feng Wu had brought in so much business, the boss decided to give her a 10% discount for the meal and a 10% discount VIP card for future use. Who knew how many similar VIP cards she already had in her possession? Feng Wu calmly accepted the card.

Feng Wu walked back to a mostly deserted Star Marshall hall. It didnt bother her at all that most people were gone; she took Little Bun around to play.

After ten days of eating, drinking, playing, and making noise every day, good news finally came back: the Demon Ancestor was defeated by a god mage who exuded an ethereal and enchanting aura!

How could a god mage who already ascended to the God realm appear though? Was this a joke? But it couldnt be. All the big shots present testified it was definitely a god mage.

Though no one could prove whether the white-clothed young man was a god mage or not, his powers were undeniable.

The four divine emperors had the upper hand originally, but a woman ran out from nowhere and changed the flow of battle. She herself wasnt powerful, but the items she had were all treasures. She exhausted the four divine emperors and bought the Demon Ancestor some breathing room.

Fortunately, in that moment, an incredibly beautiful person appeared. The young man, dressed entirely in white, was stunningly attractive.

Compared to Emperor Ming Xi, he was not inferior at all, but what set him apart was his ethereal and otherworldly aura (or rather, his divine presence), which enchanted everyone who laid eyes on him.

The celestial being who appeared in the nick of time to save the entire continent became mankinds savior.

Naturally, he was instantly popular. His statues, from big to small, were erected all over the streets. Even small islands dedicated space for his statue. People would pay their respects and pray to his statue to ward off evil.

White: You're the one who wards off evil! Your entire family has the ability to ward off evil.

Speaking of that day, Ming Xi and the other three emperors teaming up to fight against the Demon Ancestor had been going well, that was until Zi Cheng suddenly ran out and tossed a purple sphere, which happened to be the awesome Nine-Day Divine Thunder that could instantly obliterate anything that touched it, into the mix. Of course, it was an item she exchanged points to get.

Fortunately, the four emperors were protected by the worlds consciousness. They, like Zi Cheng, were also darlings of the worlds consciousness, however their existence was even more important than hers.

Killing them would depend on the world consciousness allowing it, and in this instance, it was not allowed.

In order to stop Zi Cheng, the worlds consciousness tricked White and forcibly teleported him into the fray.

There he was, standing, minding his own business and eating nuts while enjoying the show, when he was forced to take the hit for the emperors.

But in the eyes of everyone else, it was like he saw the danger and stepped in on rainbow-colored clouds to welcome them, er no, to rescue them.

Zi Cheng was far from reaching her peak and most of her current advantages lay in her system. She lost her most powerful strengths, the five elemental hearts, because of Ai Lin and Zos interference.

In the original book, Zi Cheng would have already possessed the power of a god mage by the time the Demon Ancestor was defeated. But now, without the hearts, her cultivation was dramatically slower and she was no where near her peak. It was obvious how much an impact not having the hearts had on her.

White saw through the heroines system early on. The scumbag Longze took out some strange things from his body the same way. The girl seemed to be from the same place as Longze. Heh. Maybe he should say hello.

On second thought, never mind. White nixed the idea less than a second later. The girl was going to die, so there was no need for greetings.

As a powerful god magician, if White wanted to kill a low-level magician, it would be easier than blinking. But he had to consider, she had that thing on her body from Longze.

In the end, the outcome was still as expected. Zi Cheng was careless and was killed by White.

The system immediately tried to flutter off, but White grabbed it, and snuffed it out without leaving even a ghost behind.

With the troublemaking heroine finally gone, it was easy for the four divine emperors to take down the Demon Ancestor.

Admiration flowed like an endless river in the hearts of those watching from a distance. They stared mesmerized as the figure clad in all white tore apart the heroine then snuffed out the system with a single majestic movement.

Can we all just say youre a male god, Mr. Perfect? Can we just mess around with you for the rest of our lives?

White was in a bad mood after being fooled by the worlds consciousness. He turned and ran off before anyone could thank him. People searched and searched, but couldnt find him anywhere.

Even though he was never found, the scene was immortalized in a recording and later became a classic all across the continent.

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