The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 33 Sekki

Meanwhile, on the battlefield, the young woman alone was fighting with the monkey king.

"Did he die? How the fuck am I going to handle this now?" She pondered while shooting wind bullets and tornadoes at the monkey king.

The monkey king dodged as he summoned stone arrows and fired at the woman. They exchanged magic based on their elements.

The creature suddenly conjured up a large boulder, threw it at the woman, and turned to go in her direction. It's obvious that the monster desired close-quarters fighting to utilize his full strength.

The lady slashed the boulder with her katana while beginning to fly in the air with the wind to avoid getting too close to the monkey king.

Even so, all of a sudden, the square-shaped earth pillar soared into the sky as quickly as the woman was flying, and the monkey was sitting on top of it.

The young woman's eyes widened in surprise as she sent three air slashes through the pillar. However, the monkey king seemed unfazed as he jumped from the pillar in midair and headed toward the woman.

As he was about to grab the woman, a lightning-fast small boulder struck him in the ribs as it changed direction.

The monkey king began to fall while another lightning boulder struck him in the face, breaking his nose.

Aizel was creating small boulders out of nowhere, powering them with lightning, and throwing them like railguns with enhanced strength from afar.

He was doing everything at once, which was draining his mental energy quickly.

The attack was like a machine gun, with small lightning boulders hitting him continuously as he fell to the ground, which created a deep crater.

The other four-armed monkey monsters didn't even dare to intervene in the fight. They are aware that they will only be involving themselves in their worthless death.

The woman saw the opportunity and dashed forward, charging the wind on her katana.

She quickly formed four wind spears in midair and launched them toward the crater.

The four spears created a deep dirt explosion in the ground as the woman slashed her katana in a horizontal way. The wind slash was so sharp that it cut everything in half. The dirt was still clearing as some of the areas near the crater started to come into view.

"Damn, that woman is insane; I have to be careful around her." Aizel thought as he quickly closed the crater to check on the monkey king's condition.

As the dirt cleared, the monkey king stood proudly, but a deep horizontal mark appeared on his chest, with some blood dripping and coloring his white fur red.

"Even that was not enough," Aizel spoke slowly while the young woman approached him quickly.

"We need to get out of here. To kill that beast, we need more Grade I mages or a Grade II mage." While looking at the monkey king, the young woman said. The monster stood motionless, his deep red eyes fixed on them.

"We can't get away together. To safely escape, one must buy time for the other to escape. You won't do it for me, and neither will I." Aizel said as he stared into the monster's eyes. Something was boiling inside of him.

It was like the excitement of fighting to the death. He just wanted to fight that monster alone, using all of his strength, with no regard for the rest of the world.

But he knows he can't tell anyone about his secret.

"What should we do now?" The young woman asked; clearly, she wanted to escape instead of fighting that monster.

"We're going to kill that monster," Aizel said while looking towards his sword.

"I had no idea the time would come so quickly that I'd have to use your name now," Aizel said as he sighed. The young woman looked at him with a confused gaze.

"Can you use your magic to increase my speed?" Aizel inquired, and she nodded in agreement.

"All right, here's the plan." As Aizel explained her plan, the young woman looked at him as if he were insane.

"Why are you hesitating? If the plans fail, it will be me who will die." Aizel said as the woman sighed and nodded in agreement.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting, Mr. Monkey King. Let's have some fun." Aizel said this while smiling at the monster.

The monkey roared and banged his hands on the ground as Aizel rushed through the trees in a zigzag pattern with the help of lightning and wind.

He moved so quickly that the monkey couldn't pinpoint his location. He can only see some lightning trails as Aizel runs in a zigzag pattern around the monkey.

As he ran in circles around the monkey, Aizel began slashing with crescent-shaped lightning slashes. The slashes came from all directions so fast that the monkey couldn't avoid them.

As the monkey roared in pain, burn marks began to appear on his body.

Monkey began to conjure the earth dome around him to protect himself from the slashes, but Aizel appeared around the half-formed dome and slashed it in half while running in circles.

A sudden gust of wind threw the monkey in the air as many air slashes came towards him.

The monkey conjured the earth armor to cover his whole body while in midair to protect himself from the air slashes.

As air slashes continued to chip away at the earth's armor one by one, the monkey king began to fall.

"It's now up to you, stranger." The young woman said softly while Aizel stood firm on the ground in a sword-drawing stance, just beneath the free-falling monkey. His sword was humming slightly on the sheath.

The sword was clearly ecstatic about what was about to happen.

The monkey came closer and closer while Aizel was in his position.

"Here it goes. It doesn't matter which grade you are; it doesn't matter which type of sword you are. Here in this world, you are my closest partner, and I am yours, and together with my powers and yours, we will even split the world in half."

I give you the name "Sekki".

"Now split this monkey in half for me," Aizel shouted as he quickly drew the sword while enhancing it with mana and lightning to make it even sharper. The Sekki Hum, with its new name as a blue lightning slash, split the monkey king in half with its armor.

The upward, one-handed quick draw slash was so sharp that even the nearby trees, ground, and cloud in the sky also split in half.

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