The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 369

369 Prisoner’s Demands

The king walked through the Hunter’s Agency with his hands sequentially curling to fists and uncurling. Queen Martha tried her best to soothe his anger, but there was only so much she could do. After hearing the tone Silver used when speaking to him, he couldn’t contain himself.

Queen Martha had been hoping the hunter would drop his threatening tone, but the other male also showed no signs of letting up. Whatever had happened while they were away had completely shattered the trust he held in the royals. This implication was not lost on the king... and in his passive mood, he would have been able to overlook this behaviour. If he’d stayed passive that is...

“After all that talk of seeking peace, I’m a little disappointed honestly,” the hunter leading them with Silver mumbled, making the situation even worse. Martha felt her mate’s hand grow tighter around her waist. While he wasn’t hurting her, she could tell just how much he was using her to keep himself sane. Disrespect did not yield good results in the presence of alphas... and their mates were the only thing that could keep them sane in such a situation. Martha was almost convinced the hunters had completely forgotten everything they were taught about werewolves.

“You will watch your tongue, Marco,” Silver snapped the man, smacking him across the back of the head in a disciplinary gesture, “We might not know what’s going on, but that doesn’t give you the right to jump to conclusions.”

“What’s with you? One moment you want to bust them for their secrets and the next, you’re on their side. Make up your mind,” Marco replied, rubbing the back of his head.

‘Well said, Marco,’ Martha thought to herself. The Mighty Warrior’s actions were very contradictory. It was like he was shifting between two extremes, trying to make a decision... a decision that he would not regret.

“I don’t want to make up my mind. If it turns out the royals are not what they claim to be, the world as we know it would be turned upside down in war and bloodshed. Death is not something I enjoy bringing on creatures other than rogues. I hope for a good explanation for all of this. Even so, that’s all I have... Hope. Things are not looking too good as it is,” these words were directed more to the royals walking behind him. Davin’s hold on his mate loosened as he got to peak into Silver’s thoughts.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right about that. Not to mention the hunters aren’t in their best shape after that attack on Lycaon,” Marco briefly glanced at the king and queen walking behind him and sighed. They soon reached a thick metal door and opened it to reveal a room much like a torture room that was normally used by the hunters during interrogations. Split in two, the entrance led them into a room full of controls with a glass pane attached to the control panel dividing this room from the other section containing the captive that was being interrogated.

“This is not how a royal is treated even as a captive,” King Davin snapped at the people in the room.


“Relax, we haven’t done anything to him... yet,” Silver sighed. The King let go of his mate and walked up to the door that led to the torture chamber. He almost looked like he would rip the door off its hinges, but when he reached it, he glanced at the hunters working the controls, raising a brow at one in particular. The hunter panicked as he searched for the lever that would unlock the door, forgetting to seek permission from Silver. Queen Martha followed after him with a worried look.

On the other side of the glass pane was a man seated on the side of the bed inside, staring off into nothingness. The room was soundproofed and the glass could only let light through from the other side, so he wouldn’t have known if anyone was watching him or not. The abrupt clicking of the door alerted him of his new visitors.

Sean turned expecting to see Silver or one of his friends only to turn white with shock at the sight of the king and his wife. The two of them did not look happy with him one bit. His demeanour relaxed a moment later, “I-I wasn’t sure you would come.”

“And why exactly wouldn’t I come to my uncle’s aid? Honestly, I’m still trying to wrap my head around what you’re doing,” the king sighed, “Years, Sean. It’s been years. Far before I even became king, we’ve tolerated your disappearances. Do you have an explanation for me?”

Memories of the day Sean had escaped the dungeons came back to him, but the rage he’d had at that time was nowhere to be found. He couldn’t let him off the hook this time, though. This time was different... this time, there were werewolves that were injured by the wolfsbane that had been used to escape.

Now that Sean was looking at him once more, he searched the prince’s eyes for something. He was searching for the hint of malice... the malevolent intent toward the throne. It didn’t exist... both physically and through the mind link... Why then? What was the reason behind his actions? Could he have found a way to fool the mind link?

These thoughts were banished to the back of Davin’s mind as they yielded no result. The problem, however, was still in front of him. Sean was not going to magically disappear and he was going to have to deal with this one way or another.

The blue-eyed prince searched the king’s face, “I thought for sure all you would want would be my death.”

Davin stayed quiet, waiting for an answer to the question he’d asked. Sean tested his patience plenty of times he’d expected something other than the right answer. “Yes, I do have an explanation. The same one I gave your father before he chose to let me do whatever I felt like.”

The king’s frustrations left him all at once, returning his turmoiled mind to a serene silence, ‘What?’

He had suspected something, but hadn’t been sure of it, “So my father did know something he wasn’t telling me...”

“Yeah, he knew something. He would have been a terrible king otherwise. Although I’m not so sure if I’d call him the best either,” the man said to the king, “I would like to come clean, but only to you and Martha. That also applies to the female rogue I was captured with. Bree would be better off if she was freed. Promise me nothing will happen to that girl. She’s a little too innocent to be involved in any of this.”

Davin scoffed... The man was making demands just already. There wasn’t much he could do to deny him any of them considering none was extreme, but he was still acting like he was on top of everything. Even when the hunters were ready to stick needles of wolfsbane into his system to get information out of him. Was he really that confident?

The king and queen left the room without another word and met a pondering Frank, “He’s asking for too much, you know.”

“Why’s that?” the king asked.

“He aided in freeing the rogue king’s beta alpha. I’m afraid we can’t let him go. If we are to let him go, the woman he’s trying to take with him stays behind,” the man responded, “She can’t get anywhere in her condition anyway.”

“What woman?” Davin finally asked, throwing his hands into the air helplessly. After having heard them talk of her so many times, he couldn’t help but realise she played a key role in all this.

“Oh, his accomplice. The two of them planned it quite well. We’ve been questioning Bree, but the girl won’t say anything except that we let Sean go free as well as the other woman and...” the man paused, “Perhaps you’d like to talk to Bree yourselves. Her words don’t make the least bit of sense.”

“What about the woman? Can we talk to her?”

“No, you won’t be able to get anything out of her,” the man replied indifferently, leading them to the exit.

“Why’s that? Did something happen?” as Davin asked this, he noticed the mask of indifference the hunter replaced his countenance with. It was a technique he’d now come to recognise, “What did you do?” the king growled.

“She was escaping with the rogue king’s beta alpha. I did what I had to do to keep her from escaping. Unfortunately, the beta alpha was gone before I could do anything,” Frank replied, “At the moment, she’s still unconscious.”

Davin, for once, noticed how odd it was for Frank to let the man slip from his grasp. It hadn’t been that the Rogue King’s beta alpha overpowered him. There wasn’t a scratch on the man. In fact, there wasn’t a sign that he’d been injured at all. Instead, Cupid Shooter was beaming with frustration...

He’d been tricked.

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