The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 336

336 [Bonus chapter]First Time On the Sidelines

Thorrin watched as five individuals were finally filtered out from the large crowd. The hunters in the room approached them. As the hunters got closer to these individuals, the pigeons surrounding them flew away giving the hunters access to the bloodied werewolves. While their faces were not still as recognisable because of all the blood, they were still able to identify them as the criminals that they had been looking for.

Katie stood relieved that no one had been hurt in the skirmish. The hunters went to work restraining the criminals only to step back as the five of them shifted immediately. The room was soon in the presence of five hostile wolves. Three of them could be identified as rogues while two weren’t. The hunters got ready for the fight that was to take place. Katie stepped back from the scene before her and got closer to Cole.

The king was already by her side, so she didn’t have to retreat all the way back to the thrones.

“It seems they don’t mean to come quietly,” Thorrin sighed right before he vanished in a blur. His tremendous speed launched him straight for the nearest wolf with the intention of putting him down with one hit. After all, his strength was quite enough for him to put the wolf down in a single move.

As he was about to make contact, however, the wolf swerved to the right, letting the man through. The Perfect Warrior was caught off-guard, but not left defenceless. Thorrin planted one of his feet on the armrest of the seat the wolf had been sitting on and with incredible balance and skill, used the sturdy wood to change his orientation completely to face the wolf.

The wolf, shocked by his quick reaction, turned to the people standing all around the room, petrified in fear. This was a fight he couldn’t win, however, if he could only get a hostage...

Another blur interrupted its path as Sandra appeared right in front of the wolf, wielding two hunting knives. The wolf planted his feet on the ground to break his speed, just narrowly surviving a swipe that would have marred his muzzle or... at his initial speed, taken his head off. Adjusting her hold on the knives, the girl went on the offensive the moment her attack was missed. The wolf rapidly and smoothly shifted into his human form and leapt back to escape the wrath of the female hunter, forgetting the warrior behind him.

Thorrin put the man to sleep with a punch to the back of the head, “You’re good. Or maybe, Katie’s a good teacher,” the man exclaimed.

“Both... Both is good...”



The other four wolves picked up on the first wolf’s way of thinking and chose to do what they did best. ‘Wreak Havoc...’ With their attack plan already falling to ruin, their intentions were known to all that watched them and that was to bring down as many civilians in the room as they could. Killing even one would mean a great failure to the hunters that were protecting them.

It went without saying that the wolves could already feel the noose wrapped around them getting tighter. From the moment Katie exposed them, the odds were no longer in their favour.

“Don’t let anyone out of this room. There could be others out there,” Thorrin yelled. This only made the wolves in the room more anxious to leave. Staying in the same room with criminals this vicious wouldn’t allow anyone comfort.

Marie danced around another wolf, not once allowing the wolf to catch sight of her. All the while delivering nicks and cuts at the right spots with a poisoned blade. Unlike Thorrin, she was not underestimating her opponents. Not after what had happened with the rogue king.

Before the wolf she was fighting could tell what was happening, the tendons in his legs were already cut and purple veins were spreading from the wounds. The wolf crumpled to the ground with a painful grunt and passed out. The hunters moved in to restrain the wolf while Marie set her sights on another that was being held back by three hunters. ‘I’m just glad I didn’t dress the same way I dressed my daughter,’ she mentally applauded her decision.


King Davin pulled up his sleeves and grabbed the unsuspecting wolf nearest to him by the scruff of the neck. Almost as though it weighed nothing, the king bashed its head into the back of a neighbouring chair and rendered him unconscious regardless of the wolf’s struggles. The other wolf was just as quickly dealt with and with more hunters getting a grip on the situation, the king only needed to block one of its escape routes while they handled the rest.

The last of the wolves turned to the stage and ran at full speed. Katie took a step back only to feel the fabric in the way of her shoe. The dress she wore was not manoeuvrable at all and she could have sworn she saw the wolf smirk at the sight of her fidgeting to get away.

The wolf leapt from below the raised platform before the thrones only to get caught in the neck by the palm of the newly crowned king. Katie looked back at the throne and where Cole was currently standing. Sighing in relief that she was protected, she was about to turn away. “Katie,” Darla cooed, “Something’s wrong with your mate.”

Katie turned fast and her eyes widened in shock. Cole was angry enough to kill the wolf dangling in his hands. Shaking off the strange thoughts Ashley was trying to project from watching Cole defend them, the girl pushed forward and placed her hands on Cole’s shoulders. “Cole...” her voice did the trick. The alpha let the wolf fall to the ground. Jason rushed forward and knocked him unconscious, finishing his alpha’s job.

“How are you so calm right...?” Cole froze at the sight of his mate, “Katie, what’s wrong with your eyes?”

At the same time, another voice yelled from across the throne room. Katie recognized Sandra’s voice amidst all the chaos. However, the voice was getting fainter and fainter. ‘That’s not right...’

The third item to fight for her attention was the sudden appearance of a sixth wolf diving straight for her with its maw open wide. Her instincts kicked in to help her evade the wolf.

She wanted to pivot out of the way of the incoming wolf. This time was different though. Everything was starting to move slower and her legs roared in fatigue and rejected the commands she gave them...

Her energy was already spent.

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