The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 349

349 Rise of General Amanda

The Moon Goddess’s request was nothing short of cruel. After only letting the two werewolves get acquainted for less than an hour, she intervened to spring an unreasonable request on both of them. Her timing, however, was purposeful to keep them from rejecting her proposal. Any longer and there was no telling how willing they would be to cooperate.

Celeste asked that the female be sent right back into the rogues, to work against them from the inside... as a spy. The goddess did not give them full details as Sean asked her to give them time to think about it.

Sean led his mate away from the goddess and to one of the cabins he had littered in no-man’s-land. In this small home, they rest... or Amanda rested. Sean hunted for the first two days and nursed his mate back to health, spoiling her more than she ever thought possible.

For a while, Sean forgot the moon goddess’s request. When Amanda was ready, he took her hunting, swimming, running and everything else he could think of to do out in the wild. This far south, there was a shortage of rogues to run into, so there wasn’t much to worry about.

One evening, the couple lay on the soft grass. Amanda rested her head on the prince’s chest, groaning lowly, “I shouldn’t have eaten that much.”

Sean chuckled, “With your enhanced metabolism, you’ll be hungry in a few hours.”

“Hey, I’m getting out of that phase. It’s not like I’m still skinny,” the girl argued, only to sigh with exhaustion. The past month had been the best for the two werewolves. Sean was much more than she felt she deserved. He was kind and everything she’d ever wanted in a mate, which made the next words to come out of her even harder to say, “We can’t ignore her forever.”

Sean looked down at his mate, then made her turn to face him, “Yes, we can.”

“No, we can’t. I know you can’t. You wouldn’t even be able to live with yourself if you knew you abandoned werewolf kind...” she replied. Sean felt his heart fall. He wanted to argue with Amanda, but he knew she was right. She’d gotten to know him a lot during the time they’d spent together and he’d gotten to know her as well.


If there was ever a werewolf that could pull off such a dangerous task, it was her. She was headstrong and determined to succeed in anything she set her mind to. The bones of the deer carcass they’d just eaten for supper were proof of that. It was her first successful hunt.

Considering she had no prior experience in combat or hunting, it had taken her a while to get the hang of it. Even then, however, she had been learning everything Sean taught her at remarkable speed. This was also how he’d come up with her nickname ‘Little Alexa’ to mean ‘Little Warrior.’

‘It’s not fair,’ he thought to himself, letting his head fall back on the grass and his gaze onto the blanket of stars in the night sky.

Having heard his thoughts, Amanda lay back on his chest, “The world is not fair, Sean. It’s never been...”

“Then you don’t have to go through with this,” his voice had lost its usual jovial tone and was now replaced by a humourless, broken one.

“You know where I’m from, Sean. I have a chance to bring it to the ground. You have a chance to help me do it. The Rogue King won’t always be as docile and cautious as he has been for the past decades. One of these days, he’ll lash out. This way...”

“You don’t have to explain it to me, little Alexa. I know I can’t do anything to change your mind. I’ll respect your decision. That doesn’t mean I have to like it,” Sean replied, staring hard at the crescent moon in the sky. All this was because of the goddess that resided there. She was the reason he was going to say goodbye to Amanda.

For a lone wolf that barely had anyone he cared about this much, this was a tad rougher than it should have been. That night, the royal marked his mate and so did she. The two of them were then plunged into a dream wherein they met the moon goddess a second time.

They’d decided to go along with her plan after all. Celeste began explaining the details to them. The royal was to pretend to be on the Rogue King’s side, which wouldn’t be hard for the Lone Wolf. Rumours were already spreading about his collaboration with the man.

While working with the Rogue King, Sean was to act as a spy for him, delivering next to accurate information that would allow him to secure the rogue king’s trust. It was a gamble, but the moon goddess seemed confident in seeing it work.

With the girl marked, she was to gain more power from her connection to the royal. The moon goddess offered her the power to conceal her mark as well as to change the colour of her eyes and allowed the dream to dissipate.

The following morning, Amanda returned to the rogues where she spent a while earning her stripes. With her strength constantly increasing, she could defend herself against the males. It was never easy at first. Amanda often got into fights with the other males and, unsurprisingly, she would beat up any male that tried to lay their fingers on her.

Before long, she proved her worth by showing how much stronger she was than the average werewolf. Luck was on her side(or she’d planned it all out). The Rogue King had been watching when she almost got taken down by an alpha.

The man had taken an interest in her quickly. With her unpolished fighting skills, she could defeat others who had been undergoing training for much longer. ‘A diamond in the rough...’ he’d thought at the time.

The Rogue King made an exception just this once and trained her himself. She grew stronger much faster than most he’d taught before and she only continued to grow stronger. He couldn’t believe how strong she was getting he got curious as to how strong she would be if he’d made her an alpha. It was not long before the rogue king bit her and granted her the power of an alpha. With that, she earned the rank of lieutenant within a year and aimed for general through continued training.

The rogues, including the generals, grew to respect her strength for it was clear that she was blindingly unique in comparison to the rest of them. She never took a joke lightly and was heard to even kill males that got too close to her for comfort, so the rest kept their distance and the rogue king didn’t object to the way she acted.

Once she was lieutenant, she had a meeting with the rogue king where she spoke of something rare she’d encountered, a lone wolf, a royal that was the brother to the king. One who wanted to help him topple the two empires. The rogue king was cautious about the woman’s idea at first, but eventually, he agreed to meet with this royal who had supposedly given the lieutenant a place they would meet.

After scouring the area for hostiles, it was confirmed that the royal was indeed alone and that was when the Rogue King first met Sean Sirius, the Lone Wolf. He preached his false ambitions of bringing down mankind... Of the cruelty of mankind that made him sick to his stomach. Being the lone wolf that he was, this was not difficult to fake. Merely claiming he was a lone wolf to stay from humans was enough for him to get through some of the rogue king’s defences. As expected of the rogue king, words were not enough to convince him... so he asked for proof of his loyalty.

Sean exposed the king’s most lethal secret to the rogue king, the tunnels that went under the palace. Tunnels that had only been known to the royal families’ most trusted confidants. The rogue king had a party scour the palace grounds for said tunnels and the proof of their existence got Sean into the Rogue King’s trusted circle immediately.

This revelation, however, would later cause the death of many within the Sirius palace and their complete concealment.


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