The Narrow-Eyed Villain of the Demon Academy

Chapter 127 (1) - The Narrow-Eyed Villain of the Demon Academy

The worst and strongest villain. I became a narrow-eyed character Arsene Adel. DBT,Korean,Novel,Translation,Academy,NEVDA,Fantasy,Possession,AssassinBonus chapter thanks to '@jrwvf6' for subscription to 'Sword Lacquer' tier on Ko-fi.

We stepped out of the classroom and headed towards the training grounds for the practical exam.

Since it wasn’t my turn yet, I decided to chat with Luna while we waited.

The first match was between a female student and a male student.

Both held wooden swords, their expressions serious as they faced each other.

Luna, who was watching the match with me, asked,

“Who do you think will win, Adel?”

“Hmm, that’s a tough one. They both seem quite skilled.”

“…They’re both support class students.”

Luna’s flat tone made me cough awkwardly.

No wonder the energy they were emitting felt so…ordinary.

‘…Then why do they look so serious?’

They looked like they were about to fight to the death, not participate in a simple sparring match.

They were acting even more serious than Samuel and I did during our spar.


The match between the two unusually serious support class students began.

The female student dashed forward, thrusting her sword towards the male student.


“Too slow.”


The male student effortlessly parried her attack.

His movements were as smooth and flowing as a stream.

Then, with a mocking smirk, he swung his sword at her.

The same leisurely movements from before were gone, replaced with a swift and powerful strike.


The female student quickly raised her sword to block, but her arm trembled from the force of the blow.

Seeing this, the male student grinned and raised his sword for the finishing blow.

His sword sliced through the air, aimed directly at her neck.

“It’s over…!”

Just as the sword was about to connect…


The female student twisted her body, narrowly dodging his attack.

Then, she swiftly moved past him, hooking her leg behind his.


The male student crashed to the ground, landing hard on his back.

He struggled to get up, but it was too late.

The female student’s sword was already pressed against his throat.

Idea, deeming it unnecessary to continue, declared the winner.

“The victor is Haran! Better luck next time!”

As the first match concluded…

*Thud* *Thud*

…The female student leaned down towards her defeated opponent, her fingers brushing against his ear as she whispered,

“I win.”


His eyes widened in shock.


She stuck her tongue out playfully before turning to leave.

And as I watched the male student walk away, his ears noticeably redder than before, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of bewilderment.

“I’m pretty sure Sytan wasn’t designed to be a dating site…”

I muttered under my breath.

Then, I glanced down at the thorn attached to my wrist.


As if sensing my thoughts, the thorn vibrated slightly.

“Just you wait, Samuel. You’ll get your turn soon enough.”


Samuel didn’t reply, but I could practically feel his irritation radiating from the thorn.

I chuckled softly.

Samuel’s arrogance would be his downfall.

I would personally make sure that Sytan remained a place where romance was forbidden.

Lost in my evil plotting, I didn’t notice Luna speaking up until she was right beside me.

“S-Still, there’s nothing wrong with a little romance, right…?”

She fidgeted nervously, her cheeks slightly flushed.

Samuel snorted.

[Look who’s talking.]

“…What was that?”

I pretended not to hear them, choosing instead to focus on analyzing the previous match.

The two support class students had displayed a decent level of combat ability.

It was slightly below average for Sytan students, but still…

‘Not bad.’

I was actually rather impressed.

Individually, they might not be that strong, but there were over a hundred students with similar abilities.

If they continued to improve at this rate, the support class students would eventually reach the level of knights in the Human Realm.

And with Fron’s charm ability, they would surpass even the average student at the Imperial Academy.

After all, even without Terias, Class A had managed to defeat the human students during the midterm exams.

If they continued to grow stronger, they would become valuable assets to me.

However, there was one small problem.

‘…I need to make sure all the Sytan students are at least as strong as the theoretical instructors…’

Only then would they stand a chance against the protagonist’s group.

But that was a problem for another time.

‘…They’ve already come so far.’

In the past, I wouldn’t have even bothered watching these sparring matches.

But now, they were actually quite entertaining.

It was a welcome change.

Sure, they would experience pain and suffering as they fought their way to the top.

But that was a given the moment they stepped foot in Sytan.

Lost in my thoughts, I almost missed Samuel’s next words.

[It’s your turn, Luna.]

“No way…!”

[Don’t tell me you’re planning on failing?]

“N-No, of course not!”

Samuel was clearly enjoying teasing Luna.

I rubbed my temples, trying to ignore their banter.

“Just go out there and do your best, okay?”

I said to Luna, forcing a smile.


Luna’s shoulders slumped as she trudged towards the arena.

I waved encouragingly after her.

Samuel clicked his tongue.

[I don’t get you. Why are you so nice to her?]

“…Well, there’s a reason for that.”

It wasn’t like I had any romantic feelings for Luna.

It was more like…

She reminded me of a helpless little bird, always on the verge of falling apart.

And then there was that incident during the midterm exams…

‘No, don’t think about that.’

[Your heart rate just spiked.]


I quickly covered my ears, hoping Samuel hadn’t noticed my sudden discomfort.

Meanwhile, Luna and Luke’s match had begun.

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