The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 343

343 [Bonus chapter]Odd family

Seated in a chair under the shade of a cottage in the woods was the king’s uncle. He skimmed through the newspaper he’d only procured earlier that morning. Keeping track of what was happening in the world was his only way of knowing if they were being followed and if they were safe.

Two slender warm arms wrapped around the man’s neck in an embrace. The man turned to and kissed the new arrival on the lips before she asked, “What are you reading?”

“The daily newspaper,” Sean replied. Amanda took a look at the page he was reading and noticed a halfway-done crossword.

“Are you certain?” she laughed fondly.

“I was also passing the time, checking on my intellect to make sure it’s just as sharp as it used to be,” the man replied with a smug look.

“Of course, you were,” the woman chuckled.

The door burst open, letting out an irritated girl, “Ugh, the two of you are so disgusting. What are you even doing? If you’re going to make an heir, hurry up and do it already.”

“Someone’s jealous. You know, Bree. Even if we have one, she will never be able to replace you in a million years,” Amanda joked.

“You mean ‘he’, dear,” Sean pecked the woman and pulled her from behind him, guiding her to sit on his lap.


Complying with her mate’s wishes, she continued once she was seated, “No, I meant ‘she’. It doesn’t matter anyway. I know we’ll have both genders at some point,” the woman tried to let it go.

“The firstborn though. That one will be a strong male,” the king replied with a proud look on his face.

“I pray the goddess rewards us with a bundle of joy that will quell that unnecessary pride that resides within you,” the woman tapped his nose.

“I can’t say no to that,” Sean smiled and shelved away the argument, ‘I’ll take that win.’

“Ugh, get a room. It’s like I’m watching a romantic show. Since when does the king’s brother say more than a single sentence?” the girl complained, ‘What has become of my life?’

“Since he found his mate, I guess,” Amanda responded.

“That makes me curious on so many levels. How are the two of you mates to begin with? I don’t mean to pry, but she’s a general for the rogue king. There is simply no way the moon goddess can make a mistake like that,” the girl asked, sitting across from the two of them in a chair of her own.

“We could tell you what happened. It’s not like it’s a secret to anyone that knows that the two of us are mates,” the woman replied thoughtfully.

“Oh, this has got to be nice,” Bree smirked, rubbing her palms together. After spending time with these two, she was starting to get very bored and now... the most interesting kind of entertainment had come out of nowhere... gossip.

“Well, I was running about the woods and happened to run into a handsome lone wolf bathing under a waterfall. I might have overstayed my welcome and the two of us locked eyes. It was like fate, as many would say. We talked for a while and I was able to convince him to help the rogue king from inside the empire, the end,” the woman explained with a giggle.

“That summary is far too quick. Do you really remember that little of what happened?” Sean asked the woman in his lap?”

“Oh, I remember much more than that. I just wouldn’t want to get into it with someone who blackmailed you into losing your nephew’s trust,” the woman replied, narrowing her eyes at the girl.

“It doesn’t matter anyway. I’m hungry,” the girl raised her hands in surrender and stood to leave.

“I was just about to fix something up,” Sean beamed. This was Amanda’s cue to get off his lap. She did, however, not without placing another kiss on the man’s lips.

Bree took note of how quick Sean took her requests and couldn’t help, but get a familiar sensation in her mind. It was akin to the way her parents cared for her as a child.

“I can cook something for myself. You don’t have to do anything,” the girl argued. She almost added something else just to spite the older man, but he didn’t seem to be listening. His reply came just as fast.

“Oh no, I like cooking. So just get comfortable and I will have everything done. What would you like to eat though? Amanda brought home venison in the morning. I know that could make anyone’s mouth water from the mere thought of it,” the man responded, walking into the kitchen.

Bree clenched her fist... this had been going on for the bigger part of their last week and she did not want it to become her new life, “The two of you are stalling. Don’t think I haven’t caught up on your scheme? I can...”

“What can you do, Bree? You don’t have that mask of poison anymore and the two of us healed from it already. Not to mention you’re powerless against us. If it weren’t for Sean’s request, I would have killed you already. So please do tell... what can you do?” Amanda’s mask of tolerance had dropped. It was always the first to drop. Sean’s however, was always on... or was he simply that kind to her. Bree couldn’t tell.

“Threatening her won’t do any good, you know. Honestly, will you be threatening our kids as well?” the man called from the kitchen.

“Honey, our kids won’t try to stab us in the back. This one has betrayal written all over her,” the woman called back, taking a seat in the living room. The royal didn’t continue with the argument and Amanda took the hint as their discussion on the matter ended.

“The two of you are so confusing. Is this what you were planning to do from the start?” the girl asked. After coming to a stalemate, or rather, after her loss to the two royals, they had travelled through the forest and brought her to this peculiar cottage in the middle of nowhere.

The two wolves seemed to know where it was... but Bree couldn’t help but feel like there was so much more to them that she was missing. They talked, acted and kissed like they’d been in a happy marriage for a long time, each being a safe haven for the other... It was...

Weird(for someone who hadn’t seen it coming).

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